Colburn--Richard W. (Art Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 83 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 'Made in Iowa' Exhibit opens to public
Northern Iowan 109:4, p.5
Richard Colburn's photos are featured in the Gallery of Art. His photos were taken over a thirty year time frame. Colburn is a professor in the Department of Art; photo.
2 UNI Gallery of Art to present two photography exhibitions
Public Relations News Release 2012:17, p.1
Richard Colburn will present a selection of his own work. He will also curate photographs from several collections for the second exhibit.
3 Photography
Northern Iowan 104:39, p.7
Polaroid instant film will cease production in September. Brief history of the Polaroid.
4 More than a thousand words
Northern Iowan 104:28, p.7
A look at "The Language of Photography", an exhibit at the Gallery of Art; photo.
5 UNI Gallery of Art to present two photo exhibitions, "World Views" and "Pictures from St. Petersburg"
Public Relations News Release 2007:351, p.1
Richard Colburn will be presenting a talk, "The Language of Photography" January 15.
6 UNI Department of Art to present "Lecture by Visiting Artist Alec Soth"
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Alec Soth will be speaking Monday, March 26.
7 UNI Gallery of Art to present '2005 Department of Art Faculty Exhibition'
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Exhibition, to run October 31 through November 20, will feature works done by faculty members.
8 A picture is worth a thousand words
Public Relations News Release 2002:207, p.1
Effect of digital technology on the art of photography will be talked about.
9 Artist Photographer Sandy Skoglund is Hearst Visiting Lecturer at UNI April 29-30
Public Relations News Release 2001:459, p.1
Sandy Skoglund, whose work is permanently displayed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, will speak at UNI.
10 Hearst Visiting Lecturer Mel Chin to discuss his work, lead workshop during week-long UNI residency
Public Relations News Release 2001:407, p.1
Mel Chin's working will include working with students on economic and environmental issues in Iowa from their artistist point of view.
11 Do a double-take at new 2002 art exhibits
Northern Iowan 98:30, p.10
Two art exhibitions are scheduled at the UNI Gallery of Art, including works being displayed by Richard Colburn and Susan Chrysler White; photo.
12 'Loess Hills' opening January 19
Northern Iowan 98:29, p.2
The photographs and paintings of Richard Colburn and Susan Chrysler White will be displayed in the UNI Gallery of Art.
13 Opening reception for "A Loess Hills Suite" at the University of Northern Iowa Gallery of Art is Jan. 19, NOT Jan. 14
Public Relations News Release 2001:262, p.1
A joint opening reception will be held for Richard Colburn and Susan Chrysler White.
14 UNI Gallery of Art to exhibit 'A Loess Hills Suite,' photographs by Richard Colburn, beginning Jan. 14
Public Relations News Release 2001:256, p.1
Photographs of Iowa's Loess Hills, taken by Richard Colburn, will be exhibited from Jan. 14 through Feb. 5.
15 UNI Art and Architecture Committee selects art to be displayed in Lang Hall
Public Relations News Release 2001:240, p.1
"Iowa Landscape by Iowa Artists" is the theme for the 54 artworks that will be hung in Lang Hall. A list of artists is included.
16 UNI's 2001-2002 Hearst Lecture Series begins with internationally known performance artist Tuesday, Oct. 16
Public Relations News Release 2001:148, p.1
Pat Oleszko will lecture and perform as a part of the Hearst Lecture Series.
17 Gallery walk to kick-off collaborative series on "Picturing Faith: American Religious Life Yesterday and Today"
Public Relations News Release 2000:211, p.1
Richard Colburn, Colleen McDannell, David Morgan, Sheri Huber-Otting, and Peter W. Williams participate in a three-month-long lecture and art series.
18 Richard Colburn
Campus News Network 11:9, p.
Richard Colburn had works included in the Current Works 2000 art exhibition.
19 University of Northern Iowa Gallery of Art presents annual faculty exhibition
Public Relations News Release 2000:137, p.1
Faculty members of the Department of Art will have an exhibition in the UNI Gallery of Art, with four members discussing their works.
20 Richard Colburn
Campus News Network 10:14, p.
Richard Colburn has photographs on exhibit at University of Southern California.
21 Richard Colburn
Campus News Network 10:3, p.
Richard Colburn was awarded fist place for a color photograph at a Davenport Museum of Art exhibition.
22 The 1999 University of Northern Iowa Art Scholarship Competition Day will be held on Friday, April 9
Public Relations News Release 1998:288, p.1
UNI will hold its high school Art Scholarship Competition Day on April 9.
23 Richard Colburn
Campus News Network 9:14, p.
Richard Colburn has a solo exhibition of photographs.
24 'The Arts and Society: Transforming Community, Education, and Culture' conference to be held March 8 at the University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1998:258, p.1
Conference will feature three panel discussions and keynote speaker Bill T. Jones. Moderators for panels include Renata Sack, Scott Cawelti, and Bruce Marquis.
25 Interim associate dean, department heads begin work this fall at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1998:56, p.1
Linda Quinn is interim associate dean in College of Education. Mir Zaman, Bill Callahan, Richard Colburn, and John Vallentine acting department heads. David Towle director Counseling Center and Peggy Ishler interim director of teacher education.
26 New department heads named
Campus News Network 9:4, p.2
New department heads began work this semester; photo.
27 Photography exhibit "Colors in the Land" on display at the University of Northern Iowa Monday, April 14-May 12
Public Relations News Release 1996:340, p.1
The Gallery of Art displays photographs by Andrew Baugnet.
28 Photography exhibits on display at the University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1996:264, p.1
"The Magic Silver Show 1997," a collection from fifty-eight nationally known artists, will be on display in the Kamerick Art Building lobby exhibit windows.
29 UNI Faculty/Staff art exhibition open through Dec. 5
Campus News Network 7:8, p.4
Many faculty and staff will show works.
30 University of Northern Iowa faculty and staff art exhibition open through December 5
Public Relations News Release 1996:161, p.1
A variety of art works created by faculty and staff will highlight the Department of Art's Annual Faculty and Staff Exhibition.
31 Richard Colburn
Campus News Network 6:15, p.
Awarded Special Recognition at the "Iowa Artists 1996" and his work presented in "Images 96" and "Reframing Tradition".
32 Try us on for size!
Campus News Network 6:11, p.1
Hillary Rodham Clinton displays sweatshirt she received on her visit to UNI in February; photo.
33 Exhibition featuring "Family Photographs" at University of Northern Iowa through December 15
Public Relations News Release 1995:130, p.1
Kamerick Art Building to host exhibit of "family photographs".
34 Faculty and staff art exhibit opens
Campus News Network 6:3, p.4
Annual faculty and staff art exhibition will continue through October 18 in Gallery of Art.
35 University of Northern Iowa Faculty and Staff Art Exhibition to open September 25
Public Relations News Release 1995:45, p.1
UNI to host Faculty and Staff Art Exhibition.
36 Presentations/lectures/exhibitions: Richard Colburn
Campus News Network 5:14, p.
Richard Colburn has an art exhibit at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
37 University of Northern Iowa to host 'The Magic Silver Show 1995' opening February 23; Preview slide show February 9
Public Relations News Release 1994:260, p.1
UNI to host a collection of photographs done by artists nationwide.
38 Presentations/lectures/exhibitions: Richard Colburn
Campus News Network 5:5, p.
Richard Colburn had a solo exhibition.
39 Awards/honors/service: Richard Colburn
Campus News Network 5:5, p.
Richard Colburn received grant for art project.
40 University of Northern Iowa Faculty and Staff Art Exhibition to open September 1
Public Relations News Release 1994:10, p.1

