Cooley--Jennifer Jo (Languages & Literature Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI da la bienvenida a la oradora invitada Vanessa Espinoza
Northern Iowan 118:11, p.8
Vanessa Espinoza, UNI alum, will come to campus October 7 as a guest speaker in honor of Latinx Heritage Month. Read in English on page 4.
2 UNI welcomes Vanessa Espinoza
Northern Iowan 118:11, p.4
Vanessa Espinoza, UNI alum, will come to campus October 7 as a guest speaker in honor of Latinx Heritage Month. Read in Spanish on page 8.
3 Author Jo Knowles shares stories, advice
Northern Iowan 116:8, p.2
Author Jo Knowles visited UNI and held a discussion about how she writes her books, the process of getting it to the editors, and handling rejection. Knowles also talked about a seven-week residency program that she and other faculty from all over the country host. She was to speak at the Final Thursday Reading Series at the Heart Center for the Arts on September 26; photo.
4 Acclaimed author at UNI
Northern Iowan 112:50, p.2

Sonia Nazario, journalist and author of "Enrique's Journey," spoke at UNI on April 12; photos.

5 Book puts new face to immigration
Northern Iowan 112:49, p.3

In the author's opinion, immigration is an important issue. Baxter highlights Sonia Nazario's book "Enrique's Journey," which professor Jennifer Colley hosted a community reading of, and which Narazio will speak about on April 11; photos.

6 UNI honors outstanding faculty for teaching, research, and professional service
Public Relations News Release 2014:64, p.1

Six University of Northern Iowa faculty members were honored at the fall faculty meeting earlier this semester for outstanding research and professional service.

7 Cedar Valley Nonprofit Award winners announced
Public Relations News Release 2013:251, p.1
UNI's Nonprofit Leadership Alliance Student Association announced the Cedar Valley Nonprofit Award winners. The winners will be honored at a luncheon in the Commons Ballroom. The Veridian Community Engagement Fellowship Awards will also be presented.
8 UNI Crow Forum lecture to explore workplace treatment of migrant women
Northern Iowan 2013:188, p.1
As part of the Current Research on Women and Gender (CROW) Forum, Jennifer Cooley will present her lecture "21st Century Jungles: Representing Workplace Abuses Against Migrant Women". This discusses the many migrant women who are victims of abuse.
9 'Carne Viva' based on Postville factory raid
Northern Iowan 108:13, p.6
Jennifer Cooley and Karen Mitchell have written a play based on interviews with workers from the Postville Agriprocessors plant. The play provides a chance for self-reflection on immigration and to view a different culture's response; photo.
10 UNI Interpreters Theatre to present interactive simulation, 'Journey Through the Night'
Northern Iowan 107:16, p.7
Angela Glunz created and directs the latest presentation at the Interpreters Theatre.
11 Assaulted student speaks out against crime
Northern Iowan 106:25, p.1
Ramon Cantu, director of diversity affairs for NISG, was verbally and physically assaulted while attending a party in November. He has continued to be the focus of telephone threats, racial slurs, and a threat on his life; photo.
12 Next CROW Forum to be held Dec. 7
Public Relations News Release 2009:183, p.1
"Notes of Nuevo Amanecer: Weaving a New Beginning?" is the title of a lecture to be given by Jennifer Cooley. The lecture focuses on Cooley's most recent work, a bilingual play based on testimonials from Guatemalan women weavers in Postville, Iowa.
13 Events analyze 2008 raid in Postville
Northern Iowan 105:54, p.1
The U. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement raid on the slaughterhouse and meatpacking plant in Postville will be the focus of a conference and teaching event, include panel discussions, presentations, and the showing of a documentary; photo.
14 UNI hosts La Historia de Nuestras Vidas (The Story of Our Lives) performance
Public Relations News Release 2008:498, p.1
As part of the "POSTVILLE: Past, Present, and Future," conference/teach-in, there will be a showing of the play "Historia de Nuestras Vidas" (The Story of Our Lives).
15 UNI to host Postville Conference/Teach-in
Public Relations News Release 2008:487, p.1
Luis Argueta, a Gautemalan film director, will screen segments of his documentary "AbUSed" The Post ville Raid. There will be a showing of the play "Historia de nuestra vidas," detailing accounts of immigration, imprisonment and the Postville raid.
16 Six UNI students selected to participate in National Conferences on Undergraduate Research
Public Relations News Release 2008:446, p.1
NCUR will host more than 2,100 student presenters from colleges across the United States. Students will have the opportunity to present their research through posters, oral presentations, visual arts and performances.
17 UNI to host demonstrations of Guatemalan weaving
Public Relations News Release 2008:95, p.1
Virginia Gibbs and Luz Maria Hernanez, both professors from Luther College, will share their research on the small weaving co-op formation based in Postville called Nuevo Amanecer, which is made up of all Guatemalan women.
18 UNI's Department of Modern Languages and Sigma Delta Pi present 2003 Spanish film festival
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Films to be shown at 7 p.m., Communication Arts Center room 108, every Wednesday in October.
19 UNI to host 'Showcase on Educational Technology in Iowa Schools'
Public Relations News Release 2000:258, p.1
UNI to host workshop on educational technology on February 23.