DeHoff--Bernard C. (English Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 60 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Former professor dies from Parkinson's
Northern Iowan 95:35, p.7
Former professor of English and journalism Bernard C. DeHoff died Saturday February 6, 1999; photo.
2 Northern Iowan celebrates 100 years
Northern Iowan 88:29, p.7
Brief history of student newspaper; photo.
3 University of Northern Iowa to offer two Tom Pettit scholarships to journalism students
Public Relations News Release 1987:241, p.1
NBC's Tom Pettit offers two two-hundred dollar scholarships to students of journalism. Previous recipients of the awards include Andrea Zhiss, Rodney Reicks, Elizabeth Bingham, Lynn Olson, Katherine Thompson, and Linda Balk.
4 'Wanted my class to understand'
Northern Iowan 77:14, p.2
Apologizes for unintentionally offending some students with a class exercise.
5 English Language and Literature
Old Gold 0:0, p.32
English Language & Literature includes areas of study in Linguistics, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, American Studies & Journalism.
6 Minor expanded
Northern Iowan 73:2, p.3
Two new courses to be added to journalism minor.
7 DeHoff and Schmidt to lead seminars
Northern Iowan 72:46, p.9
Seminars will cover American newspapers and teaching journalism.
8 Journalism meeting
Northern Iowan 72:44, p.1
Informal discussion with possibility of organizing club.
9 Authorities heavy-hand "Sans Gene"
Northern Iowan 70:39, p.5
Controversy continues on several items in magazine; consulting university attorney.
10 University Convocation
Northern Iowan 70:1, p.3
Aimed especially at new students; faculty and student leaders will speak.
11 Quarterly & Seven abolished; new publications to combine the two
Northern Iowan 68:35, p.1
Board critical of recent publications; exact nature of future publications unclear.
12 UNI Quarterly may be abolished--low sales cited
Northern Iowan 68:29, p.8
Only 390 of 2000 copies of last issue have been sold.
13 Pre-Christmas semester meets opposition from faculty
Northern Iowan 68:28, p.1
After debate, the matter is sent to the full faculty without a recommendation.
14 Record Number of Candidates Scheduled to Receive Degrees at UNI Summer Commencement
Public Relations News Release 1971:732, p.1
550 students will be on hand for summer commencement.
15 'Summer staff'
Northern Iowan 67:56, p.7
Photographs of the 1971 Northern Iowan summer staff; photo.
16 From the Sidelines
Northern Iowan 67:47, p.7
The Old Bats may have a chance of winning.
17 UNI to Host Advanced Standing Program in English Meeting Saturday
Public Relations News Release 1970:74, p.1
The Advanced Standing Program (ASP) gives 12th grade students the type of instruction and practice in composition that will increase the probability that colleges will excuse them from some or all of the usual composition requirements.
18 Northern Iowan summer Editors announced
Northern Iowan 64:58, p.1
List of editors; photo.
19 Hanna, Brewer to attend newspaper conference
Northern Iowan 64:46, p.4
Two day conference in Illinois features speakers and workshops.
20 Faculty members to meet, talk to Regents today
Northern Iowan 64:41, p.1
Group will exchange ideas.
21 Student publications at UNI
Alumnus 53:1, p.8
Survey of procedures and practices involving student publications especially in light of recent controversies; photo.
22 Board of Control approves policy statement additions
Northern Iowan 64:22, p.5
Policies deal with potentially offensive material.
23 Freedom of expression at UNI
Alumnus 52:4, p.16
Reactions to the article on draft resistance written by Professor Hoffmans.
24 Board of Control plans policy statement addition
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.1
Considers clarification of policy in wake of Hoffmans article on draft resistance.
25 Motives can be questioned
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.2
Analyzes recent controversy involving the Hoffmans article and the response to it.
26 Joint statement on policy
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.2
President Maucker, Professor DeHoff, and NI editor Ila Wales agree that the Northern Iowan will foster wide-ranging discussion with only legal limitations and extreme vulgarity being out of bounds.
