Culver--Chet (Iowa Governor)

Displaying 1 - 41 of 41 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Tuition to increase by five percent next year
Northern Iowan 107:45, p.1
The Iowa Board of Regents voted 7-2 to approve a tuition increase for the coming academic year. In-state business students will see an increase of 11.3 percent. This is aimed to make up for former Governor Culver's ten per cent across the board cut.
2 UNI president begins battle with cancer
Northern Iowan 107:25, p.1
Ben Allen has been diagnosed with early stages of prostrate cancer. He will undergo surgery in mid-January. Provost Gloria Gibson will be acting President during his recovery; photo.
3 Chet Culver visits UNI
Northern Iowan 107:14, p.3
Governor Chet Culver spent time with students during his re-election campaign; photo.
4 Election 2010
Northern Iowan 107:13, p.1
Candidates from both major parties for governor, senator, and state and federal representative share their views on same-sex marriage, energy, the economy, and education.
5 Emergency food program put into action
Northern Iowan 107:2, p.3
County Department of Human Services offices are taking applications for food assistance in areas affected by recent flooding and storms.
6 Athletically minded
Northern Iowan 106:44, p.2
Questions funding of athletics. Notes value of athletics for drawing the student body, the alumni, and the community together.
7 Legislative update gives insight to Statehouse workings
Northern Iowan 106:38, p.1
Joe Murphy updated the campus on the progress of legislative action in Des Moines and its effects on the upcoming University budget; photo.
8 The problem with refunded tuition
Northern Iowan 106:34, p.6
The one hundred dollar surcharge students paid for the spring semester will be refunded if the Governor's budget is approved. Perhaps it would be best to continue the charge, since more cuts are anticipated for the next fiscal year.
9 State Board of Regents approved 6-percent tuition increase, voted to repeal $100 surcharge
Northern Iowan 106:34, p.1
Students will be affected by Board of Regents decisions. Tuition increase will be somewhat offset by the repeal of the surcharge imposed last semester due to the ten percent budget cut ordered by Governor Culver.
10 Priorities of our representatives
Northern Iowan 2010:29, p.4
Education and the economy should be foremost on the minds of the General Assembly. However, concerns about the lack of "so help me God" in the swearing in ceremony and gay marriage seem to be more important in the minds of some.
11 university of Northern Iowa staff face potential furloughs
Northern Iowan 106:24, p.1
The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees and the State Police Officers Council have decided to work with Governor Culver by taking five days off without pay. The vote is to be completed by November 25.
12 Board of Regents approves UNI's budget plan
Northern Iowan 106:19, p.1

Governor Chet Culver's ten per cent across the board budget cut trickled down to a UNI share of $8.9 million dollars. A $100 surcharge on tuition for spring, days off without pay, and reducing retirement contributions have been approved; photo.

