Davis--Darrel Wilber (Accounting Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 82 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Curtis DeBerg
Northern Iowa Today 95:3, p.28
Employed as a professor of accounting at Chico State for twenty-three years. Thanks Professors Gaylon Halverson, Ronald Abraham, and Darrel Davis for their dedication to students.
2 UNI alumnus honors influential professor with scholarship endowment
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Wendell Crosser has started the Darrel Davis Scholarship Endowment in honor of the influential professor.
3 Honoring employees for years of service
Northern Iowan 101:55, p.2
The Annual Recognition Breakfast honoring those who are retiring will be held April 30th at 8:15a.m.
4 Long-term employees retiring from UNI to be recognized Saturday, April 30
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1

Thirteen retiring employees will be honored at Recognition Breakfast.

5 Twenty-five years at UNI
Campus News Network 5:22, p.2
Thirteen faculty members were honored by Waterloo Chamber of Commerce for twenty-five years in the education field.
6 University of Northern Iowa chapter of Omicron Delta Kappa initiates new members, installs officers
Public Relations News Release 1994:410, p.1
Omicron Delta Kappa announces new members and officers. Students listed.
7 University of Northern Iowa chapter of Omicron Delta Kappa initiates 21 members, installs officers
Public Relations News Release 0:525, p.1
New officers installed and new members are initiated by Omicron Delta Kappa at UNI. Students listed.
8 Meeting dissolves into debate over parliamentary procedure
Northern Iowan 90:45, p.1
Commission approves motion to keep add/drop policy as is.
9 The students' choice
Northern Iowa Today 77:2, p.19
Graduating seniors rate top five professors: Steve Corbin, Joan Duea, Darrel Davis, David Whitsett, and John Eiklor; photo.
10 Graduates salute five mentors faculty honored for portraying positive influence
Northern Iowan 90:4, p.8
Faculty honored for influencing students.
11 University of Northern Iowa faculty members selected by graduating g seniors for their "positive influence"
Public Relations News Release 1992:761, p.1
Five faculty members recognized by the graduating seniors as having had a positive influence on their college experiences.
12 Top-notch faculty: the students' choice
Campus News Network 3:21, p.1
Sketches of five faculty rated highly by students; photo.
13 University of Northern Iowa's Omicron Delta Kappa circle in ducts new members
Public Relations News Release 1992:504, p.1
New members of Omicron Delta Kappa are announced. Inductees listed.
14 Not a nine to five gig; life is full and invigorating for Northern Iowa faculty
Northern Iowa Today 76:2, p.6
Professors Darrell Davis, Grace Ann Hovet, and Curtiss Hanson talk about their very busy schedules; photo.
15 University of Northern Iowa's Omicron Delta Kappa Circle inducts new members
Public Relations News Release 1992:162, p.1
Nine UNI students joined the members of Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society Circle. New students and officers listed.
16 University of Northern Iowa's Omicron Delta Kappa chapter inducts 27 new members
Public Relations News Release 1991:586, p.1
UNI honor society inducts new members. Members listed.
17 University of Northern Iowa's Omicron Delta Kappa chapter inducts 27 new members
Public Relations News Release 1991:577, p.1
UNI Omicron Delta Kappa chapter inducts new members. Members listed. Marlene Strathe was guest speaker.
18 Omicron Delta Kappa inducts new members: Students, faculty, and community members honored
Northern Iowan 88:52, p.1
Inducts twenty-four students, two faculty, and one community person; photo.
19 Reception April 3 in Mason City for students admitted to University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1990:408, p.1
Students admitted to UNI, their parents, guidance counselors, and other prospective students are invited to a reception in Mason City. Mark Young, a UNI alumnus, will speak.
20 Northern Iowa leaders receive recognition at banquet
Public Relations News Release 1990:187, p.1
Omicron Delta Kappa names new inductees.
21 Big thanks extended
Northern Iowan 87:19, p.2
Student thanks those who helped in the Omicron Delta Kappa Campus Clean-up November 2.
22 Northern Iowa offers unique research opportunities to undergrads
Northern Iowa Today 18:1, p.1
Students describe their undergraduate research projects; photo.
23 Can the American mind be reopened?; rethinking undergraduate education
Northern Iowa Today 73:1, p.6
Survey of recent efforts by UNI to enhance quality of undergraduate education; photo.
