Claus--Robert (Sociology Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 86 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 General activism and unrest on and off campus
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.278
President Maucker attempts to work with students to deal with civil rights and discrimination concerns; students stage march in Cedar Falls; photo.
2 University of Northern Iowa students initiated into international sociological honor society
Public Relations News Release 1991:306, p.1
Alpha Kappa Delta announces new members.
3 University of Northern Iowa Parents' Association to install new officers and board members Saturday (November 9)
Public Relations News Release 1991:199, p.1
UNIPA announces new officers and board members.
4 Self-help suicide--why is there so much interest in a "dark" topic?
Public Relations News Release 1991:8, p.1
There may be a lessening of the stigma of suicide for the ill and elderly.
5 An aging nation faces challenges as baby boomers grow older.
Public Relations News Release 1990:519, p.1
Baby boomers urged to plan ahead and establish good retirement plans.
6 Sociology honorary at University of Northern Iowa inducts new members.
Public Relations News Release 1989:644, p.1
Members initiated into Alpha Kappa Delta, international sociological honor society. Membership in Alpha Kappa Delta is in recognition of high scholarship and achievement in the field of sociological studies, and university scholarship in general.
7 Sociology honorary at University of Northern Iowa inducts new members
Public Relations News Release 1989:309, p.1
The Alpha Kappa Delta sociological society inducts nine new members. Professor Robert E. Claus acts as faculty advisor. Members are listed by hometown.
8 Retirement is no day at the beach without careful planning, says University of Northern Iowa professor.
Public Relations News Release 1989:210, p.1
Bob Claus says retirement can be a welcome time for people to relax, or go back to school, or even re-enter the job market. But for others retirement can trigger feelings of displacement and severe emotional stress.
9 To retire or not to retire ¿ that is the question.
Public Relations News Release 1989:180, p.1
Robert Claus while programs to retire early may seem attractive, the key to a successful retirement is advance planning. Forced retirement programs often have a negative impact on the health and well being of those who are forced out of the workplace.
10 University of Northern Iowa students initiated into sociology honorary.
Public Relations News Release 1988:478, p.1
Larina Noe Bland, Peggy Chari, Douglas Gentry, Lori Schwarzkof and Deborah Carstensen were recently initiated into Alpha Kappa Delta, an internaional sociological honor society.
11 An aging generation -- get ready for the coming age wave.
Public Relations News Release 1988:410, p.1
Robert Claus says the graying of America will definitely put a strain on the nation's health care systems. While medical technology is helping us to live longer, the next step is improving the quality of life during the quality of life.
12 Three University of Northern Iowa students initiated into sociology honorary.
Public Relations News Release 1988:206, p.1
New initiates into Alpha Kappa Delta International Sociological Honor Society are: Amy Jo Homan, Larry Underwood, and Marcia Hitchcock. Membership is in high scholarship and achievement in the field of sociological studies.
13 Northern Iowa students initiated into sociology honorary
Public Relations News Release 1987:195, p.1
Alpha Kappa Delta accepts Anthony Carico, Steve Pohlmeyer, and Joel Robert Christy. The students were recognized for achievement in sociological studies. Alpha Kappa Delta's acting faculty advisor is Professor Robert Claus.
14 Radio News Network Broadcast Briefs
Public Relations News Release 1987:124, p.1
Robert Ross speaks on the importance of Midwestern caucuses and primaries in presidential elections. Tolu Honary examines wind power as an alternative power source. Ching Woo discusses the dangers of burning leaves.
15 Seven UNI students initiated into sociological honor society
Public Relations News Release 1987:360, p.1
The Alpha Kappa Delta International Sociological Honor Society accepts seven new student members. Faculty advisor for the group is Professor Robert Claus.
16 I love a parade!
Northern Iowan 83:10, p.1
Faculty watch the homecoming parade; photo.
17 Six students initiated into UNI Sociological Honorary
Public Relations News Release 1986:410, p.1
Claus is advisor to Alpha Kappa Delta.
18 UNI student wins statewide research paper contest
Public Relations News Release 1986:372, p.1
Camarigg, a senior sociology major, won the Manford Kuhn Award for her research paper "A Contrast/Comparison of Anti-Pornography Attitudes" at the annual Iowa Sociological Association meeting held at the University of Iowa.
19 Four UNI studetns initiated into sociological honorary
Public Relations News Release 1985:181, p.1
Alpha Kappa Delta, the internationaol sociological honor society announces new members.
20 New members to be honored
Northern Iowan 81:26, p.5
List of those initiated into Alpha Kappa Delta and Lambda Alpha.
21 Coleman to address sociologists
Northern Iowan 80:43, p.3
Professor Claus will host conference.
22 AFT wants closer look at EOP administrator neglect criticized
Northern Iowan 78:53, p.4
Text of statement calling for investigation of EOP administration.