13 NISG president speaks out against budget cuts
Northern Iowan 106:14, p.1
Disappointed about the lack of support for education by Governor Culver during the most recent budget cut. State support for UNI has decreased over twenty-three percent since the beginning of fiscal year 2009.
14 New budget reductions coming
Northern Iowan 106:13, p.1
President Benjamin Allen announced Governor Culver's decision to cut the budget across the board by ten per cent. Difficult decisions will have to be made for fiscal year 2010.
15 Center for Multicultural Education to host speaker Melissa Esquivel Oct. 6
Public Relations News Release 2009:91, p.1
Esquivel, interim administrator of the Iowa Division of Latino Affairs and manager of the Iowa Youth Congress will discuss the impact of Latinos in the United States and Iowa.
16 UNI to help sponsor North End Arts & Music Fest in Waterloo Saturday & Sunday
Public Relations News Release 2009:76, p.1
The festival celebrates the community's pride in its rich musical and cultural heritage, and recognizes the contributions of the North End Community to the entire city of Waterloo.
17 UNI's RRTTC 'Get Your Green On' to expand its reach
Public Relations News Release 2008:598, p.1
The pilot project launched at Lincoln Elementary School last year will be implemented for kindergarten through sixth grades at all elementary schools in Cedar Falls during the 2009-2010 academic year.
18 Students lobby state capitol for Students' Day
Northern Iowan 105:48, p.1
Forty-eight students travel to Des Moines to meet with legislators concerning the future of funding; photo.
19 Tornado assistance from many sources
Northern Iowan 104:55, p.7
Those who were affected by recent tornado find assistance.
20 Program promotes, enhances Price Lab
Northern Iowan 104:54, p.1
Price Laboratory School named the state's research and development school for pre-kindergarten to twelfth grade; photo.
21 Local reaction to smoking ban mixed
Northern Iowan 104:51, p.1
Governor Culver signed a smoking ban for public places in Iowa, with a few exceptions. Local people react to this decision.
22 College Bound: Balance high school education with jump-start on college credit
Public Relations News Release 2007:557, p.1
The Iowa Legislature is considering a bill to make dual enrollment more accessible for high school students.
23 UNI graduate students will present research as part of Graduate Student Appreciation Week
Public Relations News Release 2007:549, p.1
Several graduate students will be presenting their research April 7; list of students, research, and advisors.
24 UNI staff member to help screen Iowa Power Fund proposals
Public Relations News Release 2007:451, p.1
Patricia Higby was appointed to the Iowa Power Fund board of directors and the Due Diligence committee to help screen fund proposals.
25 Legislature tackles "Generation Iowa" issue
Northern Iowan 104:30, p.2
Iowa examines ways of attracting young people to Iowa. The state needs workers to cover the estimated 150,000 jobs that will be open due to the retirement of the "baby boomers".
26 In regards to Culture Corner: Defending our homes (November 30)
Northern Iowan 104:26, p.8
Northern Iowan reporter challenged on the facts of the effects of NISG president Andrew Morse.
27 High School Student Summit to launch at Price Laboratory Fieldhouse
Public Relations News Release 2007:256, p.1
The Iowa Mathematics and Science Coalition is sponsoring a "High School Student Summit for Mathematics and Science" November 7.
28 Iowa receives grant for drug courts
Northern Iowan 104:15, p.2
Family drug courts emphasize treatment of drug addicted parents. Federal grant will allow Iowa to fund three such courts and expand the two that exist in the state.
29 Governor appoints UNI educator to state board
Public Relations News Release 2007:196, p.1
Patricia Higby has been appointed to the Iowa Power Fund board of directors.
30 Record harvest leads to weight limit exemption
Northern Iowan 104:8, p.2
Iowa Governor Chet Culver has approved a harvest exemption. Farmers may haul 88,000 pounds of grain from September 14 until November 14.
31 Gay marriage a right, not sin
Northern Iowan 104:5, p.7
Reasons for legalizing same-sex marriage; photo.
32 New scholarship means more dollars for scholars
Northern Iowan 104:2, p.2
"All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship" announced by Governor Chet Culver; photo.
33 Iowa earns straight "A's" in health care
Northern Iowan 103:58, p.2
Private foundation ranks Iowa among the highest states in all five graded categories of health care; photo.
34 Governor aims to make Iowa energy center of country
Northern Iowan 103:55, p.1
Iowa Power Fund plans to double the production of E-85, triple the distribution capacity of E-85, double the renewable energy producers in Iowa by 2010, and double the amount of renewable energy in Iowa by 2010; photo.
35 Tobacco tax meets with approval and criticism
Northern Iowan 103:47, p.1
Pros and cons of increase in the tobacco tax in Iowa; photo.
36 New flag etiquette
Northern Iowan 103:45, p.1
Governor Culver ordered flags lowered in honor of Travis Vaughn, an Iowan killed in Iraq. The Governor plans to continue this tradition; photo.
37 Iowa declared disaster area by Governor
Northern Iowan 103:43, p.1
Following last week's snow storm in western Iowa and the previous ice storm in eastern Iowa, Governor Culver has declared the entire state a disaster area; photo.
38 Students lobby for higher education
Northern Iowan 103:42, p.1
Thirty-five UNI students attended Student Day at the Capitol; photo.
39 Culver wants ban on stem cell research lifted
Northern Iowan 103:34, p.1
Iowa governor announced plans to spend over $12 million to construct the Iowa Center for Regenerative Medicine in Iowa City; photo.
40 Legislature
Northern Iowan 103:31, p.1
State Senator Bill Dotzler and Representatives Deborah Berry, Bob Kressig, and Doris Kelly attended the first legislative forum at Area Education Agency 267.
41 Regents lobby for more education spending
Northern Iowan 103:29, p.1
Board of Regents seeks increased funding for education from the Iowa Legislature.