Crow--Catherine (Student--2020)

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Northern Iowan receives award
Northern Iowan 118:53, p.5
Two photos of the Northern Iowan staff who won the Fearless Free Speech Award from the United Faculty, including Nixson Benitez, Caroline Christensen, Karla De Bruin, Colin Horning, Catherine Crow, Sophie Hoffmeier, and Mayra Villanueva; photos.
2 New campus life editor greets readers
Northern Iowan 118:7, p.8
Campus life editor Katie Crow introduced herself to the readers. She discussed her interests in journalism and photography; photo. Read in Spanish and see photo on page 4.
3 Bienvenida a la nueva editora de la Campus Life
Northern Iowan 118:7, p.4
Campus life editor Katie Crow introduced herself to the readers in Spanish. She discussed her interests in journalism and photography; photo. Read in English and see photo on page 8.
4 College Hill parking changes arrive
Northern Iowan 117:14, p.2

The City of Cedar Falls, the College Hill Partnership, and UNI have added a 50 cent hourly fee to two parking lots on College Hill which used to be free. New Pay Station Smart Meters along with an app called 'Park Smarter' are now in use to help with parking in these areas; photo.