Davis--Darrel Wilber (Accounting Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 82 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Curtis DeBerg Northern Iowa Today 95:3, p.28 |
Employed as a professor of accounting at Chico State for twenty-three years. Thanks Professors Gaylon Halverson, Ronald Abraham, and Darrel Davis for their dedication to students. | |
2 | UNI alumnus honors influential professor with scholarship endowment Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1 |
Wendell Crosser has started the Darrel Davis Scholarship Endowment in honor of the influential professor. | |
3 | Honoring employees for years of service Northern Iowan 101:55, p.2 |
The Annual Recognition Breakfast honoring those who are retiring will be held April 30th at 8:15a.m. | |
4 | Long-term employees retiring from UNI to be recognized Saturday, April 30 Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1 |
Thirteen retiring employees will be honored at Recognition Breakfast. |
5 | Twenty-five years at UNI Campus News Network 5:22, p.2 |
Thirteen faculty members were honored by Waterloo Chamber of Commerce for twenty-five years in the education field. | |
6 | University of Northern Iowa chapter of Omicron Delta Kappa initiates new members, installs officers Public Relations News Release 1994:410, p.1 |
Omicron Delta Kappa announces new members and officers. Students listed. | |
7 | University of Northern Iowa chapter of Omicron Delta Kappa initiates 21 members, installs officers Public Relations News Release 0:525, p.1 |
New officers installed and new members are initiated by Omicron Delta Kappa at UNI. Students listed. | |
8 | Meeting dissolves into debate over parliamentary procedure Northern Iowan 90:45, p.1 |
Commission approves motion to keep add/drop policy as is. | |
9 | The students' choice Northern Iowa Today 77:2, p.19 |
Graduating seniors rate top five professors: Steve Corbin, Joan Duea, Darrel Davis, David Whitsett, and John Eiklor; photo. | |
10 | Graduates salute five mentors faculty honored for portraying positive influence Northern Iowan 90:4, p.8 |
Faculty honored for influencing students. | |
11 | University of Northern Iowa faculty members selected by graduating g seniors for their "positive influence" Public Relations News Release 1992:761, p.1 |
Five faculty members recognized by the graduating seniors as having had a positive influence on their college experiences. | |
12 | Top-notch faculty: the students' choice Campus News Network 3:21, p.1 |
Sketches of five faculty rated highly by students; photo. | |
13 | University of Northern Iowa's Omicron Delta Kappa circle in ducts new members Public Relations News Release 1992:504, p.1 |
New members of Omicron Delta Kappa are announced. Inductees listed. | |
14 | Not a nine to five gig; life is full and invigorating for Northern Iowa faculty Northern Iowa Today 76:2, p.6 |
Professors Darrell Davis, Grace Ann Hovet, and Curtiss Hanson talk about their very busy schedules; photo. | |
15 | University of Northern Iowa's Omicron Delta Kappa Circle inducts new members Public Relations News Release 1992:162, p.1 |
Nine UNI students joined the members of Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society Circle. New students and officers listed. | |
16 | University of Northern Iowa's Omicron Delta Kappa chapter inducts 27 new members Public Relations News Release 1991:586, p.1 |
UNI honor society inducts new members. Members listed. | |
17 | University of Northern Iowa's Omicron Delta Kappa chapter inducts 27 new members Public Relations News Release 1991:577, p.1 |
UNI Omicron Delta Kappa chapter inducts new members. Members listed. Marlene Strathe was guest speaker. | |
18 | Omicron Delta Kappa inducts new members: Students, faculty, and community members honored Northern Iowan 88:52, p.1 |
Inducts twenty-four students, two faculty, and one community person; photo. | |
19 | Reception April 3 in Mason City for students admitted to University of Northern Iowa Public Relations News Release 1990:408, p.1 |
Students admitted to UNI, their parents, guidance counselors, and other prospective students are invited to a reception in Mason City. Mark Young, a UNI alumnus, will speak. | |
20 | Northern Iowa leaders receive recognition at banquet Public Relations News Release 1990:187, p.1 |
Omicron Delta Kappa names new inductees. | |
21 | Big thanks extended Northern Iowan 87:19, p.2 |
Student thanks those who helped in the Omicron Delta Kappa Campus Clean-up November 2. | |
22 | Northern Iowa offers unique research opportunities to undergrads Northern Iowa Today 18:1, p.1 |
Students describe their undergraduate research projects; photo. | |
23 | Can the American mind be reopened?; rethinking undergraduate education Northern Iowa Today 73:1, p.6 |
Survey of recent efforts by UNI to enhance quality of undergraduate education; photo. | |
