Cuthbertson--DeWayne Clair (Class of 1952)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 62 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 TC grads have research work in magazine
College Eye 50:11, p.8
Research described in business education magazine.
2 Publishes article by Cuthbertson
College Eye 45:17, p.7
Publishes article on typewriting.
3 Spring Formal
Old Gold 0:0, p.93
The Spring Formal includes the traditional Grand March, along with the music of Vance Dixon; photo.
4 Bachelor of Arts Graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.241
Photos of the students who graduated with a Bachelors of Arts; photos.
5 Who's Who
Old Gold 0:0, p.46

Students are featured here in a Who's Who on campus; photo.

6 Student League Board
Old Gold 0:0, p.88
Photo of the Student League Board members and a discription of the board; photo.
7 Men's Union
Old Gold 0:0, p.89
Member photo of the Men's Union; photo.
8 Student Counselors
Old Gold 0:0, p.102
A photo of the Student Counselors; photo.
9 Alpha Phi Gamma
Old Gold 0:0, p.168
Brief description of the organization with a photo of members; photo.
10 Pi Omega Pi
Old Gold 0:0, p.179
Description of the national honor business fraternity; photo.
11 Sigma Tau Gamma
Old Gold 0:0, p.233

Description of the fraternity and a few of the events they took part in over the school year; photo.

12 Another cut-day rebuttal
College Eye 43:30, p.2
A College Eye editorial writer defends his position against the abolishment of Cut Day.
13 In defense of Cut Day
College Eye 43:29, p.2
De Wayne Cuthbertson presents his views on Cut-Day.
14 Political rally marks end of hot campus campaign
College Eye 43:25, p.1
Brief description of debates.
15 Six SLB candidates taken out; others are urged to file
College Eye 43:23, p.1
16 Board #1; Board #2; Board #3
College Eye 43:22, p.5
Plans for bulleting boards.
17 An answer
College Eye 43:20, p.2
Refutes the use of a voting machine for the all campus elections.
18 Invite 200 schools to press day
College Eye 43:19, p.1
To be sponsored by Alpha Phi Gamma.
19 Annual High School Press Day, Saturday, March 1
Public Relations News Release 1952:413, p.1
The press day, sponsored by Alpha Phi Gamma, national honorary journalistic fraternity, will feature workshops on student yearbook and newspaper publishing.DeWayne Cuthbertson, Toledo, is general chairman for the event.
20 High school Press Day planned for March 1
College Eye 43:18, p.8
Sponsored by Alpha Phi Gamma.
21 Plan new bulletin boards; SLB group will remodel Crossroads
College Eye 43:13, p.1
Committee makes recommendations on subject matter for each board.
22 Student League Board minutes
College Eye 43:12, p.3
Summarizes the activities of the student governmental group.
23 Cedar Falls - Twenty-one students accepted for recognition in the 1951-52 edition of Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges
Public Relations News Release 1951:164, p.1
The publication is one national basis of recognition for college students. Norminations were made by the student welfare committee at the college and submitted to the publication.
24 Special to: Toledo Chronicle
Public Relations News Release 1951:156, p.1
DeWayne Cuthbertson, Toledo, was one of 21 college students accepted for recognition in the 1951-52 edition of "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges." Consideration was given to scholarship, leadership, and curricular activities.
25 Minutes of Student League Board
College Eye 43:6, p.7
Hear committee reports and requests.
26 Minutes of Student League Board
College Eye 43:2, p.2
Student League Board provides minutes to the readers.
27 Golden Ledger
Old Gold 0:0, p.162
Brief description of the group; photo.
28 Alpha Phi Gamma
Old Gold 0:0, p.156
Brief description of the group; photo.
29 Old Gold
Old Gold 0:0, p.92

Brief description of the group; photo.

30 Senior Counselors
Old Gold 0:0, p.85

List of members; photo.

