Copeland--Jeffrey S. (English Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 53 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI student's writing takes the international stage
Northern Iowan 119:40, p.1
Senior Mykel Townsend will present his piece, "Fort Hudson," at the Sigma Tau Delta's international convention in Denver, CO which will be held from March 30 to April 1, 2023; photo.
2 Final Thursday Reading Series goes virtual
Northern Iowan 117:22, p.4
The Final Thursday Reading Series (FTRS), hosted by the Hearst Center for the arts, moved from an outside to virtual venue due to weather. Organizer and professor Jim O'Loughlin made the decision to host it virtually and gave brief remarks before introduing speaker Jeffery Copeland, UNI professor of creative nonfiction. Copeland read from his recent book "Lt. Elsie Ott's Top Secret Mission"; photo.
3 Copeland releases hit book
Northern Iowan 111:11, p.1
English professor Dr. Jeffrey Copeland released a new book, "Ain't No Harm to Kill the Devil; the Life and Legend of John Fairfield, Abolitionist for Hire" a literary non-fiction novel.
4 University of Northern Iowa announces first round of reorganization plans
Northern Iowan 2008:28, p.2
Pending the approval of the Board of Regents, effective July 1, 2010 the Marketing and Advancement Division will be dissolved and the Colleges of Humanities and Fine Arts and Natural Sciences will be combined. Joel Haack will serve as the inaugural dean.
5 University of Northern Iowa announces first round of reorganization plans
Public Relations News Release 2009:225, p.1
Effective July 1, 2010 Marketing & Advancement Division will be dissolved, eliminating one university vice president position. Bill Calhoun, current vice president and president of the UNI Foundation, will remain as president of the Foundation.
6 Cawelti honored for 40 years of service
Northern Iowan 104:49, p.9

Retirement reception held for Professor Scott Cawelti; photo.

