Children's Theater

Displaying 1 - 50 of 51 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Waterloo native Michael Mosley stars in hit T. V. show "Scrubs"
Northern Iowan 106:27, p.7
The ninth season of "Scrubs" is highlighted by the addition of three new main characters. One of the new members is a native of Waterloo, Michael Mosley.
2 Sturgis Youth Theatre presents 'Pinocchio,' July 23 through July 26
Public Relations News Release 2008:607, p.1
The Theatre celebrates its 10th anniversary with its Summer Fun Prodution, "Pinocchio," adapted by John Baldwin, Jr., from Carlo Collodi's classic children's story; directed by Gretta Berghammer, founder of the Sturgis Youth Theatre. Students listed.
3 Another chance to see pageant
Northern Iowan 81:24, p.17
The Black Hawk Community Children's Theatre added one more performance to their production of "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever".
4 UNI tree lighting plans announced
Public Relations News Release 1981:173, p.1
John J. Kamerick will turn the switch that lights the large evergreen near the southwest corner of the Union. A skit, concert, caroling, and the arrival of Santa and his elves will follow. The events are free and open to the public.
5 Wonderland on stage
Northern Iowan 71:62, p.4
Preview of first summer children's play, "Alice in Wonderland".
6 "And who are you?"
Northern Iowan 71:62, p.1

Scene from "Alice in Wonderland"; photo.

7 Experience odyssey
Northern Iowan 71:26, p.6
Preview of "Hang on to your Head".
8 "Hang onto your head"
Northern Iowan 71:25, p.1
Scene from play; photo.
9 Cast announced
Northern Iowan 71:21, p.5
Cast list for "Hang on to your Head".
10 Theater auditions
Northern Iowan 71:14, p.4
Will audition for "Hang on to Your Head".
11 Musical "Rags to Riches" presented in Children's Theatre
Northern Iowan 69:23, p.13
Preview of play; photo.
12 "The Thwarting of Baron Bolligrew" is children's play
Northern Iowan 66:24, p.12
Cast of twenty-three selected; photo.
13 Potpourri
Northern Iowan 65:49, p.5
Activities and meetings.
14 Untitled
Alumnus 50:1, p.9
Perform "The Wonderful Tang" for children.
15 Carolers, Messiah, Santa. . . While snow covers all
College Eye 53:13, p.4

Photos from the Christmas season; photo.

16 Student production commended
College Eye 53:13, p.2

Congratulates SCI students for the work they did on the production of the children's theater play, "The Princess and the Swineherd".

17 'Princess' curtain times clarified
College Eye 53:12, p.1
18 Untitled
College Eye 53:11, p.1

Two SCI students practice for "The Princess and the Swineherd"; photo.

19 Students produce children's theater
College Eye 53:10, p.5

A look at the production of "The Princess and the Swineherd"; photo.

20 'The Princess and Swineherd' cast is set
College Eye 53:8, p.3

List of cast members for the Children's Theatre production.

21 Children's Theatre to present "Alice in Wonderland"
Public Relations News Release 1960:139, p.1
Stanley Wood directs the Children's Theatre performance of "Alice in Wonderland" as its annual Christmas dramatization. The performance will be held in the auditorium, consisting of a cast of area children.
22 ISTC Children's Theater to offer "Alice in Wonderland"
Public Relations News Release 1960:125, p.1
Nineteen students are cast for the Children's Theater production of "Alice and Wonderland". The performance is directed by Stanley Wood, associate professor of speech.
23 Children's Theater- "Land of the Dragon"
Old Gold 0:0, p.61
"Land of the Dragon" was the play preformed by the Children's Theater. The story originates from China and involves the adventures of a princess, her hero, and his dragon. It was preformed in the traditional style of Chinese theater with property men, invisible to the audience, carried props on and off stage or was used as props themselves.
24 Hurry Dragon, sighed all anxious babysitters
College Eye 51:13, p.3
A child's eye view of the recent Children's Theater production.
25 3300 children view 'Dragon' at Cedar Rapids
College Eye 51:12, p.2
Actors take show on road; photo.
26 'Land of Dragon' to present out-of-town shows first
College Eye 51:11, p.1
Play preview; photo.
27 'Land of Dragon' to be featured in ten performances
College Eye 51:9, p.2
List of cast members.
28 China-type play 'Land of Dragon' to be produced
College Eye 51:8, p.1
For Children's Theater.
29 Children's Theater- Greensleeves' Magic
Old Gold 0:0, p.59
Greensleeves' Magic, a Children's Theater play, delighted both children and adults with their display of costumes and scenery; the Grand Duchess was played by Bill Carr; photo.
30 "Greensleeves" delights youngsters for Christmas
Alumnus 44:1, p.8
Children's Theater production; photo.
31 Greensleeves to attract children of every age
College Eye 50:12, p.1
Preview of "Greensleeves Magic"; list of cast members; photo.
32 Rumpelstiltskin
Old Gold 0:0, p.51
The Brothers Grimm tale was performed by the drama department as part of their first children's theatre production; photos.
33 Children's Theater
Alumnus 42:1, p.5
Produces "Rumplestiltskin" after five year absence.
34 Behind-the-scenes efforts help to create fantasy
College Eye 49:13, p.7
A look at set preparation for "Rumpelstiltskin"; photo.
35 Grimms' play certain to weave spell
College Eye 49:13, p.7
Preview of "Rumpelstiltskin"; photo.
36 Children's theatre project: Rumpelstiltskin for all ages
College Eye 49:12, p.3
Preview of the play; list of cast members; photo.
37 Drama dept. prepares for child fantasy
College Eye 49:10, p.1
Will produce "Rumplestiltskin"; first children's production in five years.
38 Announce cast for children's production
Public Relations News Release 1950:225, p.1
The third annual Children's Theatre production, Charlotte Chorpenning's "The Indian Captive," will be performed in the college auditorium. The drama is based on the authentic story of the captivity of Eleanor Lytell by the Seneca Indians.
39 On stage . . .
College Eye 41:13, p.1
Children's Theatre performs "Tom Sawyer;" photo.
40 'Tom Sawyer' production begins today
College Eye 41:13, p.1
Second annual Children's Theatre production; preview of the play.
41 Children's Theatre ticket sales begin
College Eye 41:12, p.1
Will be presenting "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer."
42 Crews announced for Twain play
College Eye 41:11, p.1
List of crew members for production of "Tom Sawyer's Treasure Hunt".
43 Cast for Children's Theater named
College Eye 41:9, p.4
List of cast members.
44 Mark Twain play to be presented
College Eye 41:8, p.7
This will be second annual Children's Theatre production.
45 Drama students present fairy tale
Alumnus 33:1, p.4
Children's Theatre presented "The Sleeping Beauty".
46 'Sleeping Beauty' brings medieval imagery to stage
College Eye 40:13, p.1
Play preview.
47 Children's Theater designed to recall childhood memories
College Eye 40:12, p.1
A look at costuming preparations for "The Sleeping Beauty".
48 Cast chosen for children's theater play
College Eye 40:9, p.1
List of cast members for "The Sleeping Beauty".
49 Department of English and Speech to inaugurate Children's Theater
College Eye 40:8, p.1
Will present "The Sleeping Beauty".
50 Children's Theatre continues plays
College Eye 40:5, p.5
College Players present scenes from several plays.