
Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI faculty and students contribute to American Education Week
Public Relations News Release 2002:259, p.1
Faculty and students participated in events at various schools to commemorate American Education Week.
2 UNI to celebrate American Education Week
Public Relations News Release 2002:204, p.1

"Making Public Schools Great For Every Child" will be the theme for American Education Week, November 17-23.

3 Turn up the heat on UNI's melting pot
Northern Iowan 96:37, p.8
Diversity at UNI and how it should change.
4 UNI faculty, staff, and students visit area schools for American Education Week
Campus News Network 7:8, p.2
Many make presentations in local schools.
5 Black History Month ends, spirit to continue
Northern Iowan 92:40, p.8
Events of recent month; photo.
6 American Education Week: investing our time, talents
Campus News Network 6:6, p.1
Faculty, staff, and students will visit classrooms as part of American Education Week November 13-17.
7 University of Northern Iowa Association of Educational Office Professionals
Campus News Network 4:19, p.2
List of members installed as officers.
8 In the spirit of giving
Campus News Network 4:9, p.1
Many adopt a needy family for the holidays.
9 Reaching out to area students; American Education Week
Campus News Network 4:7, p.1
UNI faculty, staff, and students visited area schools during American Education Week.
10 Women's Studies program at University of Northern Iowa to feature multi-media presentation on women's lives (Tuesday) April 14
Public Relations News Release 1991:539, p.1
Kathy Herman, Pat Thode, and Georgia Waller will be among the presenters at a multi-media presentation entitled "Women Speak: The Eloquence of Women's Lives".
11 "Winning Edge" theme for University of Northern Iowa's 29th annual workshop for Educational Office Personnel (Monday) March 16
Public Relations News Release 1991:456, p.1
Charlie Mae Holland will be the keynote speaker at the 29th Annual Workshop for Educational Office Personnel. Marty Colwell and Dottie Dunphy will present workshops.
12 Hill-Thomas hearings, women in nursing, self-help books for women all presentation topics during Women's History Month at Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1991:425, p.1
Tiffany Patterson will be the keynote speaker for the Women's History Month activities. Jacqueline Wilkie will also address the gathering.
13 Profile: Vergestene Cooper
Campus News Network 1:18, p.3
Profile of data technician Vergestene Cooper; photo.
14 UNI-AOP honors administrator, installs new officers and recognizes retirees.
Public Relations News Release 1990:593, p.1

UNI Association of Office Personnel names Leland Thomson as its educator/administrator of the year.

15 UNI-AOP honors administrator, installs new officers and recognizes retirees.
Public Relations News Release 1990:703, p.1

Elton Green professor of physical education and director of the UNI Wellness Program, as its educator/administrator of the year for 1989-90. Green joined UNI faculty in 1968 and will retire at the end of the 1990 summer session.

16 Funcke's column offensive
Northern Iowan 86:57, p.2
Believes recent column had racist references.
17 Worst injustice of them all
Northern Iowan 85:45, p.4
Defends affirmative action.
18 Appeal process chastised
Northern Iowan 84:37, p.2
Believes parking meter malfunctioned.