24 ODK inducts members
Northern Iowan 85:19, p.1
Group trying to get campus exposure; list of initiates.
25 Regents approve UNI budget
Northern Iowan 84:66, p.1
Approve $2 million budget for Union expansion; Muriel Stone will head Placement; Peter Goulet will be acting head of Information Management; Claire Rowe will be acting head of Accounting.
26 Regents approve appointments, business for University of Northern Iowa.
Public Relations News Release 1988:498, p.1
Muriel Stone named director of Placement and Career Services. Peter Goulet named professor and head of the Department of Information Management. Board approves $2 million dollars for Maucker Union.
27 Overcoming subject turf tending
Nonpareil 72:3, p.31
Professor Davis outlines philosophy and achievements of recent general education revision; photo.
28 The long view: general education for life
Nonpareil 72:3, p.2
Background for recent changes in general education at UNI; photo.
29 Not a new way of teaching . . . just a rare way
Northern Iowa Today 16:1, p.1
Look at teaching methods of several faculty including Professors Swenson, Eiklor, and Davis; photo.
30 UNI sticks with number system for course ID's
Northern Iowan 83:53, p.4
Faculty Senate approves maintaining course numbering system; accept general education report calling for improved staffing and changes in numbering for interdisciplinary courses.
31 Faculty approves new Gen. Ed. Program
Northern Iowan 83:21, p.1
After sharp debate, faculty passes new program, 142-113; text of new program.
32 General education to impact staffing distribution
Northern Iowan 83:19, p.1
Faculty and administrators speculate on ways to meet increased or shifted instructional needs.
33 Senate approves general education policies
Northern Iowan 83:19, p.6
Approve administrative procedures including articulation with holders of the A. A. degree.
34 Electives proposal spurs controversy
Northern Iowan 83:11, p.1
Faculty are divided in opinion on recent action that dropped a required 18 hours of electives.
35 Bringing the basics into focus; substantive changes made in general education program
Northern Iowa Today 14:3, p.1
Close look at newly-revised program.
36 Committee considers gen. ed. Courses
Northern Iowan 82:54, p.3
General Education Committee has approved 38 course proposals to apply to general education; Darrel Davis talks about the committee's work; list of approved courses.
37 Foreign language competency proposed
Northern Iowan 82:35, p.4
Text of proposal taken to Faculty Senate; debate follows; will work on proposal and re-submit.
38 Faculty passes 47-hour gen ed
Northern Iowan 82:33, p.1
Proposal passes 157-67 after debate; photo.
39 Faculty Senate debates proposals
Northern Iowan 82:31, p.1
Vote to send 47-hour program to full faculty.
40 Parker protests exclusion of minority culture courses
Northern Iowan 82:31, p.1
Professor Parker would like to change name of non-Western cultures category to other cultures; would then include his Culture of the Ghetto course.
41 Mathematics may be a required course: Gen. Ed. Changes
Northern Iowan 82:20, p.12
Darrel Davis and Robert Leahy talk about a potential new class and its purposes.
42 General Education changes discussed
Northern Iowan 82:17, p.1
Committee meets with students to get their ideas.
43 Committee submits proposal: new general education requirements
Northern Iowan 82:3, p.1
First phase proposal consists of a framework; text of that framework; Darrel Davis talks about the background of the proposal.
44 Gen Ed. Changes
Northern Iowan 82:1, p.1
Professor Davis speaks at length about the general education proposal that will shortly be distributed to the faculty.
45 Gen Ed changes coming
Northern Iowan 81:59, p.1
Students entering in fall 1987 must take the new sequence; students entering before then may choose the old or new program; Darrel Davis talks about the aims of the new program.
46 Report calls college degrees worthless
Northern Iowan 81:38, p.4
Darrel Davis comments at length on questions about the strength and content of college courses.
47 Torch and Tassel award given
Northern Iowan 80:22, p.12
Profile of award-winner Darrel Davis; was responsible for bringing Torch and Tassel and Chimes together and combining them into Omicron Delta Kappa; photo.
48 New members honored at Sunday's initiation
Northern Iowan 80:18, p.9
List of new members; purposes of Omicron Delta Kappa.
49 Six candidates interview to succeed Kamerick
UNI Century 11:3, p.1
List of candidates; list of search committee members; search committee criteria.
50 Faculty Senate approves major
Northern Iowan 79:49, p.5
Presidential search committee reports on progress; considering natural history major.