Copeland--Edwin Grant (Class of 1895; Art Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 82 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Noted minister dead
College Eye 12:19, p.2
Former student Edwin Grant Copeland died.
2 Edwin Grant Copeland
Alumni News Letter 5:1, p.8
Copeland died at Fairfield, Iowa, December 9, 1920.
3 E. G. Copeland
Alumni News Letter 4:4, p.6
Copeland entered insurance business.
4 Ministerial appointments
Alumni News Letter 4:1, p.5
The Upper Iowa Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church announces appointments.
5 Alumni reports 1
Alumni News Letter 3:1, p.2
Upper Iowa M. E. Conference reported several alumni in pastoral work.
6 T. C. alumni receive church appointments
College Eye 10:2, p.4
Methodists assign several ISTC alumni to church positions.
7 Alumni day
College Eye 4:1, p.7
Review of Alumni Day events.
8 The Upper Iowa Conference
College Eye 1:5, p.4
Upper Iowa Conference of the Methodist church announced graduates of their program.
9 The Upper Iowa Conference
Normal Eyte 19:8, p.122
Several Normalites in group.
10 Official
Normal Eyte 18:7, p.101
Names speakers of Upper Iowa Methodist Episcopal Conference; North West Iowa Teachers Association held meeting; the library is being used more under Ellen Biscoe's supervision.
11 During the Methodist Conference
Normal Eyte 18:6, p.83
Twenty alumni have become ministers.
12 Edwin G. Copeland
Normal Eyte 17:18, p.283
Pastor at Ackley.
13 Rev. E. G. Copeland
Normal Eyte 16:21, p.331
Pastor in Ackley.
14 At the recent meeting of the conference of the M. E. Church
Normal Eyte 16:7, p.107
E. G. Copeland appointed pastor at Ackley.
15 At the Upper Iowa Conference of the M. E. Church
Normal Eyte 15:8, p.121
A number of Normalites receive pastoral appointments.
16 At the conference of Methodist Episcopal Churches
Normal Eyte 14:5, p.71
Men get assigned to their churches; roster includes a number of Normalites.
17 Enter the ministry
Normal Eyte 13:6, p.86
Several Normalites received appointments.
18 Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Copeland
Normal Eyte 12:35, p.553
Will visit Europe.
19 Rev. Edwin G. Copeland
Normal Eyte 12:2, p.25
Married May Houser.
20 E. G. Copeland
Normal Eyte 10:22, p.537
Studying theology at Boston University.
21 The Upper Iowa Conference
Normal Eyte 10:6, p.128
L. D. Stubbs is in charge of Methodist Episcopal Church at Shellsburg; E. G. Copeland will go to a seminary.
22 E. G. Copeland
Normal Eyte 9:28, p.664
Completed the advanced course.
23 E. G. Copeland
Normal Eyte 9:25, p.594
Now studying theology in Boston.
24 E. G. Copeland
Normal Eyte 9:5, p.107
Visited campus.
25 J. L. McLaughlin '92 and E. G. Copeland
Normal Eyte 9:5, p.105
Ordained deacons.
26 E. G. Copeland
Normal Eyte 9:4, p.82
Studying for the ministry in Boston.
27 E. G. Copeland
Normal Eyte 8:30, p.414
Visited campus.
28 E. G. Copeland
Normal Eyte 8:21, p.294
Revival meetings at Norway going well.
29 In the list of appointments
Normal Eyte 8:6, p.81
Several Normalites on Methodist Episcopal list.
30 E. G. Copeland
Normal Eyte 8:2, p.27
Preaching at Norway; attending seminary in Boston.
31 The Normal school has been represented
Normal Eyte 7:36, p.13
About forty Normalites have been attending the University of Iowa; a dozen recently received degrees.
32 E. G. Copeland
Normal Eyte 7:36, p.12
Will attend seminary.
33 The Normal School is well-represented
Normal Eyte 7:24, p.12
Many are studying at the University of Iowa.
34 Twenty-nine of our alumni are enrolled
Normal Eyte 7:9, p.101
At University of Iowa.
35 E. G. Copeland
Normal Eyte 6:31, p.364
Vice president of N. O. L.
36 The Vidette Reporter
Normal Eyte 6:21, p.244
Reports that E. G. Copeland did well in an oratorical contest.
37 The following names
Normal Eyte 6:14, p.160
Roster of former Normalites now studying at University of Iowa.
38 E. G. Copeland
Normal Eyte 6:3, p.29
Studying at University of Iowa and teaching at Iowa City Academy.
39 E. G. Copeland
Normal Eyte 5:35, p.352
Will study at University of Iowa; S. T. Walker will succeed him at Brighton.
40 Mr. A. L. Comstock
Normal Eyte 5:24, p.221
Reports on Southeastern Iowa Teachers Association meeting, which many Normalites attended.
41 The Brighton News
Normal Eyte 5:23, p.212
Compliments work of E. G. Copeland.
42 We notice
Normal Eyte 5:15, p.130
E. G. Copeland is principal at Brighton.
43 Mr. E. G. Copeland
Normal Eyte 5:4, p.26
In charge of schools in Brighton.
44 On Friday evening
Normal Eyte 4:36, p.566
Philos host reception for literary societies.
45 Mr. E. G. Copeland
Normal Eyte 4:36, p.574
Entertains brother.
46 Fourth Year class
Normal Eyte 4:36, p.590

Composite class photo on two pages; photo.

47 Arbor Day was appropriately observed
Normal Eyte 4:30, p.469
Detailed description of Arbor Day ceremony.
48 Y. W. & Y. M. C. A.
Normal Eyte 4:26, p.407
Meeting leaders announced; description of new term reception.
49 The state contest
Normal Eyte 4:23, p.362
Description of oratorical contest; Normal did not have a representative.
50 The delegates to the Contest
Normal Eyte 4:23, p.363
Had enjoyable time in Mt. Pleasant.