
Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Chas. S. Cobb
Normal Eyte 9:5, p.105
Principal at Hot Springs, South Dakota; Katherine Cunningham is assistant principal there.
2 Alumni register, 1895
Normal Eyte 4:36, p.607
Officers of Alumni Association; list of alumni with their degrees, current jobs, and locations.
3 The officers of the Alumni Association
Normal Eyte 4:24, p.377
Roster of officers.
4 Following are some of the alumni
Normal Eyte 4:10, p.153
Roster of those who attended the recent Northeast Iowa Teachers meeting in Waterloo.
5 The literary program of the Alumni Association
Normal Eyte 3:36, p.283
Association places graduates of old elementary course on same footing as graduates of current course; officers elected; speakers listed.
6 Miss Kate Cunningham
Normal Eyte 3:32, p.253
Will teach in Vinton.
7 Commencement addresses
Normal Eyte 2:37, p.283
Representatives of three classes give addresses; President Seerley confers degrees.
8 Misses Florence Marshall, Florence Mack, and Kate Cunningham
Normal Eyte 2:31, p.241
Will teach in Cedar Falls.
9 Miss Bridgie Cunningham
Normal Eyte 1:9, p.69
Teaching in city schools while her sister Kate has been ill.
10 Kate Cunningham and Helen Carpenter
Students' Offering 7:28, p.6
Doing good work.
11 The following persons
Students' Offering 1:4, p.7
Expect to teach winter schools.
12 Katy Cunningham
Students' Offering 200:2, p.6
Teaching in Black Hawk County.