Cheney--Bruce D. (Laboratory School Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Man of La Mancha was good but . . .
Northern Iowan 68:20, p.3
Review of the play.
2 'Man of La Mancha' set for Thursday debut
Northern Iowan 68:18, p.1
Scene from play; photo.
3 UNI grad will star in 'Man of La Mancha'
Northern Iowan 68:15, p.8
1967 alumnus Bruce Cheney will return to play role; photo.
4 UNI Grad to Play Leading Role in UNI Music Theater's "Man of La Mancha"
Public Relations News Release 1972:116, p.1
Bruce Cheney will sing the leading role in the musical which is being presented at UNI Nov. 18-20 and Nov. 22-23 in Music Hall.
5 Music Theatre to present 'The Fantasticks' this week
College Eye 63:49, p.1
Preview of the presentation; photo.
6 SCI students to sing with opera company
College Eye 63:47, p.5
Joan Anderson, Bruce Cheney, and Ed Brunskill will perform with the St. Louis Municipal Opera.
7 Two seniors give recital
College Eye 63:39, p.8
Joan Anderson and Bruce Cheney will perform.
8 SCI students win St. Louis opera auditions
College Eye 60:51, p.8
Will sing there this summer.
9 Two students to present recitals
College Eye 60:48, p.4
Joan Anderson and Bruce Cheney will present concert.
10 Untitled
College Eye 60:25, p.8
Soloists wait to participate in Handel's "Messiah."
11 SCI's opera 'far excels many college productions'
College Eye 60:21, p.1
Review of "La Boheme"; photo
12 Three SCIans spend summer in opera group
College Eye 59:37, p.4
Katherine Seene, Ed Brunskill, and Bruce Cheney will perform with the St. Louis Municipal Opera.
13 Sixteen faculty members submit resignations, retire
College Eye 58:32, p.4

Roster of changes and assignments.