Coso--Xuchitl N. (Placement Staff)

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Xuchitl Nodarse Coso
Northern Iowa Today 92:1, p.25

Xuchitl is director of career development at Florida Southern College in Lakeland FL.

2 Conference explores career opportunities; offers students chance to see multi-ethnic role models
Northern Iowan 89:43, p.1
Third annual career exploration conference will be held.
3 Reed coordinates Career Exploration Conference at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1992:377, p.1
Tracy Reed is organizing the second Multi-ethnic Career Exploration Conference at UNI.
4 Coso thanks those who helped with conference
Northern Iowan 88:51, p.2
5 Second Annual Career Exploration Conference, targeted toward multi-ethnic students, to be held on University of Northern Iowa campus March 28
Public Relations News Release 1991:457, p.1
Carl Boyd to deliver keynote address during the Career Exploration Conference.
6 Special day applauded
Northern Iowan 87:57, p.2
Thinks recent career exploration event was worthwhile.
7 Bartlett hall
Old Gold 0:0, p.160
Bartlett hall, housing most of the out-of-state and foreign students, earned the reputation of being the most unique residence hall; photo.