
Displaying 1 - 50 of 709 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI's Spring clothing drive
Northern Iowan 119:40, p.5
March 6 through March 8, 2023 UNI is encouraging students to donate any new or gently used clothing into bins that will be located in campus dorms lobbies or Maucker Union. The clothes will then be put on sale in April in the Maucker Ballroom and all of the proceeds will go to Panther Pantry; photo.
2 Office of International Engagement winter clothing drive
Northern Iowan 119:24, p.5
The Office of International Engagement (OIE) is hosting a clothing drive for international students who do not have the proper winter gear. They are asking for any winter gear that are in good condition to get students through the vicious Iowa winter months.
3 International students and culture shock
Northern Iowan 119:16, p.5
Guest columnist Patrice Watson interviews various UNI international students about the culture shocks they have experienced on campus. Some of the common culture shocks the students have experienced is smiling and making eye contact when passing people, the difference in clothing styles, and the more informal classes; photo.
4 Winter clothing available in ISSO
Northern Iowan 117:38, p.4
The International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO) will hold their annual coat drive. Winter clothing donated will be available in room 113 of Maucker Union for any UNI student that needs it; photo.
5 ISSO collecting winter clothing donations
Northern Iowan 116:22, p.1
The International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO) will hold a winter clothing drive to assist international students during the Midwestern winter. Isabela Varela, the director of the ISSO, talks about the financial burden of purchasing winter clothes, especially for exchange students who are only at UNI for a semester; photos.
6 STORC discusses leggings, ethics
Northern Iowan 116:7, p.4
The Study of Religion Club (STORC) had its first club meeting of the year on September 18 in Bartlett Hall. The topic they discussed was leggings (the clothing) and whether they were appropriate in places such as school, college campus, church, and so on; photo.
7 Panther Portrait: Catwalk 27
Northern Iowan 115:53, p.5
The Textiles and Apparel program (TAPP) held its 27th annual student design show, "Catwalk 27: Runway to Heaven," on April 27 in Lang Hall Auditorium; photos.
8 Former UNI student starts '6 Mile Clothing'
Northern Iowan 115:41, p.5
Former student Alex Oleson started "6 Mile Clothing" to benefit Christian missions in countries such as China and Haiti; photo.
9 Clothesline Project brings awareness
Northern Iowan 114:15, p.2
UNI's Women and Gender Studies (WGS) Program hosted the Clothesline Project to raise awareness of violence against women as a part of the Relationship Violence Awareness Month. People who have been effected by violence could write anonymous messages on the t-shirts that would be hung up around the Union; photo.
10 New issue from student mag
Northern Iowan 112:45, p.1

The student magazine Uprising, which focuses on fashion, music, and culture in the Cedar Valley, published its second issue; photos.

11 You are who you wear, right?
Northern Iowan 112:39, p.3

In the author's opinion, fashion companies exploit perceptions of their brands, and people should be defined based on their characteristics instead of clothing.

12 Career Fair Guide
Northern Iowan 112:35, p.5

"The NI's Declassified Career Fair Survival Guide" for Spring 2016 includes a list of participating organizations, career fair tips, and the article "CSA clothing drive" about the Communication Student Association (CSA) professional clothing drive February 15-16; photos.

13 DIY this Halloween
Northern Iowan 112:17, p.5

Baughman and Rekemeyer offer easy and inexpensive do-it-yourself costume ideas for Halloween.

