Continuing Education for Women Program

Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 12th Annual Secondary Guidance and Student Personnel Conference to be Held at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1972:46, p.1
The conference will be held Oct. 8 in the University Union. 300 high school guidance conselors and student personnel officers are expected to attend.
2 UNI Continuing Education for Women Program Resumes Informal Luncheons
Public Relations News Release 1972:22, p.1
Wednesday luncheons will return for he 1971-72 academic year for women participating in the CEW program.
3 UNI Program Aids Area Women
Public Relations News Release 1971:713, p.1
A grant from Iowa Community services helps to aid UNI's Continuing Education for Women (CEW); details on CEW program.
4 Library Science Field to be Discussed in UNI's CEW Program
Public Relations News Release 1971:507, p.1
Sixth and final topic in the "Career Exploration Series".
5 Social Work to be Discussed at UNI "Career Exploration Series"
Public Relations News Release 1971:494, p.1
This is the fifth program in the "Career Exploration Series" program.
6 "Business Fields" to be Discussed at UNI's CEW Program
Public Relations News Release 1971:475, p.1
"Businsses Fields" will be the fourth session of UNI's "Career Exploration Series".
7 UNI Continuing Education for Women Program to Discuss Women and Politics
Public Relations News Release 1971:458, p.1
A weekly informal luncheon get-together will be held by the CEW program. Guest speaker will be La Porte City mayor Sonia Johannsen.
8 Health Fields to be Discussed in UNI's CEW Program
Public Relations News Release 1971:462, p.1
The third session of UNI's "Career Exploration Series," sponsored by the Cont. Education for Women (CEW) will be on health programs; list of Waterloo area health partipants
9 Elementary Science Conference to be at UNI March 6
Public Relations News Release 1971:427, p.1
250 Iowa elementary teachers and administrators are attending the second annual UNI Elementary Science Conference to be held Saturday, March 6 at Price Lab School.
10 Home Economcs Fields to Be Explored through UNI Program
Public Relations News Release 1971:426, p.1
The UNI Continuing Education for Women (CEW) will be offering a program entitled "Home Economics Fields" which is designed to provide information to those who would like to learn more about career fields offering expanding employment opportunities.
11 "Career Exploration Series" Offered through UNI
Public Relations News Release 1971:396, p.1
The UNI Continuing Education for Women is offering a series of programs designed for women who are interested in learning more about career fields offering expanding employment.
12 Dr. Holmes to Meet with Continuing Education Group
Public Relations News Release 1970:356, p.1
Dr. Mavis Holmes will be a guest at a luncheon scheduled on Feb. 10 in the Colombian Room of the Union.
13 Mrs. Kamerick to Meet with UNI Women Students
Public Relations News Release 1970:169, p.1
Mrs. Kamerick will be a guest at the Nov. 11 luncheon for women in the UNI Continuing Education for Women Program.
14 Senator Conklin to Meet with UNI Women Students
Public Relations News Release 1970:99, p.1
State Senator Charlene Conklin (Republican) will be a guest at the Oct. 21 luncheon for women.
15 UNI Continuing Education for Women Program Schedules Informal Luncheons
Public Relations News Release 1970:6, p.1
Luncheons being held for women in the Columbian Room.