Darling--Barbara Joyce (Class of 1952; Physical Education Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 50 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI honors eight with induction into School of HPELS' Hall of Excellence
Public Relations News Release 2009:161, p.1
Eight graduates were recently inducted into the school's Elinor A. Crawford & William R. Thrall Hall of Excellence. Criteria for induction include demonstrated mastery of the profession's knowledge base. Graduates listed.
2 Five faculty members to be honored
Northern Iowan 81:52, p.6

College of Education will honor those who are retiring; brief sketches of Professors Dreier, Rhum, Yager, McGrew, and Darling.

3 Orchesis on stage again
Northern Iowan 81:32, p.10
A look at the upcoming program; photo.
4 Orchesis will perform tomorrow
Northern Iowan 80:21, p.17
Good turnout for tryouts; will perform for Parents Weekend; photo.
5 Feel like dancing?
Northern Iowan 80:2, p.15
A look at the upcoming work of Orchesis; photo.
6 Not all UNI graduates teach
Old Gold 0:0, p.20
Half of UNI graduates form the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation choose a career other than teaching; photo.
7 Orchesis: energetic relaxation
Northern Iowan 78:34, p.12
Barbara Darling talks about the troupe and about the upcoming show.
8 Orchesis plans 'Moulage'
Northern Iowan 78:33, p.8
Brief description of program; photo.
9 Aerobics: just plain fun!
Northern Iowan 78:4, p.7
Students talk about the benefits of exercise.
10 Orchesis tryouts begin
Northern Iowan 77:35, p.13
11 "Moulage" performed by UNI dance group
Public Relations News Release 1980:353, p.1
The dance group Orchesis will perform "Moulage" for their spring show.
12 Orchesis: modern dance comes alive this weekend
Northern Iowan 76:36, p.6
UNI's modern dance troupe, Orchesis, will perform; photo.
13 Modern dance members choreograph Orchesis show
UNI Century 6:3, p.2
Students arranged most of this year's show; photo.
14 Orchesis dancers to present show
Northern Iowan 72:36, p.1
Will present series of twelve dances; photo.
15 Women close fall season
UNI Century 3:1, p.8
Fall season sees many firsts for women's athletics; field hockey finishes 7-0-1; golf, volleyball, and gymnastics field team for first time; swimming prospects; tennis results.
16 Braun, Green, Darling to nationals
Northern Iowan 71:23, p.7
Three UNI players are on their way to national play.
17 Freedom and dance; Orchesis is
Northern Iowan 70:52, p.6
Barbara Darling talks about the upcoming performance; photo.
18 So who should get scholarships?
Northern Iowan 70:33, p.3
Defends idea of athletic scholarships.
19 Do athletes need scholarships to win?
Northern Iowan 70:31, p.2
Professor Darling likes to see athletes competing for the sake of the competition itself and for the consequent awareness that it brings.
20 Braun named to team
Northern Iowan 70:19, p.11
Diane Braun was selected to be a goalie for a South Regional Team.
21 Modern dance
Northern Iowan 69:8, p.4
Looking for those who want to learn more.
22 Modern dance troupe here this weekend
Northern Iowan 68:49, p.5
Description of Orchesis program.
23 Orchesis--an experience in movement
UNI Quarterly 3:3, p.125
A look at several performances by Orchesis; photo.
24 UNI to Host Physical Education Career Day for Iowa High School Girls
Public Relations News Release 1971:532, p.1
150 girls and their teachers are expected to attend the 6th annual Physical Education Career Day on April 15 at UNI.
25 UNI grad named to Midwest hockey team
Northern Iowan 67:20, p.6
Barbara Darling and Marilee Mateer will play on the Midwest I Field Hockey team; photo.
26 Faculty present satire 'Northern Utopia Limited'
College Eye 63:41, p.6
As part of annual faculty dinner; photo.
27 Orchesis will present dances in auditorium
College Eye 60:50, p.3
Description of program.
28 "Electra" is success
Alumnus 50:2, p.9
Brief note and review.
29 Greek garments, masks in 'Electra' erase centuries
College Eye 59:28, p.1
Stan Wood talks about the production of the play; photo.
30 SCI theatre will present 'Electra' in new version
College Eye 59:18, p.6
Quick look at the production.
31 SCI faculty to participate in 110th ISEA Convention
College Eye 59:5, p.3
Roster of fourteen faculty who will be participating.
32 Orchesis members learn to walk better, increase poise
College Eye 58:12, p.5
Students and advisor talk about the benefits of Orchesis; photo.
33 Orchesis Yuletide dance Monday
College Eye 57:13, p.3
Description of program.
34 Women's PE Under Two Way Program
Old Gold 0:0, p.104
The Department of Physical Education for Women has two main purposes. One is to educate teachers and physical educators and the second, is to create various activities and sporting opportunities for women students.
35 Orchesis presents 'Evening of Dance'
College Eye 51:27, p.2
Twenty dancers will perform; Barbara Darling will direct.
36 Pi Theta Pi Holds Varied Activities to Promote Sisterhood
Old Gold 0:0, p.211
Pi Theta Pi had a Mother's Day Brunch, and a Christmas Party with Sigma Tau Gamma; a pledge with the highest gpa is given a necklace to be worn for one year; a pledge with the second highest gpa is given a bracelet for the remainder of the year; photo.
37 Physical Education Club in Charge of Student Convention
Old Gold 0:0, p.183
At the convention, the local Physical Education Club had charge of the student section; they also purchased crests which were designed by a member; the Physical Education Club for Women is open to all majors and minors in physical education; photo.
38 WRA, Orchesis Take Active Part in Campus Affairs
Old Gold 0:0, p.182
The Women's Recreational Association intramural program includes, basketball, volleyball, softball, tennis, golf, hockey, and numerous other sports; the Modern Dance Club, Orchesis took part in many events including the WRA Orientation Program; photo.
39 Students Acquire Skills in the Women's Physical Education Department
Old Gold 0:0, p.110
The main goal of the Women's Physical Education Department is to train physical education teachers for the secondary and elementary grades, and to give women students a chance to acquire physical skills; photo.
40 Ten recently appointed to staff and faculty
College Eye 50:2, p.6
Brief profiles of new staff.
41 North Hall
Old Gold 0:0, p.94
Photo of the then new North Hall for junior and senior women is featured along with the House Council members; photo.
42 Physical Education Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.206
Description of the club and photo of the members; photo.
43 Bachelor of Arts Graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.241
Photos of the students who graduated with a Bachelors of Arts; photos.
44 Physical Education Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.195
Brief description of the group; photo.
45 Orchesis
Old Gold 0:0, p.194
Brief description of the group; photo.
46 Women's recreation association
Old Gold 0:0, p.174
Brief description of the group; photo.
47 Physical education club
Old Gold 0:0, p.169
48 Orchesis
Old Gold 0:0, p.168
Brief description of the group; photo.
49 Physical Education Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.182

Brief description of the group; photo.

50 College Chorus
Old Gold 0:0, p.87
Brief description of chorus and list of members; photo.