Curtis--Jennie E. (Geography Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 55 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Neo's honorary members
Old Gold 0:0, p.104
Article discussing the honorary members of the Neotrophian society; photo.
2 After an absence
Normal Eyte 13:31, p.484
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hearst are back from their trip to Europe.
3 On May 10, in Chicago
Normal Eyte 12:33, p.519
Jennie Curtis married Dr. William L. Hearst.
4 Clara Drenning
Normal Eyte 12:15, p.235
Visited Galena and Chicago; saw Jennie Curtis in Chicago.
5 New members of the faculty
Normal Eyte 12:1, p.3
Brief roster and assignments of new faculty members.
6 Commencement exercises
Normal Eyte 11:35, p.856

Description of extensive program of activities.

7 Miss Jennie Curtis
Normal Eyte 11:31, p.765
Resigns to take position at University of Chicago.
8 Miss Jennie Curtis
Normal Eyte 10:12, p.287
Some of the faculty left campus for Thanksgiving.
9 Miss Jennie Curtis
Normal Eyte 10:7, p.153
Presented paper in Clinton.
10 Official
Normal Eyte 10:6, p.126
Several faculty as well as Elbert Hubbard speak to teachers meeting in Clinton; students from the Philippines may attend ISNS.
11 Mr. Will Hodge
Normal Eyte 10:1, p.12
Visiting Jennie Curtis.
12 Official
Normal Eyte 9:27, p.636
Mary Simmons will teach English at the Normal School; news of other additions to the faculty; street railway loop to College Hill considered; new departments to be organized; faculty promoted; summer session fees decreased.
13 Miss Curtis
Normal Eyte 9:18, p.427
Led P. E. O. meeting.
14 The faculty enjoyed the holidays
Normal Eyte 9:14, p.333
Brief summary of faculty holiday activities.
15 Fred Hillis
Normal Eyte 9:13, p.307
Visited cousin Jennie Curtis; entered school.
16 Miss Curtis and Miss Riggs
Normal Eyte 9:13, p.307
Will vacation in New Orleans.
17 Miss Curtis and Miss Goodwin
Normal Eyte 9:12, p.282
Visited Washburn; Laura Seals went visiting with Anna Baker.
18 Miss Jennie Curtis
Normal Eyte 9:5, p.107
Visited New Hartford.
19 Miss Curtis and Miss Goodwin
Normal Eyte 9:3, p.61
Visited Washburn farm.
20 Miss Curtis
Normal Eyte 9:3, p.60
Entertained cousin.
21 Mrs. Scofille
Normal Eyte 9:1, p.12
Visited cousin Jennie Curtis.
22 Misses Rice, Hutchinson, and Jennie Curtis
Normal Eyte 8:35, p.498
Entertained Neotrophians.
23 Miss Jennie Curtis
Normal Eyte 8:34, p.485
Has quinsy.
24 Jennie Curtis
Normal Eyte 8:21, p.296
Met classes.
25 Jennie Curtis
Normal Eyte 8:20, p.280
Has not met classes.
26 Mr. Bender and Jennie Curtis
Normal Eyte 8:17, p.239
Will make presentations at teachers meeting.
27 Through the kindness of Miss Curtis
Normal Eyte 8:16, p.228
Lengthy letter from a soldier in Cuba telling about travelling to Cuba and his experiences there.
28 Neotrophian
Normal Eyte 8:12, p.171
Account of recent musical.
29 The State Teachers Association
Normal Eyte 8:11, p.152
Many Normal faculty and alumni on program; President Seerley is to address the subject, "Does the School meet the demands of the people?".
30 A visit to the Bermuda Islands
Normal Eyte 8:10, p.136
Description of visit by Miss Curtis.
31 Misses Baker and Curtis
Normal Eyte 8:6, p.82
Visited Waterloo.
32 We are glad to welcome Miss Jennie Curtis
Normal Eyte 8:2, p.28
Returns from trip to Bermuda.
33 Jennie Curtis
Normal Eyte 8:1, p.10
Not yet returned from trip to Bermuda Islands; will bring biological specimens when she does return.
34 Faculty--Group 3
Normal Eyte 7:35, p.
Faculty in 1898; photo.
35 Jennie Curtis
Normal Eyte 7:32, p.12
Spoke at teachers meeting.
36 The Board of Trustees
Normal Eyte 7:27, p.9
Roster of faculty changes.
37 Philo
Normal Eyte 7:25, p.14
Account of recent debate and oratory program.
38 Miss Jennie Curtis
Normal Eyte 7:25, p.12
Entertaining friend.
39 Jennie Curtis and Miss Gregg
Normal Eyte 7:24, p.14
Spent vacation in Cedar Falls.
40 Miss Call, Miss Jennie Curtis, and Mrs. Page
Normal Eyte 7:23, p.11
Entertained friends.
41 Philo public
Normal Eyte 7:17, p.14
Performance program.
42 Miss Jennie Curtis
Normal Eyte 7:16, p.11
Will visit Perry.
43 Mrs. Page, Miss Call, and Miss Jennie Curtis
Normal Eyte 7:12, p.138
Entertained friends.
44 Jennie Curtis and Miss Call
Normal Eyte 7:7, p.81
Visited Waterloo.
45 Faculty no. 3
Normal Eyte 6:33, p.414
Composite of individual faculty portraits; photo.
46 Society Notes
Normal Eyte 6:24, p.281
Program for upcoming Neotrophian Society meeting.
47 Miss Jennie Curtis and Miss Simmons
Normal Eyte 6:14, p.164
Entertained faculty women.
48 Saturday
Normal Eyte 6:6, p.69
Several faculty went to Waterloo on their bicycles.
49 The following are the society visitation committees
Normal Eyte 6:1, p.10
Roster of faculty and their assignments.
50 Miss Jennie E. Curtis
Normal Eyte 5:35, p.348
Will teach summer school in Rock Island, Illinois.