Davenport--Margaret (Class of 1936)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 51 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Margaret Davenport Alumnus 26:1, p.21 |
Married Clifford L. Fagan, who is a commerce instructor at Ellsworth Junior College in Iowa Falls, Iowa. | |
2 | Plaque honors dramatists College Eye 29:18, p.1 |
Plaque ordered to honor winners of Bertha Martin Scholarships; will be placed in Auditorium Building. | |
3 | Graduates Old Gold 0:0, p.231 |
Graduate photos. | |
4 | Kappa Theta Psi Old Gold 0:0, p.68 |
Description of activities, officers, and members; photos. | |
5 | Playcraft Club Old Gold 0:0, p.102 |
Purpose, activities, officers, and members; photo. | |
6 | Who's Who Old Gold 0:0, p.132 |
Profiles of popular students; photos. | |
7 | Gamma Theta Upsilon Old Gold 0:0, p.164 |
Purpose, activities, officers, and members; photos. | |
8 | Drama Old Gold 0:0, p.196 |
Brief description of the year's productions; photos. | |
9 | Theta Alpha Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.210 |
Description, activities, officers, and members; photos. | |
10 | Recognition will be given to honorary organization members next Wednesday; Nelson, Suter, Graber will address student body at assembly College Eye 27:42, p.1 |
At Recognition Day assembly. | |
11 | Mothers to be entertained at weekend fete; music to play an important part in Mother's Day festivities College Eye 27:41, p.1 |
Schedule of activities. | |
12 | Mother's Day plans include open house, luncheons, concerts College Eye 27:39, p.1 |
Schedule of activities. | |
13 | Plans are begun for Mother's Day College Eye 27:38, p.1 |
About two hundred students will be involved in activities. | |
14 | Students direct high school play College Eye 27:33, p.1 |
Will present "Clover Time" | |
15 | The twenty-four outstanding students at the Teachers College have been selected Public Relations News Release 1935:584, p.1 |
The selections will be featured in the annual Who's Who of Teachers College. | |
16 | Margaret Davenport has been named one of the twenty four outstanding students Public Relations News Release 1935:596, p.1 |
Profile. | |
17 | Teachers College faculty committee picks Who's Who College Eye 27:30, p.1 |
Student Welfare Committee makes selections. | |
18 | College beauties bare secrets, tell of likes and pet aversions College Eye 27:28, p.3 |
Quick profiles of Old Gold Beauty candidates. | |
19 | Six women were chosen as the most beautiful of the twelve who were presented at the prom Public Relations News Release 1935:497, p.1 |
Short profiles of the contestants. | |
20 | History precedes itself as well as repeats itself in the 1936 edition of Tutor Ticklers Public Relations News Release 1935:465, p.3 |
Program for the vaudeville show. | |
21 | Margaret Davenport is one of eighteen co-eds who have been nominated for campus beauties Public Relations News Release 1935:408, p.1 |
Profile. | |
22 | Eighteen candidates for the six campus beauties were announced Public Relations News Release 1935:376, p.1 |
Candidates. | |
23 | Margaret Davenport has been named chairman of the music and feature program for the ball Public Relations News Release 1935:360, p.1 |
Profile. | |
24 | The sale of tickets for the annual Homecoming play indicate record attendance Public Relations News Release 1935:146, p.1 |
Description and cast of the play. | |
25 | Dr. Vio Mae Powell names the production staff for the Homecoming play Public Relations News Release 1935:76, p.1 |
Staff members. | |
26 | President O. R. Latham will be host to 110 leaders Public Relations News Release 1935:75, p.1 |
The sixth annual Campus Leaders dinner will be held October 3. | |
27 | Leaders of student organizations will be entertained by President Latham Public Relations News Release 1935:62, p.1 |
The sixth annual Campus Leaders Dinner will be October 3. | |
28 | Campus leaders to be guests at dinner College Eye 27:14, p.1 |
Will emphasize contribution of extracurricular activities to college life. | |
29 | Play Public Relations News Release 1935:42, p.1 |
Cast for the play "Post Road." | |
30 | Players in the cast of "Love and Geography" have been invited to participate in the Carnival of Comedy Public Relations News Release 1934:1127, p.1 |
Program for the event. | |
31 | Casting has been completed for "Love and Geography" Public Relations News Release 1934:1116, p.1 |
Cast members. |
32 | Kappa Theta Psi Old Gold 0:0, p.222 |
Established in 1906; purpose, advisor, honorary members, officers, and members; photos. | |
33 | Drama students will present the first amateur production of "The Distaff Side" on May 29 Public Relations News Release 1934:1086, p.2 |
Description of the play and cast and crew members. | |
34 | Dramatists initiate eight at ceremony College Eye 26:44, p.135 |
Theta Alpha Phi welcomed eight new members and hosted a dinner. | |
35 | Everything is in the readiness for students to entertain their mothers on Mother's Day Public Relations News Release 1934:1061, p.1 |
Program for the all college dinner. | |
36 | Plans for entertaining and welcoming mothers were nearing completion this weekend Public Relations News Release 1934:1052, p.2 |
Schedule of events for the annual Mother's Day celebration. | |
37 | Hazel B. Strayer and H. Darkes Albright will be speakers at the Play Production Conference Public Relations News Release 1934:1029, p.2 |
Program for the event, and profiles of Miss Strayer and Mr. Albright. | |
38 | Hazel B. Strayer and H. Darkes Albright will be speakers at the Teachers College Conference on Play Production Public Relations News Release 1934:1028, p.1 |
Program for the event. | |
39 | Three entertain Playcraft Club College Eye 26:36, p.3 |
40 | Playcraft Club Old Gold 0:0, p.156 |
The Playcraft Club was organized in 1925; description and officers; photo. | |
41 | Kappa Theta Psi Old Gold 0:0, p.228 |
Established in 1906; officers and members; photos. | |
42 | Writers' Club Old Gold 0:0, p.160 |
The Writers' Club was formed in 1929; officers and photo. | |
43 | The drama division will present A. A. Milne's play, "The Perfect Alibi" Public Relations News Release 1934:505, p.1 |
Cast and crew of the play. | |
44 | Honor bids were sent to 41 women by Purple Arrow Public Relations News Release 1934:466, p.1 |
Members were chosen based on scholarship and activity accomplishment. Initiation of the new members will be at a dinner in the college Commons on Thursday, May 24. Names of new members. | |
45 | Kappa Theta's stage dance at Waterloo College Eye 25:40, p.3 |
46 | Women's League and Blue Key sponsor "White Enchantment"; voice concert will occur at Commons Sunday afternoon College Eye 25:39, p.1 |
Will make presentation for four voices. | |
47 | Spring play is drama of men resisting war; rapid scene shifts give kaleidoscopic effect to production College Eye 25:39, p.1 |
Review of "Peace on Earth". | |
48 | Drama students present "Peace on Earth" Public Relations News Release 1932:412, p.1 |
The anti-war play will run on April 19, 20, and 21. Forty two drama students play characters while an additional twenty take part in the mob scenes. | |
49 | Davenport is new Kappa Theta head College Eye 25:38, p.3 |
Roster of Kappa Theta Psi officers. | |
50 | 'Peace On Earth' is spring play; Davenport, Middleton, and Byers will play in leading roles College Eye 25:37, p.1 |
List of cast members; preview of the play. |