UNI Gallery of Art to host faculty and staff art exhibition.

41 University of Northern Iowa announces winners of Great Teaching Photo Contest
Public Relations News Release 1993:351, p.1
Winners of High School Great Teaching Photo Contest are announced.
42 Photo exhibit by children living in Guatemala City dump opens for display at University of Northern Iowa February 14
Public Relations News Release 1993:348, p.1
Nancy McGirr's photos entitled "Out of the Dump" will be on exhibit in Kamerick Art Building at UNI.
43 Annual exhibition featuring University of Northern Iowa Art Faculty and Staff to open October 6
Public Relations News Release 1993:79, p.1

UNI Gallery of Art to host Art Faculty and Staff exhibits.

44 UNI to host international photo exhibit
Northern Iowan 89:30, p.8
Will feature work by 138 artists.
45 Richard Colburn
Campus News Network 3:2, p.3
Work on display in Wisconsin.
46 Annual exhibition featuring UNI art faculty and staff to open August 31
Public Relations News Release 1992:14, p.1

UNI Gallery of Art will host the annual exhibition of works by the art faculty and staff.

47 Photographic exhibit October 1-31 at University of Northern Iowa Gallery of Art to feature "female and aging"
Public Relations News Release 1991:95, p.1
Gallery of Art exhibit will include black and white portraits dealing with the issues of being female and aging. Elise Mitchell Sanford is the featured photographer.
48 Art Faculty Exhibition opens 1991-92 season for University of Northern Iowa Gallery of Art
Public Relations News Release 1991:61, p.1
Members of the art faculty exhibit their works at the season's opening of the Gallery of Art.
49 Regents approve promotion of 23, tenure for 13 Northern Iowa faculty members
Public Relations News Release 1990:429, p.1
Roster of those who received promotions and tenure announced at UNI.
50 "Tatoo Arts" color photograph exhibit in Gallery of Art display cases at University of Northern Iowa through March 31.
Public Relations News Release 1990:386, p.1
Jeff Crisman's color photographs of tatoo art will be displayed in the Gallery of Art display cases.