Culbertson--Ruth Cubby (Class of 1939)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 51 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Northern Iowan staff members receive awards
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Awards were given to Ashley Calen and Crystal Ryan.
2 'Northern Iowan' staff members receive awards and recognition for their service to the University of Northern iowa campus newspaper
Public Relations News Release 1999:424, p.1
List of students who received scholarships and awards for their work with the Northern Iowan.
3 West Des Moines student at the University of Northern Iowa recipient of journalism award; others honored for their service to paper
Public Relations News Release 1992:688, p.1
Journalism students receive recognition.
4 NI staffers honored; Cubby, best and most innovative awards
Northern Iowan 88:53, p.9
5 Happy 100th birthday, Northern Iowan!
Northern Iowa Today 20:1, p.1
Highlights in history of student newspaper; photo.
6 Harberts receives Ruth Culbertson Jordan Memorial Award for work on University of Northern Iowa student newspaper
Public Relations News Release 1990:496, p.1
UNI student receives Memorial Award for work on the school newspaper.
7 West Bend native receives journalism award at University of Northern Iowa.
Public Relations News Release 1989:629, p.1
Aaron Putze recently received the 1990 Ruth Culbertson Jordan Memorial for outstanding achievement on the staff of the Northern Iowan student newspaper.
8 Nellor earns publications 'Oil Can'
College Eye 41:23, p.8
Some of the past winners of the 'Oil Can' award are listed.
9 Mr. and Mrs. James Jordan
Alumnus 33:1, p.25
The former Ruth Culbertson and her husband are the parents of Laurie Ann, who was born on November 7.
10 S/Sgt. and Mrs. James Jordan
Alumnus 28:3, p.30
The former Ruth Culbertson and her husband are the parents of James Thomas, who was born on October 4, 1943.
11 Editors for '36-'38 send reminiscences
College Eye 33:21, p.2
Former College Eye editors describe the importance of Mr. George H. Holmes to the production of the newspaper.
12 Ruth Culbertson and James Jordan
Alumnus 25:4, p.25
Married June 7, 1941; reside in Iowa City, where James is attending the University of Iowa law college. He is also correspondent for the Des Moines Register and Tribune. Ruth is employed in the Child Welfare Research Station of the University.
13 Former editors to wed Saturday
College Eye 32:34, p.3
Ruth Culbertson will marry James Jordan.
14 Culbertson writes from Denver
Alumnus 24:2, p.19
Alumna Ruth Culbertson says she has a tough room to teach this year.
15 Ruth Culbertson
Alumnus 24:2, p.29
Is teaching in the Denver schools. She was executive editor of the College Eye during 1938-1939.
16 Seniors
Old Gold 0:0, p.108
List of graduates; photos.
17 Press Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.230
Brief description of the group and list of members; photo.
18 Who's Who
Old Gold 0:0, p.132
Brief description of who's who and what they do; photos.
19 Representative students
Old Gold 0:0, p.136
Brief description of representatives; photos.
20 The College Eye
Old Gold 0:0, p.208
Brief description of the group and list of members; photos.
21 Tau Sigma Delta
Old Gold 0:0, p.195
Brief description of the group and list of members; photos.
22 Campus Leaders' Dinner
Old Gold 0:0, p.142
Brief description of what happened at the dinner; photos.
23 Old Gold Beauty Dance
Old Gold 0:0, p.143
Brief description of the dance; photos.
24 Editorial comment
College Eye 30:33, p.2
Thanking Ruth Culbertson for a job well done as editor the College Eye.
25 Most representative women
College Eye 30:20, p.1
Mary Colburn and Ruth Culbertson are selected as the two women for this honor; photo.
26 Four seniors are honored; awarded Old Gold acclaim; all-around ability
College Eye 30:20, p.1
New recipients of the Old Gold most representative student awards go to two senior men and women who have been in many activities throughout their college years.
27 Delegates attend press conference at South Dakota
College Eye 30:13, p.4
TC representatives will attend press conference
28 College Eye participates in national student opinion survey
College Eye 30:12, p.4
Will publish weekly reports.
29 Dr. Latham receives tribute; over 100 present at dinner
College Eye 30:4, p.1
Speaks at meeting for student organization leaders; surprise by tribute.
30 Social usage classes meets
College Eye 30:3, p.3
Learn about campus etiquette.
31 Thursday life of College Eye goes on with plenty of noise
College Eye 29:40, p.3
A look at preparing the College Eye for press.
32 Tau Sigma Delta
Old Gold 0:0, p.77
List of members and activities throughout the year; photos.
33 Purple Arrow
Old Gold 0:0, p.95
Brief description of club and members; photos.
34 Pep and Power
Old Gold 0:0, p.96

Two groups show school spirit; photos.

35 The College Eye
Old Gold 0:0, p.190
Brief description of group and list of members; photos.
36 Two-year students 1937-1938
Old Gold 0:0, p.242
List of students and the activities they were involved in; photos.
37 Around the Campus
College Eye 29:33, p.1
The Reverend Gerald E. Knoff will speak; Ruth Culbertson will be College Eye editor; Jocko Jr., a pet monkey, died.
38 Delegates attend press meet
College Eye 29:31, p.1
College Eye staff attends meeting; photo.
39 'Razz' dinner first project of Press Club
College Eye 29:30, p.4
Will hold first gridiron dinner.
40 Culbertson, Chase head Eye, Old Gold Staffs; business positions still open to application
College Eye 29:25, p.1
List of staff members.
41 The Line
College Eye 29:20, p.2
Campus gossip.
42 Jim, Cub, and Lee
College Eye 29:1, p.2
Any complaints concerning the College Eye should be given to James Jordan, Ruth Culbertson, or Lee Robinson; photo.
43 Pepsters sponsor sport jamboree dance
College Eye 29:1, p.3
Rho Epsilon Rho will sponsor Pep Jamboree.
44 The College Eye staff
Old Gold 0:0, p.226
Members put in hours of work to make the newspaper the best; photos.
45 The officer's answer
College Eye 28:31, p.4
Rho Epsilon Rho members attempt to explain low attendance at college baseball games.
46 Rho Epsilon Rho elect Wednesday
College Eye 28:30, p.3
Roster of officers.
47 Committees begin work on annual Mother's Day
College Eye 28:27, p.1
Students and faculty compromise committees.
48 Culbertson named managing editor
College Eye 28:23, p.1
Ruth Culbertson selected for College Eye position.
49 College Eye staff exchanges places for present issue
College Eye 28:21, p.1
Staff changes assignments.
50 Conference of news advisers to be held
College Eye 28:7, p.4
For advisors of high school newspapers.