Corson--De Yea (Class of 1927)

Displaying 1 - 36 of 36 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 20:19, p.6
Winter dance planned, member travels.
2 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 20:14, p.8
Member activities.
3 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 20:11, p.8
Member activities.
4 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 20:10, p.6
Homecoming, alumni, visitors, visits.
5 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 20:4, p.8
Pledges announced, visitors, and activities.
6 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 19:28, p.8
Fraternity happenings.
7 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 19:23, p.8
Fraternity happenings.
8 Questions on conduct
College Eye 18:49, p.4
Encourages current teachers and future teachers to be hypocrites.
9 "The Copperhead" tonight; annual spring play repeated tonight
College Eye 18:46, p.1
Preview of the play; roster of cast members.
10 Chi Pi Theta
College Eye 18:44, p.8
News about members.
11 English Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.157
Description of the organization; roster of officers; photo.
12 Theta Alpha Phi
Old Gold 0:0, p.139
Brief history of the organization; roster of new, active, and honorary members; photos from production of "The Square Peg", by Lewis Beach.
13 New Brooms, by Frank Craven
Old Gold 0:0, p.138
Roster of characters and students cast in each part; photo.
14 Photographs of graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.43
15 "The Copperhead" cast given; annual play going well
College Eye 18:43, p.1
Preview of the play; roster of cast members.
16 New fraternity formed on Hill
College Eye 18:33, p.1
Chi Pi Theta will live at 622 West 24th Street; roster of officers.
17 Midwinter play "New Brooms" cast is picked
College Eye 18:24, p.1
Play preview; roster of cast members.
18 John Poland host to Theta Alpha Phi
College Eye 18:19, p.1
Will host party at his home.
19 Dramatic Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.146
Brief history of the group; members; officers; photo.
20 Philo Literary Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.234
Members, officers.
21 Theta Alpha Phi
Old Gold 0:0, p.147
Members, accomplishments; photo.
22 Philo
College Eye 17:46, p.8
Elected summer and fall officers.
23 Drama fraternity presents a three act farce comedy; Hazel Strayer is the Widow by proxy
College Eye 17:38, p.1
Brief preview of "The Widow by Proxy"; cast members.
24 Widow by Proxy to be given March 31; Hazel Strayer takes lead
College Eye 17:37, p.1
Preview of the play; roster of cast members.
25 Philo
College Eye 17:34, p.8
Enjoyed program given by members.
26 The inquiring reporter
College Eye 17:34, p.5
Asks students and faculty what they like best about George Washington.
27 Dramatic Club holds tryouts; casts new play
College Eye 17:33, p.1
Will cast for "The Kleptomaniac."
28 Theta Alpha Phi
College Eye 17:30, p.8
Hear report on national meeting and talks by members.
29 Annual comedy well presented
College Eye 17:23, p.1
Review of "Captain Applejack."
30 Philo
College Eye 17:22, p.8
Enjoyed recent program.
31 Cast for annual comedy announced
College Eye 17:21, p.1
Roster of cast members for "Captain Applejack"; photo.
32 Theta Alpha Phi hold initiation
College Eye 17:12, p.1
Paul R. Brown and Opal Sarchett join.
33 Philo
College Eye 17:5, p.4
Enjoyed program; schedule of performers and their work.
34 Cast announced for Commencement play; tickets will go on sale next Monday, May 25
College Eye 16:35, p.1

Roster of cast members.

35 Philo program
College Eye 16:29, p.5
Program for recent meeting.
36 "Three pills in a bottle" and "Thursday evening" a success
College Eye 16:24, p.10
The one-act plays were performed by the Dramatic Club in chapel.