Davis--Robert E. (Class of 1953)
Displaying 1 - 48 of 48 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | ISTC grads are awarded scholarships College Eye 50:31, p.4 |
Robert Davis, Fred Meyer, Robert Ross, and Cornelius Weber win Merchant Scholarship; Robert Faaborg wins Reed scholarship. | |
2 | Merchant Scholarships to Davis, Andersen, Meyer Alumnus 42:3, p.15 |
Robert Davis, Kenneth Andersen, and Fred Meyer win Merchant Scholarships. | |
3 | Delta Sigma Rho Encourages Forensics Old Gold 0:0, p.207 |
Description of the national honorary fraternity; photo. | |
4 | Field Services Old Gold 0:0, p.86 |
Brief description of the faculty; photo. | |
5 | Delta Sigma Rho Old Gold 0:0, p.197 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
6 | Administration Has Newly Created Field Service Old Gold 0:0, p.70 |
Description of the new field service division and the role it took at Teachers College. Also noted is the passing of Dr. Joseph H. Gamet; photos. | |
7 | Robert E. Davis assists radio, TV College Eye 46:3, p.8 |
Brief profile. | |
8 | Bachelor of Arts Old Gold 0:0, p.258 |
Bachelor of Arts recipients, names Adams through Handley; photos. | |
9 | Purple Key Old Gold 0:0, p.96 |
Purple Key award winners; photo. | |
10 | Delta sigma rho Old Gold 0:0, p.151 |
Joan Welle and Bob Davis serve as officers in the Delta Sigma Rho debate society; photo. | |
11 | Orators attend student congress College Eye 44:26, p.6 |
Attend Delta Sigma Rho convention. | |
12 | Forum discusses students' powers College Eye 44:25, p.10 |
Group discusses role of Student League Board. | |
13 | Davis earns superior rating in tournament College Eye 44:16, p.1 |
A look at ISTC student performances. | |
14 | Board of Control of Student Publications Old Gold 0:0, p.114 |
Photo of the staff and a discription of duties; photo. | |
15 | Debate Old Gold 0:0, p.116 |
Discription of the events for the year and photos; photo. | |
16 | Delta Sigma Rho Old Gold 0:0, p.171 |
Description of the national society for debaters; photo. | |
17 | Sigma Tau Gamma Old Gold 0:0, p.233 |
Description of the fraternity and a few of the events they took part in over the school year; photo. | |
18 | Speech Activities Club Old Gold 0:0, p.210 |
Description of the club and events the club is involved in; photo. | |
19 | Students Don Moskowitz, Norman Cohn, and Clyde Dilley were selected as the top three candidates for Student League Board president Public Relations News Release 1951:566, p.1 |
An all-campus election will be held Thursday at which time the Student League Board president and officers for Men's Union, Association of Women Students, Women's Recreation association, Board of Control of Student Publications, will be elected. | |
20 | Six presidential candidates tell what they stand for College Eye 43:24, p.3 |
Platforms of the candidates; photo. | |
21 | State Attorney General Robert L. Larson will be guest speaker during the annual all-campus student election convocation Wednesday, April 9 Public Relations News Release 1951:561, p.1 |
Three candidates for Student League Board president, top position in student government on campus, will also speak at the convocation, which is the feature of pre-election activities. | |
22 | Six SLB candidates taken out; others are urged to file College Eye 43:23, p.1 |
23 | Special To: Burlington Hawkeye-Gazette Public Relations News Release 1952:521, p.1 |
Bob Davis, Burlington, has been elected alumni secretary of Sigma Tau Gamma, a national social fraternity. Davis is a junior student majoring in speech. | |
24 | It's your responsibility College Eye 43:21, p.2 |
Calls for people to participate in the student government. | |
25 | Four students proved to be a veritable powerhouse during the University of Nebraska Intercollegiate Debate and Discussion conference at Lincoln, Neb. Public Relations News Release 1952:407, p.1 |
The squad which walked off with many honors was composed of Joan Welle, Newton; Bob Davis, Burlington; Don Moskowitz, New York City, and Norman Cohn, Waterloo. Lillian Wagner and John Pruis of the college English and Speech department are co-sponsors. | |