24 | ODK inducts members Northern Iowan 85:19, p.1 |
Group trying to get campus exposure; list of initiates. | |
25 | Regents approve UNI budget Northern Iowan 84:66, p.1 |
Approve $2 million budget for Union expansion; Muriel Stone will head Placement; Peter Goulet will be acting head of Information Management; Claire Rowe will be acting head of Accounting. | |
26 | Regents approve appointments, business for University of Northern Iowa. Public Relations News Release 1988:498, p.1 |
Muriel Stone named director of Placement and Career Services. Peter Goulet named professor and head of the Department of Information Management. Board approves $2 million dollars for Maucker Union. | |
27 | Overcoming subject turf tending Nonpareil 72:3, p.31 |
Professor Davis outlines philosophy and achievements of recent general education revision; photo. | |
28 | The long view: general education for life Nonpareil 72:3, p.2 |
Background for recent changes in general education at UNI; photo. | |
29 | Not a new way of teaching . . . just a rare way Northern Iowa Today 16:1, p.1 |
Look at teaching methods of several faculty including Professors Swenson, Eiklor, and Davis; photo. | |
30 | UNI sticks with number system for course ID's Northern Iowan 83:53, p.4 |
Faculty Senate approves maintaining course numbering system; accept general education report calling for improved staffing and changes in numbering for interdisciplinary courses. | |
31 | Faculty approves new Gen. Ed. Program Northern Iowan 83:21, p.1 |
After sharp debate, faculty passes new program, 142-113; text of new program. | |
32 | General education to impact staffing distribution Northern Iowan 83:19, p.1 |
Faculty and administrators speculate on ways to meet increased or shifted instructional needs. | |
33 | Senate approves general education policies Northern Iowan 83:19, p.6 |
Approve administrative procedures including articulation with holders of the A. A. degree. | |
34 | Electives proposal spurs controversy Northern Iowan 83:11, p.1 |
Faculty are divided in opinion on recent action that dropped a required 18 hours of electives. | |
35 | Bringing the basics into focus; substantive changes made in general education program Northern Iowa Today 14:3, p.1 |
Close look at newly-revised program. | |
36 | Committee considers gen. ed. Courses Northern Iowan 82:54, p.3 |
General Education Committee has approved 38 course proposals to apply to general education; Darrel Davis talks about the committee's work; list of approved courses. | |
37 | Foreign language competency proposed Northern Iowan 82:35, p.4 |
Text of proposal taken to Faculty Senate; debate follows; will work on proposal and re-submit. | |
38 | Faculty passes 47-hour gen ed Northern Iowan 82:33, p.1 |
Proposal passes 157-67 after debate; photo. | |
39 | Faculty Senate debates proposals Northern Iowan 82:31, p.1 |
Vote to send 47-hour program to full faculty. | |
40 | Parker protests exclusion of minority culture courses Northern Iowan 82:31, p.1 |
Professor Parker would like to change name of non-Western cultures category to other cultures; would then include his Culture of the Ghetto course. | |
41 | Mathematics may be a required course: Gen. Ed. Changes Northern Iowan 82:20, p.12 |
Darrel Davis and Robert Leahy talk about a potential new class and its purposes. | |
42 | General Education changes discussed Northern Iowan 82:17, p.1 |
Committee meets with students to get their ideas. | |
43 | Committee submits proposal: new general education requirements Northern Iowan 82:3, p.1 |
First phase proposal consists of a framework; text of that framework; Darrel Davis talks about the background of the proposal. | |
44 | Gen Ed. Changes Northern Iowan 82:1, p.1 |
Professor Davis speaks at length about the general education proposal that will shortly be distributed to the faculty. | |
45 | Gen Ed changes coming Northern Iowan 81:59, p.1 |
Students entering in fall 1987 must take the new sequence; students entering before then may choose the old or new program; Darrel Davis talks about the aims of the new program. | |
46 | Report calls college degrees worthless Northern Iowan 81:38, p.4 |
Darrel Davis comments at length on questions about the strength and content of college courses. | |
47 | Torch and Tassel award given Northern Iowan 80:22, p.12 |
Profile of award-winner Darrel Davis; was responsible for bringing Torch and Tassel and Chimes together and combining them into Omicron Delta Kappa; photo. | |
48 | New members honored at Sunday's initiation Northern Iowan 80:18, p.9 |
List of new members; purposes of Omicron Delta Kappa. | |
49 | Six candidates interview to succeed Kamerick UNI Century 11:3, p.1 |
List of candidates; list of search committee members; search committee criteria. | |
50 | Faculty Senate approves major Northern Iowan 79:49, p.5 |
Presidential search committee reports on progress; considering natural history major. |