
Displaying 1 - 50 of 122 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Ask your local immigrant
Northern Iowan 119:14, p.3
Director of Center for Energy & Environmental Education Kamyar Enshayan writes about being from Iran and the experience they have had with a dictatorship government. Enshayan now sees the extremism gaining traction in the U.S. and they are astonished with the amount of people who tolerate it and even vote for elected officials who encourage it; photo.
2 Is the US a democracy?
Northern Iowan 119:5, p.3
Drew Hill writes his opinion on whether the US is actually a democracy or not. Hill argues that the US government is not controlled by the people but it is instead governed by a constitution which makes the US more of a constitutional republic.
3 On the Burma coup
Northern Iowan 117:30, p.3
Rawwas discusses the recent coup deposing Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma. In the author's opinion, the military should not be in charge, but Suii Kyi was also problematic and colluded with the military, failing to speak out or stop the genocide of the Rohingya in the country.
4 Fascism, neoliberalism, and oligarchy
Northern Iowan 116:39, p.3
In the author's opinion, candidate Bernie Sanders should be the next president of the United States. Rawwas discusses democracy, capitalism, the state of the economy in the US and China, and the similarities between Donald Trump and Michael Bloomberg as oligarchic authoritarians; photo.
5 Buttigieg hosts town hall
Northern Iowan 116:29, p.1

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg hosted a town hall in Maucker Union on January 15 in advance of Iowa's February 3 caucus; photo.

6 U.S. needs a pro-Latin America president
Northern Iowan 116:27, p.3
Rawwas discusses recent deposing of Bolivian president elect Evo Morales by Jeanine Anez, calling it a military coup based upon the false claims and United States imperialism perpetuated through the Organization of American States' report questioning the freedom of the election. In the author's opinion, the only presidential candidate with a clear vision of solidarity with Latin America is Bernie Sanders; photo.
7 The 'gift' of western democracy
Northern Iowan 116:8, p.3
In response to Laura Bush's invitation to speak on UNI's campus, Rawwas discusses the Bush Administration's decision to go to Iraq. In the author's opinion, democracy was a screen for capitalistic intentions and resulted in violence against the Iraqi people; photo.
8 What can presidents be investigated for?
Northern Iowan 115:46, p.3
In the wake of the Mueller investigation, Stekl discusses the scandals and faults of the Trump and Obama administrations, but argues that America's biggest crime is sham democracy, capitalism, and imperialism and that all citizens are implicated in it; photo.
9 The trouble with Kavanaugh
Northern Iowan 115:13, p.4
In the author's opinion, Brett Kavanaugh's appointment to the United States Supreme Court will be detrimental to the nation. Stekl argues against the USA's current liberal-electoral democracy; photos.
10 Caucus tip: remember the role of government
Northern Iowan 112:32, p.3

Gravert discusses the role of government in light of the upcoming caucuses; photo.

11 Walking the plank in Iowa
Northern Iowan 112:30, p.1

Justin Scott of the Freedom from Religion Foundation encourages students to support secular plank resolutions at the Iowa caucuses and hopes to partner with UNI Free Thinkers and Inquirers; photos.