26 | Welle, Davis win 3-5 College Eye 43:19, p.6 |
In Denver debate. | |
27 | Debaters to attend Denver's forensic meet College Eye 43:18, p.6 |
Joan Welle and Bob Davis will attend. | |
28 | Group of college debaters and faculty members all set for competition at Eau Claire, Wisconsin and Denver, Colorado Public Relations News Release 1952:434, p.1 |
Faculty an members listed: H. W. Reninger, head of the english and speech department; Lillian Wagner, debate coach at the college. | |
29 | Seventeen student debaters face a busy weekend in debate tournaments at Eau Claire, Wisconsin and Denver, Colorado Public Relations News Release 1952:433, p.1 |
The students will be accompanied by Lillian Wagner, of the English and speech department and the college debate coach; Oliver Skalbeck, English and speech department, and Jean Hughes, assistant in charge of public school relations. | |
30 | Contemporary affairs has class debates College Eye 43:16, p.6 |
Hear debate on wage and price controls. | |
31 | 100 Iowa debaters here College Eye 43:15, p.1 |
For Brindley Debate. | |
32 | Three four-year scholarships to the college will be awarded to the winning speakers of the Brindley Discussion and Debate tournament Public Relations News Release 1951:337, p.1 |
The debate and discussion topics will center around the topic: "Should American citizens be subject to conscription for essential service in the time of war?" Each participant will take part in all three fields of the tourney--debate. | |
33 | Three four-year scholarships will be awarded to the winning speakers of the Brindley Discussion and Debate tournament Public Relations News Release 1951:336, p.1 |
Approximately 100 high school students from 16 Iowa high schools are expected to attend the annual tournament. Student chairman of the event is Bob Davis. Lillian Wagner and John Pruis, of the English and Speech Department, are faculty advisors. | |
34 | College debaters will open the 1951-52 debate season at the University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota Public Relations News Release 1951:106, p.1 |
The debate question is "Resolved: The federal government should adopt a permanent wage and price control program." Bob Davis and Don Moscowitz will debate the affirmative. Joan Welle, Newton, and Ruth Cook, Waukon, will debate the negative. | |
35 | Board of control of student publications Old Gold 0:0, p.96 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
36 | Concert Band Old Gold 0:0, p.114 |
Brief description of the band; photo. | |
37 | Debate Old Gold 0:0, p.124 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
38 | Speech Activities Club Old Gold 0:0, p.199 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
39 | Sigma Tau Gamma Old Gold 0:0, p.223 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
40 | ISTC award $300 scholarships to debaters Public Relations News Release 1950:173, p.1 |
The annual Brindley Discussion and Debate tournament will be Jan. 19-20 with 60 students from at least eight high schools competing for the top three scores which carry scholarship prizes. | |
41 | Babcock, Gross to keynote political discussion meeting College Eye 42:7, p.1 |
Congressional candidates will speak. | |
42 | Coming elections to be discussed College Eye 42:5, p.1 |
Will hold third annual fall discussion. | |
43 | Members of the 96-piece marching band were announced this week Public Relations News Release 1950:35, p.1 |
The marching band will perform here at the three remaining home football games. The first road trip will be to Ames on Oct. 7, according to director David Kennedy. Students listed. | |
44 | Speech activities club Old Gold 0:0, p.172 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
45 | Concert band Old Gold 0:0, p.92 |
List of members; photo. | |
46 | Stadium Hall Old Gold 0:0, p.66 |
Brief description of the dormitory; photo. | |
47 | Student board elects officers for next year College Eye 41:26, p.3 |
Bob Davis will serve as president and Polly Scott as secretary. | |
48 | Stadium elects Dilley, Eiben, Cory, Whiting College Eye 41:13, p.8 |
Will begin duties at the spring quarter. |