14 Itchy tags, fake pockets and gendered clothing
Northern Iowan 111:36, p.3
Student Monica Clark addresses the way clothing companies treat gender; photo.
15 How to make a tank top for spring break
Northern Iowan 110:43, p.4
Step by step instructions on how to turn an old t-shirt into a fashionable tank top for spring break; photo.
16 UNI to host seventh annual Polar Bare Run, Walk or Roll
Public Relations News Release 2013:108, p.1
UNI Alumni Association and Connecting Alumni to Students are putting on their annual Polar Bare Run, Walk or Roll event. This is a mile-long run, and students are encouraged to bring clothing to donate to the Salvation Army.
17 Career Fair Guide
Northern Iowan 110:4, p.1
Tips for students on how to make a great impression at the Career Fair. Includes proper dress and sample questions to ask. There is also a list of the businesses attending the Career Fair.
18 Panther sports teams sponsored t-shirt exchange
Northern Iowan 110:4, p.4
Photos taken at the UNI t-shirt exchange. Students were able to exchange their University of Iowa of Iowa State University shirts for a one featuring UNI; photo.
19 UNI career fair provides opportunities
Northern Iowan 110:4, p.4
The annual UNI career fair will be held on September 16th. This is an opportunity for students to speak with many organizations and potential employers. Students should prepare themselves accordingly and act professional; photo.
20 Websites to watch
Northern Iowan 109:38, p.6
Discusses different websites used for online shopping.
21 Grit 'n' Glam
Northern Iowan 109:32, p.7
Fashion questions asked and answered; photo.
22 Grit'n Glam
Northern Iowan 109:13, p.6
Advice on how to dress appropriately for one's personal limitations and contexts.
23 Grit 'n Glam
Northern Iowan 109:11, p.5
Style and beauty column focuses on fashion examples of Michelle Obama.
24 Grit' 'n' Glam
Northern Iowan 109:9, p.4
Fashion questions asked and answered; photo.
25 Grit 'n' Glam
Northern Iowan 109:7, p.8
Fashion questions asked and answered; photo.
26 Grit 'n' Glam
Northern Iowan 109:5, p.13
Fashion questions asked and answered; photo.
27 Dress to impress, before and after landing the job
Northern Iowan 109:5, p.
Always dress well for an interview. Neat, clean clothing goes a long way in selling yourself. Appearance may not be everything, but it can be the difference between getting a job and missing the opportunity.
28 Swap 'til you drop for Earth Month
Northern Iowan 108:54, p.7
Students donating clothing items allowed to choose the same number of items during the first clothing swap. The slogan for the event was; "Reduce, Revamp, Rewear"; photo.
29 UNI to host Earth Week events
Northern Iowan 108:50, p.6
Campus wide series of events announced.
30 'tis the season of holiday giving
Northern Iowan 108:27, p.7
Opportunities for sharing with those in need during the Christmas season; photo.
31 Week highlights opportunities for international education
Northern Iowan 108:22, p.4
November 14 marks the beginning of a series of events highlighting many different countries. Information displays, international foods, cultural games, and speakers will be featured.
32 Community bares it all for Polar Bare Run, Walk or Roll
Northern Iowan 108:22, p.8
Salvation Army benefited from the fifth annual event. Thirty-four boxes of clothing were donated, thanks to the generosity of the participants; photo.
33 Essentials Homecoming t-shirt tradition continues
Northern Iowan 108:10, p.1
Essentials has an exhibit of twelve years of Homecoming t-shirts on display. These shirts were originally designed for employees of Essentials, but became very popular and are now available to the public; photo.
34 Seeds of Hope Clothing Drive provides support for abuse victims
Northern Iowan 107:53, p.6
Seeds of Hope, a non-profit organization, helps prevent domestic violence and provides support during transitional periods. Students are helping with a clothing drive.
35 Clothes and Costumes
Northern Iowan 107:47, p.9
Clothing selection differs among people. Many do not want to follow the "trends". They look for functional, sturdy, well-constructed clothing that is not flashy or flimsy.
36 Pants: a dissertation
Northern Iowan 107:46, p.5
A pants less society would have some advantages and several disadvantages. Just a fun thought; photo.
37 UNI community members shedding their clothes for a good cause
Northern Iowan 107:21, p.6
The fourth annual Polar Bare Rum, Walk, or Roll will be held November 9. This is a fundraiser for the Salvation Army. Clothing donated will be distributed within the Cedar Valley.
38 The topless double standard
Northern Iowan 106:49, p.5
Discussion on the Go Topless organization that fights for the right for women to be nude from the waist up.
39 Don't sweat it!
Northern Iowan 106:34, p.6
Wearing sweatpants to class does not affect learning, but is seen by many students as being too casual and not setting the proper tone for a university community; photo.
40 Panthers give back
Northern Iowan 106:26, p.9
Giving trees are located in Maucker Union. Ornaments describe an item needed for boys and girls ages one to sixteen.
41 A family fashion affair continues
Northern Iowan 106:20, p.8
Lisa Richter grew up sleeping in fitting rooms in women's stores owned by her mother. She still manages her mother's stores and recently opened her own store in Cedar Falls; photo.
42 News Brief: Polar Bare Run
Northern Iowan 106:20, p.3
Third annual Polar Bare Run will be held; starting and ending at the Alumni House. The event is sponsored by the Alumni Association and the student group, Connecting Alumni to Students. Salvation Army benefits from the donated clothing.
43 Vanity unites with Cotton Inc. to promote denim jean recycling
Northern Iowan 106:9, p.12
Companies strive to collect 100,000 pairs of donated jeans, which will be recycled into environmentally-friendly Ultra Touch Natural Cotton Fiber Insulation to aid communities in need.
44 The power of expensive jeans
Northern Iowan 106:7, p.4
Believes that cost is justified for expensive jeans if they fit correctly and make the wearer feel confident.
45 Top ten freshman pitfalls
Northern Iowan 106:5, p.9
Urges freshmen to write everything down in their planners, study, read, freshman 15, dress appropriately for winter and class. The goal is not to stand out, look, or act like a freshman.
46 Catwalk to class: how to freshen up your classroom style
Northern Iowan 106:4, p.8
Alternative student classroom attire options include: biker chic, rad plaid, shine on, 80s flashback, or thigh high; photo.
47 An All-American classic
Northern Iowan 106:4, p.5
A perfect fitting pair of jeans is very important to college students. Prices of jeans can be excessive. It is better to have two pairs of lower priced jeans instead of one expensive pair.
48 Dress for success
Northern Iowan 105:39, p.6
Students urged to take the time to examine themselves in a mirror prior to being seen in public. Tucking shirts in and combing hair can help a person's self image and improve his or her mood.
49 Pangos coats Cedar Falls in low prices
Northern Iowan 105:32, p.11
A new store has located in Thunder Ridge Court. Pangos specializes in surplus merchandise on a seasonal basis. Currently a large supply of winter coats is available; photo.
50 A big thank you to the parents
Northern Iowan 105:13, p.8
Recognizes sacrifices made by parents for their children; appreciates parents for providing clothing, housing , food, and education for their children.