27 Maucker announces no action is planned against Hoffmans
Northern Iowan 64:11, p.1
Local newspaper columnists critical of publication of letter in Northern Iowan.
28 Eye editorial policy is now in hands of the president
College Eye 63:60, p.5
Board of Control debates provision and passes it on to President Maucker.
29 Amended Eye statement receive senate's approval
College Eye 63:56, p.6
Outline policy of editorial positions..
30 Friday vindicates The Eye.
College Eye 63:30, p.2
Feels the paper has been vindicated in its discussion of the homosexuality controversy last spring.
31 Editors fly to Philadelphia conference
College Eye 63:10, p.1
Bernard DeHoff, advisor for the College Eye, will attend a journalism conference while Bob Davis and John Volker, editors for the Eye and the Old Gold, will attend a conference sponsored by the Associated College Press.
32 Board of Control discusses editorial freedom for EYE
College Eye 63:3, p.5
Bernard DeHoff asks the Board of Control to clarify his job as College EYE advisor.
33 DeHoff asks clarification of EYE role
College Eye 60:32, p.3
Asks if his responsibilities extend beyond reading editorials.
34 Journalists hold forum
College Eye 60:28, p.4
Will talk about student publications.
35 Student editors, advisor attending press conference
College Eye 60:12, p.1
Attend national meeting in San Francisco.
36 Editors, advisor will attend San Francisco conference
College Eye 60:6, p.3
College Eye staff will attend collegiate press conference.
37 Dozen profs bicycle to, from class while pupils chuckle, children stare
College Eye 59:11, p.7
Professors tell about riding bikes to campus; photo.
38 Better understanding, pronunciation are gained through Language Lab
College Eye 58:15, p.3
Professors talk about the benefits of the Language Laboratory; photo.
39 Journalists begin fall pledging
College Eye 58:7, p.8
List of Alpha Phi Gamma pledges.
40 College paper different things to different people
College Eye 57:36, p.2
Some people like the College Eye and some people don't; Professor DeHoff talks about his job as advisor to the paper; photo.
41 Editors, advisor attending ACP in Detroit, Mich.
College Eye 57:7, p.5
42 Editors, adviser to conference at Miami, Fla.
College Eye 53:7, p.5
43 ACCIA committee chairmen announced by Dr. Poage
College Eye 52:21, p.1
List of committee members.
44 ACCIA committee chairmen chosen at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:244, p.1
Student chairmen are selected for the All College Conference on International Affairs. The conference committee consists of Professor George Poage, Ann Williams, Ann King, Jim Daman, Banlue Tinpangka, Edward Throne, and Paul Bender.
45 Credits in publications work available during fall semester
College Eye 51:37, p.1
May earn academic credit for work on College Eye and Old Gold.
46 Honor... Alpha Phi Gamma Promotes Welfare of Journalism
Old Gold 0:0, p.170
Gridiron Dinner and Publications Picnic are a few of the activities sponsored by Alpha Phi Gamma, the national honorary co-educational journalistic fraternity. To become a member a student must hold a major staff position for one year on either the Old Gold or the College Eye staffs. The organization is sponsored by Mr. Bernard DeHoff.
47 Foreign Languages Lab Added by Department of Language, Speech and Literature
Old Gold 0:0, p.99
The Department of Languages, Speech, and Literature introduced a new Electronic foreign language laboratory. Tapes of Ten different languages will eventually be offered. The department also sponsored the College Players, Speech club, and English Club.
48 37 on faculty promoted; 17 to "full prof"
College Eye 50:34, p.1

Roster of promotions.

49 Interest in Languages Promoted
Old Gold 0:0, p.105
The Department of Languages, Speech, and Literature offer conversational French or German classes, along with conventional speech and composition; the department sponsored the College Players, Speech Club, and Literary Circle; photo.
50 Interest in Languages Promoted
Old Gold 0:0, p.105

The Department of Languages, Speech, and Literature has communications classes offering conversational French or German along with the conventional speech and composition. Curriculum include speech correction, forensics, philosopy, religious lit; photo