31 Old Gold '51
Old Gold 0:0, p.2
32 Pi Omega Pi
Old Gold 0:0, p.169
Brief description of the group; photo.
33 Future Business Leaders of America
Old Gold 0:0, p.187
List of members; photo.
34 Next fall's men's senior counselors at Iowa State Teachers college have been announced by Don Peters, Marcus
Public Relations News Release 1950:374, p.1
They are Jim Coffin, Roscoe Crickenberger, DeWayne Cuthbertson, Clyde Dilley, Ernie Doeringsfald, Joe Holdiman, Lavern Miller, Dale Moss, Dick Munster, and Dean Myhr.
35 Dewayne Cuthbertson, Toledo, will head the 1951-1952 activities of the Iowa State Teachers college chapter of Alpha Phi Gamma
Public Relations News Release 1950:374, p.1
Other officers of the national honorary journalistic fraternity recently elected include Clara Hack, Beth Smalley, Marge Schloeman, Ted Whiting. Hack and Cuthbertson will also be the chapter's delegates to the fraternity national convention in New Mexico.
36 Alpha Phi Gamma chooses officers
College Eye 42:31, p.3
De Wayne Cuthbertson will be president; list of other officers.
37 New guide books to be combined
College Eye 42:31, p.6
Guide book and list of student organizations will be combined into one book.
38 New officers were recently elected by the Iowa State Teachers college chapter of Pi Omega Pi, national honorary business education fraternity
Public Relations News Release 1950:369, p.1
The officers are: Jim Ribbeck, Sumner, president; Margaretjean Butterworth, Humboldt, vice-president; Jane O'Boyle, Hornick, secretary; Lela Hill, Clarion, Treasurer; DeWayne Cuthbertson, Toledo, reporter, and Bill Craig, Waterloo, historian.
39 Hack, Cuthbertson awarded Oil Can
College Eye 42:28, p.6
Honored for work on College Eye.
40 The Oil Can, awarded annually to the student contributing the most to journalist was presented to Clara Hack and Dewayne Cuthbertson
Public Relations News Release 1950:321, p.1
Hack is executive editor of the College Eye, weekly newspaper, and Cuthbertson is executive editor of Old Gold, the yearbook. The award was made at the annual Gridiron dinner sponsored by the campus chapter of Alpha Phi Gamma.
41 Peters appoints committee heads for coming year
College Eye 42:27, p.1
List of chairs for SLB standing committees.
42 The 1951 Old Gold is off the press
Public Relations News Release 1950:314, p.1
With a hungry marauding panther on its rich blue-grained cover, with 298 pages, it's the yearbook at the college. Dedicated to Dean of Women Sadie B. Campbell, the 1951 annual is the 45th to be published in the college's 75-year history.
43 Cuthbertson assists in Iowa State contest
College Eye 42:26, p.3
Serves as judge of beauty contest.
44 Can spring be far behind
College Eye 42:23, p.7
Photo essay on the recent snowfall.
45 Marcus student wins ISTC election
Public Relations News Release 1950:258, p.1
Don Peters, 21-year-old junior from Marcus, will lead the student body for one year starting next quarter. A navy veteran, Peters is majoring in business education. Peter's opponent was Lee Miller, 22-year-old sophomore from Manchester.
46 Yearbook staff work progressing
College Eye 42:15, p.3
Sixty percent of work is at printer.
47 Student Editor at TC to Lead Chicago Discussion
Public Relations News Release 1950:97, p.1
DeWayne Cuthbertson's discussion topic is "What Can Be Done to Make the ACP Conference More Helpful for Yearbook Editors." Clara Hack, Waterloo, executive editor of the College Eye, student newspaper, and Journalism Instructor Fred Hoar will also attend.
48 Cuthbertson to lead ACP discussion group
College Eye 42:7, p.5
At collegiate press convention.
49 Editor names annual staff
College Eye 42:4, p.1
List of Old Gold staff.
50 FBLA picnic planned
College Eye 42:2, p.7