College Hill Neighborhood Association
Displaying 1 - 50 of 67 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Members of the College Hill Partnership on Price Lab closing plans Northern Iowan 108:41, p.4 |
Price Lab School has been one of the major attractions for families to locate in the College Hill area. College Hill Partnership desires to maintain a balance of single family homes and renter-occupied housing. |
2 | "Bash the Trash" cleans up College Hill Northern Iowan 105:51, p.4 |
Team Connection will sponsor "Bash the Trash" in the College Hill neighborhood Saturday. Participants will spend the morning picking up garbage in the area, followed by a picnic catered by Hy-Vee; photo. | |
3 | College Hill Partnership to benefit area Northern Iowan 105:11, p.3 |
New street construction is the first step in a complete face lift for the College Hill District; photo. | |
4 | College Hill getting revitalizing facelift Northern Iowan 104:47, p.1 |
College Hill Streetscape Program will include water and storm sewer lines; plus improvements in the aesthetics of the area; photo. | |
5 | CF City Council/mayoral candidate forum Northern Iowan 104:15, p.5 |
College Hill and Overman Park Neighborhood Associations will sponsor local political candidate forum, October 16, 2007, in the Cedar Falls City Hall. | |
6 | "Taste of the Hill" festival promotes family-friendly atmosphere Northern Iowan 104:4, p.10 |
Members of the College Hill Business Association seek to build a positive image. | |
7 | Morse spearheads Adopt-an-Alley Northern Iowan 103:17, p.11 |
NISG Director of Public Relations is leading the effort to adopt-an-alley, similar to the adopt-a-highway program; photo. | |
8 | UNI expands plans for safe homecoming celebration Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1 |
UNI and Cedar Falls community work together to promote a safe environment during the homecoming festivities. | |
9 | Concert to showcase local talent; fundraiser benefits CHNA Northern Iowan 95:54, p.13 |
Cathy Anderson, Christina Bausman, and Jeffery Schafer will perform in concert "April Cool" to benefit the College Hill Neighborhood Association. | |
10 | Evolution of College Hill Northern Iowan 95:45, p.12 |
Business atmosphere and customers have changed on the Hill over the years; photo. | |
11 | CHNA assists students with local rentals Northern Iowan 94:19, p.4 |
College Hill Neighborhood Association wants to make College Hill a good place for everybody to live. | |
12 | College Hill Neighborhood Association: just what the Hill needs Northern Iowan 93:57, p.3 |
CHNA has an influence on the Hill. | |
13 | CHNA holds rummage sale Northern Iowan 93:57, p.1 |
College Hill Neighborhood Association rummage sale kicked off yesterday and will end tomorrow. | |
14 | What's Up Northern Iowan 93:22, p.2 |
Activities and meetings. | |
15 | University of Northern Iowa addressing short-term and long-term issues related to Saturday night disturbance Public Relations News Release 1996:114, p.1 |
UNI officials will be addressing the short-term and long-term issues relating to major disturbances in the College Hill area. | |
16 | Rockin' around the Seerley tree; neighborhood association to host treelighting ceremony Northern Iowan 92:27, p.8 |
College Hill Neighborhood Association will hold ceremony in Seerley Park. | |
17 | University looks at parking plan for commuting students Northern Iowan 92:7, p.2 |
UNI and College Hill Neighborhood Association study plan which would allow parking only by residents in College Hill area. | |
18 | Police recreate "the beat" on Hill Northern Iowan 92:1, p.14 |
Cedar Falls police, in association with College Hill Neighborhood Resource Center, increases foot patrols in Hill area; photo. | |
19 | C.O.P.'s coming to College Hill Northern Iowan 91:66, p.1 |
Cedar Falls Police beginning new community oriented policing program on Hill. | |
20 | College Hill parking situation grows steadily worse Northern Iowan 91:22, p.7 |