23 Does teaching need a warning?
Northern Iowan 78:25, p.1
Faculty members give their impressions of college teaching.
24 Teaching hazards tonight
Northern Iowan 78:23, p.4
Phi Alpha Theta will sponsor panel discussion.
25 Panel to discuss college teaching
Public Relations News Release 1981:174, p.1
William Lang, Robert Claus, Darrel Davis, Jack Kimball, and James Macmillan will talk about the pleasures and hazards of college teaching. Jay Olson will moderate the panel.
26 Faculty unions aren't brotherly
Northern Iowan 78:13, p.1
UNI's two faculty unions do not co-exist peacefully, though the groups have many common goals.
27 More on apathy discussion
Northern Iowan 78:11, p.2
Faculty apathy is discussed.
28 Apathy misunderstood
Northern Iowan 78:10, p.2
Professor Claus explains that UNI professors are dedicated to educating the student body.
29 Eight High School Bands to participate in Homecoming Parade
Public Relations News Release 1981:73, p.1

Bands and judges announced for the Homecoming parade. Ten floats and eleven clowns will compete.

30 Professors say work unrewarded
Northern Iowan 78:8, p.1
AFT panelists voice opinions on work environment at UNI.
31 Frustrations on the job to be studied
Northern Iowan 78:2, p.3
Professor Claus will conduct seminars in association with extension course.
32 Course on changes in the workplace to be offered by UNI, newspaper
Public Relations News Release 1981:23, p.1
A new course offering as part of the Courses by Newspaper program is addressed; course is called "Working: Changes and Choices;" the course includes a textbook, newspaper articles published by the Cedar Falls Record and five seminar classes at UNI.
33 Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work Faculty Member & Students Honored
Public Relations News Release 1980:571, p.1
Several students and Dr. Kitack Suh were inducted into Alpha Kappa Delta which is the international sociological honor society.
34 Behavior patterns affected by crises
Northern Iowan 77:38, p.1
Professor Maypole offers his opinions on behavior in crisis.
35 Registrations being taken for UNI extension courses in Marshalltown
Public Relations News Release 1980:288, p.1
Three courses will be offered this summer at Iowa Valley Community College in Marshalltown, Iowa. The courses can be applied toward a UNI degree or elsewhere.
36 UNI students initiated into sociological honor society
Public Relations News Release 1980:269, p.1
The International Sociological Honor Society, Alpha Kapa Delta, initiated three new members: Shelly J. Adams, Bernadette Mendt, and Kurt L. Mielke.
37 UNI's traditional homecoming parade Saturday October 25 to have a new route
Public Relations News Release 1980:163, p.1
This years homecoming route will be new with plan to move west on Seerly boulevard.
38 Continue efforts to attain faculty unity
Northern Iowan 75:44, p.2
Robert Claus offers his opinions on attaining harmony among the faculty.
39 AFT = Jimmy Hoffa?
Northern Iowan 75:20, p.2
Professor Claus urges faculty members to think for themselves in the ongoing union debates.
40 10, not 110!
Northern Iowan 74:41, p.3
Professor Claus claims that only ten faculty would benefit from the new salary schedule.
41 Speaking as an individual
Northern Iowan 74:16, p.2
Professor Claus claims that he spoke to the Regents as an individual and not as a representative of an organization; does not believe United Faculty has done a good job on faculty salaries.
42 Commends Dodge
Northern Iowan 73:56, p.3
Congratulations and good luck to Johnny Dodge for graduating.
43 Homecoming '76
Alumnus 61:4, p.10
Homecoming highlights; photo.
44 Why we support UNI/AFT
Northern Iowan 73:21, p.10
Professors offer their opinions.
45 UNI Union displays Motherwell art
Northern Iowan 70:37, p.6
Several events scheduled in connection with exhibit.
46 UNI News Briefs
Public Relations News Release 1971:484, p.1
Dr. Bultena lead a discussion at the 1971 Iowa Sociological Assocation meeting on March 25; Dr. Paul Kelso receieved a certificate of service; Ruth Sevy recetnly received honor awards
47 Poll of students sought by prof.
Northern Iowan 67:21, p.3
Professor Claus would like to know what students consider to be important in their general education.
48 UNI Sunrise Semester TV Course to Begin Sept. 28
Public Relations News Release 1970:40, p.1
Offered by the UNI Extension Service; instructed by Professor Claus.
49 New fall T.V. class stars Claus in "Urban Man"
Northern Iowan 66:64, p.1
Professor Claus outlines his course.
50 Urban Education Workshop Scheduled at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:682, p.1
The workshop has been designed to explore methods in human relations and urban education as it affects minority group children and youth. It is limited to 25 members and participants can earn 2 hours of credit.