
Displaying 1 - 50 of 97 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 SWS asks "Do you have condom sense?"
Northern Iowan 117:31, p.3
Student Wellness Services discusses the importance of using contraceptives and promotes their "Condom Sense" program; photo.
2 A feminism for the 99 percent
Northern Iowan 116:15, p.3
In the author's opinion, Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar represent the true face of modern feminism in their critical and anti-capitalist approach. Rawwas also explains why they have endorsed Bernie Sanders for president; photos.
3 Student speaks out on abortion guest speaker
Northern Iowan 110:44, p.3
In a letter to the editor, Emily Engle speaks about Jill Stanek's speech, "An Insider's View on Abortion." She says that only one viewpoint was discussed in the speech, and that every issue has two sides.
4 Dutch letters
Northern Iowan 106:55, p.3
Christie Vilsack offers views on avoiding unplanned pregnancies.
5 Birth control prices increase
Northern Iowan 104:23, p.1
The Deficit Rejection Act, signed by President Bush in February 2006, will result in a $99 billion dollar reduction in federal entitlement monies. This reduction will result in an increased cost of birth control pills; photo.
6 Student Voices
Northern Iowan 103:28, p.7
Students respond to the question; "How do you feel about emergency contraception"?
7 PPGI offers the gift of choice
Northern Iowan 103:28, p.7
Planned Parenthood offered free emergency contraception and free counseling on Wednesday; photo.
8 'Free EC Day' designed to help women take control
Northern Iowan 103:28, p.1
Planned Parenthood distributes free dose of the emergency contraceptive pill Plan B; photo.
9 Population control
Northern Iowan 103:15, p.5
Today the population of the United States has reached 300 million; suggests consideration of a birth control policy for the country.
10 Student voices
Northern Iowan 103:4, p.9
Students respond to the question; "Should Iowa allow the Plan B pill to be sold over-the-counter to 18 year olds?
11 FDA approves non-prescription Plan B
Northern Iowan 103:4, p.9
FDA approves the "morning after pill". In nine states, Plan B can be purchased over the counter; photo.
12 The century's most influential invention
Northern Iowan 102:48, p.7
Believes that birth control has had powerful influence on life; also believes that the pill has created many problems.
13 Politics at play in FDA decision
Northern Iowan 102:25, p.5
Believes politics may have played a large role in not allowing the morning-after birth control pill to be sold over the counter.
14 Stop the Bush-bashing!
Northern Iowan 101:16, p.6
Reacts to letters and columns in the Northern Iowan by addressing various anti-Bush and pro-Kerry claims.
15 Human error in bed
Northern Iowan 101:11, p.7
Gives facts and statistics on birth control and pregnancy.
16 Busy lifestyle makes birth control difficult to schedule
Northern Iowan 101:11, p.10
Questions Ryan Crane's comments about not understanding how women can be so busy as to forget to take birth control pills.
17 Life in college balancing toddler and books
Northern Iowan 101:11, p.10
Takes issue with Ryan Crane's column on birth control, this time stating that women who have children at younger ages can certainly live a full and happy life.
18 Will wonders never cease
Northern Iowan 101:10, p.5
Believes people should not use technology as a crutch or as an excuse to remove themselves from responsibility.
19 Will boys just be boys in the bedroom?
Northern Iowan 101:10, p.5
Refutes commonly heard male arguments against wearing condoms.
20 Credit for women using protection
Northern Iowan 101:9, p.6
Disagrees with Ryan Crane's article on the oversimplification of birth control and believes women should be commended for engaging in the practice to begin with.
21 Missing pill doesn't equal pregnancy
Northern Iowan 101:9, p.6
Disagrees with Ryan Crane's column on the oversimplification of birth control and believes that missing the occasional scheduled pill will not result in pregnancy.
22 Lazy birth control for the absent-minded
Northern Iowan 101:8, p.5
Takes issue with the idea of reducing user responsibility for birth control.
23 Condoms and communication
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.2
Joan Thompson talks about the importance of communication between couples.
24 'A shallow man's guide to contraception'
Northern Iowan 99:58, p.5
Explains contraceptives from his self-proclaimed biased viewpoint.
25 Morning-after pill provides easy out for France
Northern Iowan 96:37, p.7
In France, schools allow students to take a "late contraception pill" without having their parents know.
26 Apathy apparent in national campaign day for GEA
Northern Iowan 96:18, p.7
Gender Equality Association members outraged by students taking handfuls of condoms and refusing to consider their proposal for a women's center.
27 Condom Olympics promote safer sex
Northern Iowan 92:39, p.14
Attempts to show that condoms work; photo.
28 At last, entire week to praise prophylactics in style!; does Hallmark sell tasteful Condom Week cards?
Northern Iowan 91:38, p.5
Thoughts on Condom Week.
29 Excuse me, can you help me find Reality?
Northern Edition 3:2, p.8
Condom for women.
30 Shull corners market on condom sales
Northern Iowan 89:8, p.8
Condoms available in dorm vending machines.
31 Birth control responsibility of both sexes
Northern Iowan 89:8, p.8
Methods of birth control.
32 Thirty-five percent of UNI students sexually active
Northern Iowan 89:8, p.7
NI poll results regarding sexual activity at UNI.
33 New female condom due to be on the market soon
Northern Iowan 88:38, p.1
Gayle Sand discusses new device.
34 Options to consider when practicing safe sex; Planned Parenthood offers some suggestions to students
Northern Iowan 88:17, p.6
Suggestions from Planned Parenthood.
35 NISG backs Hemp Club, condom machines
Northern Iowan 87:44, p.5
36 National Condom Week increases STD awareness
Northern Iowan 87:37, p.11
National Condom Week begins on Valentine's Day.
37 Condoms may be found next to candy; vendo-land may never be the same
Northern Iowan 87:32, p.9
UNI recently made condoms available to students in the Student Health Center and are considering other locations.
38 Untitled
Northern Iowan 85:20, p.1
Condoms to be available at UI vending machines; still under consideration at UNI.
39 Health Center offers birth control classes and advice
Northern Iowan 85:18, p.9
Joan Thompson talks about services available.
40 Condom selling considered in Noehren's senate store
Northern Iowan 85:2, p.3
Department of Residence still considering issue.
41 Noehren store may begin condom sales
Northern Iowan 84:38, p.4
Hall Senate proposing the matter; awaiting action from Department of Residence.
42 'Proper' sexual relations are safe
Northern Iowan 84:27, p.2
Believes people should be responsible for their actions rather than seeking "responsible protection".
43 Condom machines are not necessary
Northern Iowan 84:25, p.2
Believes that it is not the university's business to be involved in that sort of activity.
44 UNI should install condom machines
Northern Iowan 84:23, p.2
Believes it is a socially responsible matter.
45 Photo survey: Do you feel that UNI should install condom machines in campus buildings?
Northern Iowan 84:23, p.7
Students offer opinion; photo.
46 UNI organizations distribute condoms
Northern Iowan 84:18, p.1
Women's Action League, Social Work Club, and UNI-GLO will distribute condoms; cite reduction of risk of AIDS; photo.
47 UNI still without condoms
Northern Iowan 84:9, p.4
Noehren Hall considering installation of vending machines; some campus bars have them.
48 Burden of birth control still remains on women
Northern Iowan 83:48, p.15
Cynthia Goldstein talks about the history of contraception.
49 Condom ads helpful
Northern Iowan 83:45, p.2
Feels condom advertisements should be run in newspapers and on television.
50 Parenthood to be subject of four-segment program
Northern Iowan 83:43, p.8
Brief description of each segment to be given by Planned Parenthood in University Apartments.