Dee--John (Student--1907-1909)

Displaying 1 - 39 of 39 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Mr. John Dee
Normal Eyte 21:12, p.210
Visited his mother on the Hill.
2 Mr. John Dee
Normal Eyte 21:6, p.103
Traveling for the Chicago Aluminum Utensil; was on the Hill.
3 Among the old students
Normal Eyte 20:35, p.588
Students expected to return for Commencement.
4 John Dee
Normal Eyte 20:23, p.389
Visited friends on the Hill.
5 John Dee
Normal Eyte 20:2, p.21
Is a district manager for the Aluminum Utensil Company in Pennsylvania.
6 'Rough House'
Old Gold 0:0, p.203
Aristo meeting getting out of hand.
7 Football
Old Gold 0:0, p.275
Description of 1908 season, cartoon, players, and prospects; photo.
8 Baseball
Old Gold 0:0, p.293
Team had a record of 2-5; photo.
9 Mr. John Dee
Old Gold 0:0, p.355
Is described as 'down and out' after the Normal Eyte election.
10 Receivers of the Honorary
Old Gold 0:0, p.304
Roster of letter winners.
11 Aristotelian
Old Gold 0:0, p.199
Officers, brief history, debate team, and roster of members.
12 The Normal Eyte
Old Gold 0:0, p.167
Brief history, regulations, roster of staff; photo.
13 Around the diamond; baseball experts busy on the turf--outdoor practices active--captain elected
Normal Eyte 19:24, p.369
Players prepare field and team for spring season; photo.
14 Athletics; track team prospects- Baseball prospects
Normal Eyte 19:22, p.348
Thirty-five men out for track; season schedule; baseball team must raise money for uniforms.
15 Eyte staff elected; exceedingly close contest at polls Karl Knoepfler unanimous editor-in-chief-elect
Normal Eyte 19:21, p.321
S. A. Cohagan elected business manager; Grace Hollister elected local editor; photo.
16 Shakes to give play; Greek mythological drama to be presented
Normal Eyte 19:21, p.325
Will present "Ceres, a mythological play".
17 Normal Eyte election; balloting for next year's staff to occur Thursday Feb. 25
Normal Eyte 19:20, p.307
Quick roster of candidates.
18 Normal Eyte election; balloting for next year's staff to occur Thursday Feb. 25
Normal Eyte 19:19, p.289
Paid subscribers entitled to vote; will elect editor-in-chief, business manager, and local editor; several candidates in race.
19 Society; Shakes-Aristo, Philo, Shake
Normal Eyte 19:15, p.238
Shakes and Aristos enjoyed Christmas party; Philos have good prospects for the term.
20 Normal wins another; Charles City College unable to score. Referee fails to win game, but holds down points
Normal Eyte 19:11, p.169
Account of the game; photo.
21 Normal blanks Ellsworth; purple and gold win fighting game. Umpire very partial; score 15 to 0
Normal Eyte 19:10, p.152
Brief recap of the football game.
22 Normal defeats Ellsworth; wins game by straight football tactics- Ellsworth Crosses goal- 18-5
Normal Eyte 19:9, p.129
Normal team gets third straight win.
23 Athletics; Normal-Lenox game, 22-0; Purple and Gold sweeps opponents off their feet in the first half
Normal Eyte 19:7, p.103
Team wins first game by playing great.
24 Society
Normal Eyte 19:5, p.75
News from the literary societies; Philos and Alphas hold joint session
25 Athletics; football
Normal Eyte 19:4, p.56
Schedule being arranged; the potential benefits of being able to coach football; Russell Glasener injured.
26 Football; the effect of inter-society games upon intercollegiate contests
Normal Eyte 19:2, p.20
Challenges between men's societies last year created a good foundation for this year's intercollegiate team; photo.
27 John Dee
Normal Eyte 19:2, p.30
Tom Thornton is studying medicine at Creighton.
28 Photo
Old Gold 0:0, p.262
Aristo football team; photo.
29 National program
Old Gold 0:0, p.260
Drawing of eagle on a banner listing the program and two students depicted on either side of the shield.
30 Photo
Old Gold 0:0, p.256
Members of the Aristotelian literary society; photo.
31 The Troubadours
Old Gold 0:0, p.148
Troubadours formed in 1899 to prepare members for Minnesingers. Membership hit a record level in 1908 with forty members; photo.
32 The Normal Eyte
Old Gold 0:0, p.109
Goals and charge of the weekly newspaper.
33 Y. W. C. A notes
Normal Eyte 18:25, p.392
State secretary on campus; roster of cabinet officers.
34 Report of the Young Women's Christian Association for the year 1907-1908
Normal Eyte 18:23, p.356
Report on the administration, Geneva meeting, and committee work of the group.
35 Miss Plumley
Normal Eyte 18:23, p.365
Back in school after teaching during the winter.
36 Zetalethean Open Session Nov. 1, 1907
Normal Eyte 18:8, p.119
Program of performance for "A Luncheon in the Suburbs".
37 Mr. Buchter, of Akron, and Will Murphy
Normal Eyte 18:3, p.46
Were guests of John Dee Sunday.
38 Y. W. C. A. notes
Normal Eyte 17:26, p.412
State secretary Helen Henshaw has been on campus; roster of officers.
39 Society
Normal Eyte 17:18, p.281

Chrestos hear papers; Shakes have frost program; Zetas have Longfellow program.