Cohagan--Stephen Arthur (Classes of 1909--1910--and 1912)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 97 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Mrs. S. A. Cohagan Alumnus 36:1, p.24 |
The former Syrene Tolstrup died on December 3, 1951. | |
2 | S. A. Cohagan Alumnus 31:3, p.11 |
Is director of the Henry W. Grout historical museum; plans to secure a history of Black Hawk County for the museum. Resigned as secretary of the Waterloo Y. M. C. A. after more than twenty-seven years of service. | |
3 | Alumni attend their first post-war reunion Alumnus 30:3, p.3 |
Over three hundred alumni attend first reunion since 1942; description of program; photo. | |
4 | Alumni reunion Public Relations News Release 1946:170, p.1 |
Over three hundred alumni gathered for the sixty third reunion. Ten members of the class of 1896 attended. | |
5 | Alumni reunion Public Relations News Release 1946:167, p.1 |
Ten members of the class of 1896 returned for the 50th reunion. Over three hundred alumni returned for the annual reunion day. | |
6 | S. A. Cohagen Alumnus 21:4, p.24 |
General Secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association. | |
7 | Nine of Class of '10 served in World War, records show Alumnus 19:4, p.11 |
Roster of those who were in military service. | |
8 | Class of 1910 holds center of stage at reunion Alumnus 19:3, p.2 |
Alumni dinner honors 1910 graduates; description of event. | |
9 | S. A. Cohagen Alumnus 19:3, p.32 |
Katherine Cohagen, daughter of the former Syrena Tolstrup and husband, S. A. Cohagen, died at Waterloo, Iowa, April 17, 1931. Mr. Cohagen is general secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association of Waterloo. | |
10 | Mr. Cohagen Alumnus 16:1, p.28 |
Received degrees at the Teachers College. | |
11 | S. A. Cohagen, (Syrena Tolstrup) Alumnus 15:3, p.32 |
Katherine Cohagen, daughter of S. A. Cohagen, and the former Syrena Tolstrup, died at Waterloo, Iowa, April 17, 1931. S. A. Cohagen is general secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association of Waterloo. | |
12 | Training School has Hi-Y banquet College Eye 18:25, p.1 |
13 | S. A. Cohagen College Eye 17:33, p.3 |
S. A. Cohagen, secretary of the Y.M.C.A. in Waterloo, spoke at the father-son banquet in Bartlett Hall. | |
14 | Mr. S. A. Cohagan College Eye 17:26, p.2 |
S. A. Cohagan will speak at Sunday services. | |
15 | Cohagan to speak College Eye 17:17, p.3 |
On significance of YMCA membership. | |
16 | Mr. S. A. Cohagan College Eye 17:15, p.2 |
Stephen Cohagan will speak to YMCA. | |
17 | Cohagen speaks at 'Y' meeting last Thursday College Eye 16:35, p.1 |
Spoke of work of George Williams in relation to the origin of the Y. M. C. A. | |
18 | Cohagen to speak at "Y" Thursday College Eye 16:34, p.8 |
Stephen Cohagen of the Waterloo Y. M. C. A. to speak on the origin of the Y. M. C. A. and its relation to world problems. | |
19 | Y. M. officers installed College Eye 12:28, p.1 |
Enjoy program and look at accomplishments. | |
20 | S. A. Cohagan Alumni News Letter 5:1, p.6 |
Cohagan recognized as promising and effective in work with YMCA. | |
21 | S. A. Cohagan Alumni News Letter 4:4, p.4 |
Makes report showing Waterloo's progress. | |
22 | S. A. Cohagan College Eye 12:5, p.6 |
Is the general secretary for the Y. M. C. A. | |
23 | Prominent Y. men visit T. C. College Eye 12:4, p.1 |
Heard about men's mixer. | |
24 | S. A. Cohagen Alumni News Letter 4:2, p.6 |
S. A. Cohagen accepted position as General Secretary of Waterloo Y. M. C. A. | |
25 | S. A. Cohagen Alumni News Letter 3:4, p.6 |
Cohagen resigned post as Y. M. C. A. secretary to reinstate the former secretary. | |
26 | S. A. Cohagan College Eye 7:31, p.8 |
Is doing good work in Davenport. | |
27 | Official College Eye 7:9, p.6 |
News of former students and faculty members; notes on enrollment. | |
28 | Mr. S. A. Cohagen College Eye 7:4, p.7 |
Talks about the rewards of his college experience. | |
29 | Official Notes College Eye 4:26, p.3 |
Makes important education announcements at the local, state and national level; ISTC students doing well at University of Iowa.. | |
30 | Last Wednesday evening College Eye 3:1, p.24 |
Marriage of Rena Tolstrup and S. A. Cohagan took place. | |
31 | Large number of graduates secure prominent positions College Eye 2:3, p.7 |
Roster of students who have found jobs. | |
32 | Untitled Old Gold 0:0, p.206 |
Cartoon of the Old Gold staff at work. | |
33 | At Y. M. reception Old Gold 0:0, p.268 |
Jokes. | |
34 | Untitled Old Gold 0:0, p.205 |
Photos of the 1912 Old Gold's business managers. | |
35 | Philo roll Old Gold 0:0, p.185 |
Roster of members and honorary faculty members. |
36 | Cap and Gown organization Old Gold 0:0, p.40 |
Roster of officers; photo of members. | |
37 | Seniors Old Gold 0:0, p.73 |
Photos of senior students. | |
38 | Mrs. S. L. Cohagan College Eye 1:31, p.3 |
Visited her son, S. A. Cohagan, last week and attended the festival. | |
39 | Messrs. Hammersly, Cohagan and Houstman College Eye 1:30, p.5 |
Along with Supt. Fred Vorhies, spent Saturday and Sunday visiting Plainfield with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Miller. | |
40 | Honors are divided; Morningside wins at Cedar Falls, Teachers receive unanimous decision at Sioux City College Eye 1:29, p.1 |
Lengthy recap of the debate. | |
41 | S. A. Cohagan College Eye 1:26, p.7 |
Has been chosen as assistant secretary of the Davenport Y. M. C. A. | |
42 | Did you know College Eye 1:24, p.4 |
Urges students to subscribe to the Old Gold; urges people to arrive on time for entertainment. | |
43 | Be one of eight hundred College Eye 1:20, p.2 |
Old Gold staff working hard; urges students to subscribe. | |
44 | Large number will attend convention; state volunteer union will hold annual gathering at Cornell College, February 23, 24, and 25 College Eye 1:19, p.1 |
Will feature speakers who have served as missionaries. | |
45 | Morningside debaters chosen; six men selected to represent the college in debate with Morningside; three men's societies equally represented College Eye 1:17, p.6 |
Summary of the debates. | |
46 | Association news College Eye 1:17, p.5 |
Gospel team visits New Hartford. | |
47 | Lyceum of politics and economics reorganizes; first meeting will be held next Tuesday night. College Eye 1:17, p.1 |
Group elects officers. | |
48 | Morningside preliminary will be held Saturday evening February third; men will battle for places on inter-collegiate teams on that date College Eye 1:15, p.1 |
Preview of the contest to select interstate competitors. | |
49 | Seniors decide to have Commencement orator College Eye 1:14, p.6 |
Roster of committee members. | |
50 | Old Gold staff are hard at work; S. A. Cohagan chosen as assistant business manager College Eye 1:12, p.1 |
Business Manager Grover Hamersly is apparently recovering from illness; other staff should be able to do the job. |