Cites problems with parking; supports permit system. | |
21 | Hill neighbors to discuss problems at town meeting Northern Iowan 91:15, p.2 |
Meeting will cover parking, crime, and trash. | |
22 | College Hill residents may pay to park Northern Iowan 90:64, p.1 |
City considers plan to control parking in College Hill area; map. | |
23 | Hill Resource Center opens Northern Iowan 90:64, p.1 |
Center will attempt to address concerns of College Hill residents, businesses, and students; photo. | |
24 | College Hill resource center opens Campus News Network 4:21, p.4 |
College Hill Neighborhood Resource Center opens today on the Hill as a home for the Association and an information center. | |
25 | Celebrated ringmaster and fire-eater to perform at UNI Northern Edition 2:14, p.1 |
Brian LaPalme will perform in circus sponsored by College Hill Neighborhood Association. | |
26 | The 'Big Top' is coming to Cedar Falls Northern Edition 2:13, p.1 |
College Hill Neighborhood Association sponsors circus. | |
27 | Resource center planned for College Hill neighborhood Northern Edition 2:7, p.4 |
Plans to start information center in storefront on College Hill. | |
28 | Group requests property clean-up Northern Iowan 90:8, p.1 |
Association targets College Hill properties, which they believe need to be cleaned up; photo. | |
29 | Tenants and landlords face off Northern Iowan 90:3, p.1 |
Landlords and tenants express views at panel discussion. | |
30 | Parking violators beware; neighborhood association wants city to crack down on parking violators Northern Iowan 90:2, p.1 |
Plan underway for future of College Hill neighborhood; parking is central issue. | |
31 | Cedar Falls residents crack down on student neighbors Northern Iowan 89:64, p.1 |
Homeowners attempt to maintain appearance of neighborhood and common courtesy among all residents. | |
32 | The Hill expecting a face lift; will affect student housing and property maintenance Northern Iowan 89:57, p.1 |
Cedar Falls and consultants hold workshop to discuss planning for Hill development. | |
33 | Clean-up beautifies the Hill Northern Iowan 87:14, p.9 |
College Hill residents participated in Fall Neighborhood Pride Day and cleaned the area. | |
34 | College Hill Neighborhood Association Northern Iowan 86:28, p.4 |
Father Klein will talk about plans for new St. Stephen Center. | |
35 | College Hill Neighborhood Association Northern Iowan 86:3, p.5 |
Will meet. | |
36 | What's Up Northern Iowan 85:57, p.6 |
Meetings and activities. | |
37 | Community award presented to CHNA Northern Iowan 85:50, p.7 |
Wins Cedar Falls Housing Commission award. | |
38 | What's Up Northern Iowan 85:50, p.4 |
Meetings and activities. | |
39 | What's Up Northern Iowan 85:43, p.4 |
Meetings and activities. | |
40 | What's Up Northern Iowan 85:35, p.5 |
Meetings and activities. | |
41 | What's Up Northern Iowan 85:21, p.4 |
Meetings and activities. | |
42 | College Hill clean-up begins Northern Iowan 85:10, p.1 |
Partners in Progress group will attempt to improve housing. | |
43 | CHNA serves as liaison between UNI, neighbors Northern Iowan 84:35, p.7 |
A look at the work that CHNA has undertaken. | |
44 | Association allows neighbors to voice concerns, solve problems Northern Iowan 84:6, p.20 |
A look at the history and purposes of the College Hill Neighborhood Association. | |
45 | What's Up Northern Iowan 81:1, p.15 |
Meetings and activities. | |
46 | College Hill groups honor '84 graduate Alumnus 68:2, p.8 |
Lisa Schoonover honored; photo. | |
47 | College Hill Neighborhood Association to 'create a sense of neighborhood' Northern Iowan 80:34, p.10 |
Brief history and objectives of the association. | |
48 | Neighborhood groups share goals Northern Iowan 80:20, p.1 |
Drake neighborhood representative speaks to College Hill Neighborhood Association. | |
49 | College Hill neighbors meet Northern Iowan 80:8, p.7 |
CHNA talks about noise problems. | |
50 | Neighborhood association discusses housing program Northern Iowan 79:51, p.4 |