7 UNI professor presents at "Harry Potter" conference
Northern Iowan 103:57, p.3
Gina Burkart lead a round table discussion on moral development; in addition to presenting a paper at New Orleans conference; photo.
8 Golden Graduate Society to hold reunion on UNI campus
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
The Golden Graduate Society will be gathering May 3-5.
9 Into Inman's history with Jeffrey Copeland
Northern Iowan 103:39, p.14
Jeffrey Copeland's book, Inman's War, reviewed; photo.
10 'Inman's War' hits home
Northern Iowan 103:39, p.1
Jeff Copeland's book, Inman's War, nominated for the Hornback Award; photo.
11 Utz named Hubbard Award recipient at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Biographical profile of Richard Utz.
12 UNI professor receives excellence award
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Vince Gotera received the College of Humanities and Fine Arts 2006 Faculty Excellence Award.
13 Untold story of WW II surfaces thanks to university professor
Northern Iowan 103:9, p.11
Jeff Copeland's book "Inman's War" is a narrative of a World War II soldier. The narrative is based on 180 letters written by Inman Perkins and interviews with his family and battalion members.
14 News Brief/Calendar of Events
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Jeffrey Copeland has recently published a new book.
15 UNI professor publishes new book
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Professor Jeffrey Copeland, published his new book, "Inman's War: A Soldier's Story of Life in a Colored Battalion in WWII."
16 Dr. Bill leaves lasting impressions at UNI
Northern Iowan 101:44, p.9
Professor Bill Williamson is leaving UNI to teach at Saginaw Valley State University in Michigan; has been head of professional writing program for six years; photo.
17 Professor says Harry Potter books teach Christian values
Northern Iowan 99:57, p.1
Gina Burkart seeks to prove Harry Potter is more than a fairy tale through her master's thesis and book; photo.
18 Whitman alive at UNI
Northern Iowan 99:15, p.15
English professor Bill Koch will perform in "Walt Whitman Live!!" in the Lang Auditorium.
19 English renaissance on UNI campus
Northern Iowan 99:12, p.11
English professor Samuel Gladden plans to resurrect the English Club, which will be open to all interested students; photo.
20 Profile: Jeffrey S. Copeland
Campus News Network 12:11, p.4
Profile of Jeffrey S. Copeland, the head of the Department of English Language and Literature; photo.
21 Success story: happy anniversary Dr. Grammar!
Campus News Network 11:13, p.3
Jim HiDuke celebrates his first anniversary as Dr. Grammar.
22 Copeland named UNI administrator of the year
Public Relations News Release 1999:422, p.1
Jeffrey Copeland is named Administrator/Educator of the Year by the UNI Association of Educational Office Professionals.
23 Copeland chosen top administrator by AEOP
Campus News Network 10:19, p.2
Jeffrey S. Copeland was named Administrator/Educator of the Year by the UNI Association of Educational Office Professionals; photo.
24 Dr. Grammar has cure for writing pains
Northern Iowan 96:38, p.9
UNI English Department to offer answers to grammar questions by Professor HiDuke, "Dr. Grammar", to Iowa residents; photo.
25 Life experiences add to classroom dedication; People to know: Jeffrey Copeland
Northern Iowan 95:59, p.7
Profile of professor and English department head Jeffrey Copeland; photo.
26 Cawelti carries on legacy; keeping the dream alive
Northern Iowan 95:52, p.12
Scott Cawelti may complete a collection of the works of James Hearst that was started by Robert Ward before he died.
27 The University of Northern Iowa joins forces with the Iowa Writing Project to provide teachers with new opportunities
Public Relations News Release 1998:224, p.1
UNI and the Iowa Writing Project will be offering classes for area teachers to fulfill their continuing education.
28 Jaquith embroiled in classroom taping dispute
Northern Iowan 94:28, p.1
Elaine Jaquith asked to leave class after being accused of tape recording class discussions; photo.
29 Iowa writing project to be held at UNI
Northern Iowan 94:16, p.13
Iowa Writing Project moves from University of Iowa to UNI; will offer opportunity for teachers to learn to integrate writing into their teaching.
30 UNI Reading Series begins
Northern Iowan 94:8, p.18
Series features writers reading from their own work; history of series.
31 University of Northern Iowa reading series to begin Wenesday, Sept. 24
Public Relations News Release 1997:43, p.1
Reading series to feature fiction by Susan Rochette-Crawley. Lilia Momple will present next series October 15.
32 New department heads named
Campus News Network 8:2, p.1
Mary Jane Sheffet, Howard Barnes, Jeffrey Copeland, and Betty Deberg named Head of their departments; Bob Muffoletto named Acting Head, and Wendell McConnaha is director of Lab School; photo.
33 New academic department heads welcome new school year
Northern Iowa Today 26:1, p.4
Biographical profiles of Professors Mary Jane Sheffet, Howard Barnes, Jeffrey Copeland, Betty DeBerg, Robert Muffoletto, and Wendell McConnaha; photo.
34 New department heads begin work this fall at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1997:9, p.1
New academic department heads: Mary Jane Sheffet, Howard Barnes, Jeffrey Copeland, Betty DeBerg, Bob Muffoletto, and Wendell McConnaha. Includes brief profile of each new department head.
35 Picnic with the Pres
Northern Iowan 93:3, p.1
First annual President's Picnic was held September 7, 1996; photo.
36 Several departments welcome new academic heads
Campus News Network 6:1, p.1
James Lubker named Dean and Geofrey T. Mills Acting Dean; James Walters and John Butler named heads of their departments; Richard McGuire, Jeffrey Copeland, and Paul Chao named acting heads; photo.
37 New academic heads as University of Northern Iowa begins fall semester
Public Relations News Release 1995:12, p.1
As a new semester begins at UNI, five new academic department heads, a new dean, and an acting dean begin work.
38 University of Northern Iowa faculty promotions, tenure approve; room & board fees; property purchase
Public Relations News Release 1994:407, p.1
Board of Regents approve several items for UNI at meeting.
39 What is a "critiview?"
Public Relations News Release 1993:113, p.1
Jeffrey Copeland incorporates criticisms with in=depth personal interviews in his new book.
40 Jeffrey Copeland
Campus News Network 4:3, p.3
Jeffrey Copeland published book of interviews with children's and young adult's poets.
41 Interrelationship of writing to all academic disciplines, variety of other topics to be featured in Northern Iowa's annual 'Student as Critic.'
Public Relations News Release 1988:386, p.1
The Conference focuses on critical writing and thinking. Best selling novelist Kurt Vonnegut will be the topic of several programs. List of conference sessions and who presenting.
42 University of Northern Iowa to offer Tom Pettit Scholarships to Journalism Students.
Public Relations News Release 1988:300, p.1
Scholarships were funded by Tom Pettit, a 1953 UNI graduate and an award winning reporter for NBC. An applicant must be either beginning junior or senior year, have completed six hours of credit in journalism courses, attend UNI in 1989 fall semester.
43 Regents hike room, board rates 6.5 percent
Northern Iowan 84:49, p.1

Double room with full board will be $2150; list of faculty receiving promotion and tenure; approve window and heating project in Bender Hall.

44 Regents approve promotions of 19, tenure for 13 Northern Iowa faculty members
Public Relations News Release 1987:324, p.1
The Board of Regents approves nineteen promotions of associate professors and assistant professors, as well as tenure for thirteen.
45 Regents approve promotions of 18, tenure for 11 UNI faculty members
Public Relations News Release 1987:263, p.1
The Board of Regents approves eighteen faculty promotions and eleven grants of tenure. Includes a list of promoted faculty members, and faculty who received tenure.
46 Youth Collection top rated
Northern Iowan 82:58, p.8
Lucille Lettow talks about the purposes, collections, and services of the Library's Youth Collection; photo.
47 UNI professor helps children enjoy poetry
Northern Iowan 82:56, p.18
Professor Copeland talks about his recent research and publications.
48 Writing is a powerful learning tool
UNI Century 12:2, p.1
Program administrators and faculty talk about effects of Writing Across the Curriculum.
49 "Critic" conference today
Northern Iowan 79:47, p.4
Schedule for Student as Critic Conference.
50 Students man your pencils instructors target writing skills
Northern Iowan 79:38, p.10
Faculty talk about their experience with the Writing Across the Curriculum project.