Davis--Florence Pearl (Class of 1924)

Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Florence Davis
Alumnus 29:1, p.21
Is head of the home management department in the School of Home Economics at Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn. She is a member of the National Program Committee for the National Home Economics Association.
2 Florence Davis
Alumnus 28:1, p.22
Head of the home management department at Alabama Polytechnic Institute in Auburn, Alabama.
3 Alpha literary program
College Eye 21:3, p.5
Program from September 19.
4 Homerian Literary Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.271

Office roster; members; society colors, motto, mascot and flower; photos; candids

5 Second Year Home Economics
Old Gold 0:0, p.115
Officer roster; members; photo; play on names; popular song hits.
6 Fall Commencement exercises held in chapel yesterday; Pres. Seerley confers honor on seventy--twelve B. A. degrees awarded
College Eye 16:14, p.1
Roster of those who graduated or received certificates.
7 All officers of classes have been elected for fall
College Eye 16:5, p.1

Roster of class officers.

8 Home Economics Eavesdropper
Old Gold 0:0, p.173
9 First Year Home Economics
Old Gold 0:0, p.172

Names of students and officers.

10 Results of class elections
College Eye 15:5, p.1
Results that were not available at the previous printing of the College Eye; roster of officers.
11 Sub-collegiate
Old Gold 0:0, p.128
Class officers and members; photo.
12 Ward Hall
College Eye 11:22, p.8
News from the boarding house.
13 Ward Hall
College Eye 11:20, p.8
News from the boarding house.
14 Ward Hall
College Eye 11:19, p.8
News from the boarding house.
15 Ward Hall
College Eye 11:17, p.8
News from the boarding house.
16 Ward Hall
College Eye 11:16, p.8
News notes from the boarding house.
17 Ward Hall
College Eye 11:10, p.8
News about residents.
18 Ward Hall
College Eye 11:8, p.8
News about residents.
19 Ward Hall news
College Eye 11:6, p.8
News notes about residents.
20 Ward Hall
College Eye 11:5, p.8
News about residents.