Coon--Marjorie (Student--1934)

Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Coon-Curtis nuptials announced on May 25
College Eye 27:44, p.5
Marjorie Coon married Hubert Curtis.
2 Pi Theta Pi
Old Gold 0:0, p.226

Founded in 1904; aims, advisor, sponsors, officers, and members; photos.

3 Club elections, college dance, engage campus society folk
College Eye 26:14, p.3
News from student organizations and reports on social activities; list of officers.
4 The Freshmen Class
Old Gold 0:0, p.99
Description of a typical Freshman student; officers; photos.
5 Commercial Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.145
The Commercial Club was organized in 1924; description, officers, and photo.
6 Pi Theta Pi
Old Gold 0:0, p.232
Founded in 1904; aims, officers, patronesses, and members; photos.
7 Organizations choose officers for next year
Public Relations News Release 1934:493, p.1
Pi Theta Pi and the Hamilton Club voted for officers during the past week.
8 Pi Theta Pi sorority group dines Sunday
College Eye 25:31, p.3
9 Active voting marks election of class heads; Burch, Lytle tie in race for senior presidency; Vinall heads juniors
College Eye 25:14, p.1
Roster of class officers.
10 Robert Burch, Pollock, South Dakota, and Carlton Lytle
Public Relations News Release 1932:22, p.1
Vote for senior class president is a tie; run off election October 2; officers for other classes elected.
11 Delta Phi Delta
Old Gold 0:0, p.251

Names of officers and members; photo.