Cole--Don H. (Class of 1933)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 88 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Don Cole
Alumnus 25:4, p.30
Is a member of the coaching staff of the Boone, Iowa, High School. He was athletic coach at Madrid, Iowa, for four years, and also taught at Redfield.
2 Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Cole
Alumnus 25:1, p.30
The former Mary Sowerwine and her husband announce the birth of a son, Don Harlan. Don is coach in the Harlan schools.
3 Don H. Cole
Alumnus 19:4, p.26
Teaches manual arts and coaches in Redfield, Iowa.
4 Iowa schools hire all but three of 1934 coaching majors
Alumnus 18:4, p.14
Sixteen of nineteen 1934 graduates are coaching this year; survey of success in locating jobs in this field in recent years.
5 Sixteen grads of 1934 earn coaching jobs; eight graduates of former years also going to new positions
College Eye 26:10, p.4
Roster of those who have found jobs.
6 Eight graduates of former years are going to new positions in the fall
Public Relations News Release 1934:577, p.2
Sixteen graduates from the past year also have coaching jobs for the coming school year.
7 New coach has eight lettermen, stiff schedule
Alumnus 17:3, p.21
1933 football season preview.
8 Graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.83
Graduate photos.
9 "I" Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.189
Officers, history, purpose, and members; organized in 1927 when athletic letter changes from TC to I; photos.
10 Eight men will be initiated into Blue Key on Thursday
College Eye 24:26, p.1
List of officers and candidates.
11 Varsity men get grid letters
Alumnus 17:1, p.22
Roster of men who won letters in football for 1932.
12 Grid squad wins five games, loses three
Alumnus 17:1, p.23
1932 football season wrap-up.
13 The Iowa State Teachers College football squad
Public Relations News Release 1932:144, p.1
Finished the season with five wins, three losses, and one tie.
14 Letter winner are announced; twenty varsity men and eighteen frosh will receive awards
College Eye 24:12, p.4
Football players will receive their letters.
15 The State Teachers Panthers
Public Relations News Release 1932:81, p.1
Football team is up against Western State Teachers College, of Kalamazoo, Michigan.
16 The State Teachers grid camp
Public Relations News Release 1932:75, p.1
Injuries weaken football team.
17 Twelve veterans of the Iowa State Teachers College grid squad
Public Relations News Release 1932:125, p.1
Collegiate career ends for twelve footballers.
18 Final drill in offensive tactics
Public Relations News Release 1932:29, p.1
Football team plays Luther College this Friday.
19 The old jinx of injuries
Public Relations News Release 1932:24, p.1
Two players' injuries are mild enough to allow them to play in the Cornell game.
20 Gridders set for nine game schedule
Alumnus 16:4, p.16
1932 football season preview.
21 Campus leaders will be feted; organizations represented at campus banquet Wednesday
College Eye 24:4, p.1
Meeting will give leaders perspective on their responsibilities.
22 The Iowa State Teachers gridders
Public Relations News Release 1932:8, p.1
Football team's first game of the season is at Columbia, in Dubuque.
23 The entire football squad
Public Relations News Release 1932:10, p.1
Changes in the starting lineup after a sluggish game against Columbia.
24 A number of new faces
Public Relations News Release 1932:13, p.1
Football team plays Penn; starting lineup changes.
25 Eleven junior and senior men students
Public Relations News Release 1932:6, p.1
Blue Key initiates new members.
26 Xanho
Old Gold 0:0, p.248
Names of officers and members; photo.
27 Football
Old Gold 0:0, p.138
Names and photos of members of the football team.
28 Well Known Tutors
Old Gold 0:0, p.117
Names, descriptions, and photos of five students.
29 Associated Student Council
Old Gold 0:0, p.47
Roster and photo of the Associated Student Council.
30 Prospects bright for coming grid season
Alumnus 16:2, p.20
1932 season preview; fourteen lettermen will return.
31 Thirty students express views concerning proposed cut system
College Eye 23:32, p.1
Students tell what they think about the new proposal.
32 Don Cole
Public Relations News Release 1931:191, p.1
Selected as one of twenty most popular according to Old Gold.
33 Panthers lose five contests in 1931 season; Coach Whitford's men beat Columbia, Penn, and Coe College
College Eye 23:23, p.3
ISTC finished the 1931 season with five losses and three wins; photo.
34 Nineteen members of the Iowa State Teachers College football squad
Public Relations News Release 1931:127, p.1
Receive letters; this is the second or third letter for ten of them.
35 New style monogram to make debut today in place of old one
College Eye 23:20, p.7
Major letters are eight inch block letters of purple chenille; minor letters include the letters "w" (wrestling) or "t" (tennis) superimposed.
36 One of Iowa State Teachers men who will be much in eveidence
Public Relations News Release 1931:106, p.1
Don Cole will play in the Homecoming game.
37 Robert Burley, Harris, will be at the blocking half position
Public Relations News Release 1931:105, p.1
He and Don Cole will play in Homecoming game.
38 Youngsters whose teachers have had training
Public Relations News Release 1931:99, p.1
Some alumni return to campus for Homecoming.
39 Scenes which will greet alumni
Public Relations News Release 1931:99, p.1
Photos of people and places alumni will see at Homecoming game.
40 When Western State Teachers of Kalamazoo
Public Relations News Release 1931:103, p.1
Football team prepares for Homecoming match this Saturday.
41 Coach "Munn" Whitford
Public Relations News Release 1931:92, p.1
Football team plays Simpson this weekend; team riddled with injuries.
42 The Iowa State Teachers College Panthers
Public Relations News Release 1931:73, p.1
Football team plays Luther.
43 Members of the Iowa State Teachers College football team
Public Relations News Release 1931:42, p.1
Panthers meet Penn this Friday.
44 Coach L. W. Whitford will send a badly crippled
Public Relations News Release 1931:30, p.1
Panthers play Grinnell this weekend; some of the players are unable to play due to injuries.
45 Football squad shows promise of power
Alumnus 15:4, p.18
1931 season preview; photo.
46 The Panthers of Iowa State Teachers College
Public Relations News Release 1931:25, p.1
Football team prepares for match against Grinnell; school nickname changes from Tutors to Panthers.
47 Coach L. W. Whitford
Public Relations News Release 1931:7, p.1
Thiry-four men survive Coach Whitford's latest cut; roster of potential team members.
48 With the first three days of football practice
Public Relations News Release 1931:2, p.1
Football practice started; uniforms will shift from red and white to purple.
49 Xanho
Old Gold 0:0, p.272
Officers, members, and pledges; photo.
50 Track
Old Gold 0:0, p.154
Season highlights; photos.