Davis--Maxine (Instructional Resources and Technology Services Director)

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 12th annual Read-In comes to UNI
Northern Iowan 114:39, p.2

The African American Read-In event exposes children and adults to African-American authors and illustrators who are not often talked about in literature. The article talks about the importance of the event and how every year it reaches more and more people; photo.

2 Profile: Davis
Campus News Network 8:21, p.3
Profile of circulation coordinator in Instructional Resources Technology Services Maxine Davis; photo.
3 Little-known laptops
Northern Iowan 93:23, p.2
Students can check out laptop computers for short-term home use.
4 Getting spaced out at the NASA Regional Teacher Resource Center
Public Relations News Release 1995:491, p.1
The NASA Regional Teacher Resource Center is a good place to for teachers who want to incorporate space themes into their classrooms.