12 UNI to host panel on voter ID laws
Public Relations News Release 2012:57, p.1
UNI will host a panel to discuss "Voter ID: voter fraud or voter suppression?" Panelist will cover types of laws passed and proposed in various states, arguments for and against voter ID, registrations laws, forms of ID accepted, and changes recommended.
13 Letter to the Editor
Northern Iowan 108:42, p.12
Writer critical of the lack of democratic process in the changes proposed to address the budget deficit. Better communication is needed in these trying times.
14 The Occupy problem
Northern Iowan 108:24, p.4
Political action must be done in groups if democracy is to survive. The chief criticism of the movement is no single cause or positive propositions made by the protesters; photo.
15 We, the 99 percent
Northern Iowan 108:18, p.1
The Occupy Movement plans to elect two delegates from each of the congressional districts. Delegates will convene in Philadelphia on July 4, 2012, to vote on a list of demands; photo.
16 Educator to speak about democracy
Northern Iowan 108:13, p.2
Parker Palmer will speak via webcast on the topic: what it takes to do democracy from the inside out.
17 We've made progress!
Northern Iowan 107:50, p.12
America has made progress. One must remember that our lives are always changing; sometimes progressing, sometimes standing still, and sometimes regressing.
18 The people decide who gets the keys
Northern Iowan 107:8, p.5
In a democracy, the voters decide the winners of elections. The winners remain responsible to the electorate.
19 UNI hosts FAIR reporter and author Peter Hart
Public Relations News Release 2009:317, p.1
Peter Hart, activism director from Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) will discuss media bias and censorship and the various forces that influence and shape the news media at Lang Hall Auditorium. "How Does Media Reporting Affect Citizenship?"
20 UNI students to participate in Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, Jan. 18
Public Relations News Release 2009:228, p.1
The American Democracy Project is sponsoring this day because part of the education of students is learning to be civically engaged in their communities. Service on this day reflects Rev. King's dream of making our country a better place for all.
21 The American Democracy Project at UNI to host forum Nov. 5
Public Relations News Release 2009:150, p.1
"Got Civility?" is the title of a lecture by Senator Jeff Danielson (D) and former Senator John Putney (R), Iowa State Legislature. ADP is responsible for initiating a variety of courses, workshops and presentations on topics related to civic engagement.
22 'Civility and the Development of Gentlemen' topic for final UNI 'News Talk' of year
Public Relations News Release 2008:557, p.1
Jeffrey Ferguson, author of "That's What Gentlemen Do," will lead a discussion on what inspired him to write the book. The purpose of "News Talk" is to promote reading and discussion of the news.
23 UNI to celebrate Lincoln Bicentennial with series of speakers, panels
Public Relations News Release 2008:316, p.1
A number of activities are planned in Lincoln's honor by the Center for Multicultural Education and the American Democracy Project/Provost's Office. Panel discussions will be held at University Book and Supply in Cedar Falls and at UNI-Cue in Waterloo.
24 News Talk looks into manipulation tactics
Northern Iowan 104:47, p.1
Students and citizens make up the News Talk discussion group; meets in the University Book and Supply store; photo.
25 Questions about democracy
Northern Iowan 104:11, p.7
Believes that most people are uninformed; advocates using the uninformed to further one's own more informed political views.
26 People are just stupid sometimes
Northern Iowan 103:42, p.7
Humans place importance on issues without much thought.
27 Tuesday, March 28
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Writing seminar will take place; Gay marriage will be explored by debate; Panel discussion on democracy will be held; Shakespeare roundtable discussion will take place; Bio-diesel workshop will be held; Women's Film Series will continue.
28 Is passive democracy possible?
Northern Iowan 102:43, p.5
Believes that people should fell free to express themselves without fear of repression.
29 Last lecture; Iowa pride
Northern Iowan 102:42, p.1
Kamyar Enshayan delivers his "last lecture"; calls on people to take a wider view, limit their consumption of consumer goods, and to promote democracy.
30 Isn't it ironic? Don't you think?
Northern Iowan 101:26, p.5
Examines irony in current political issues.
31 Koch attends UN conference, puts UNI on the map
Northern Iowan 101:6, p.1
Susan Koch attends United Nations conference on how universities can promote democracy worldwide; photo.
32 Democracy in Iraq might be a tough sell, says UNI professor
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Explains reasons why installing democracy in Iraq may be a difficult task.
33 Internet site may change politics forever, says UNI professor
Public Relations News Release 2002:577, p.1
Chris Martin describes activities of progressive Democratic website,
34 Seven key values of a democracy
Public Relations News Release 2000:192, p.1
Kay Treiber will explain the seven values that are important in developing a sense of community and responsibility in young people.
35 Seven core values key to perpetuating democracy
Public Relations News Release 2000:285, p.1
Kay Trieber discusses the seven core values or principles for democracy and living.
36 Political expert cautions against generic vote messages
Public Relations News Release 2000:104, p.1
Professor Tom Rice stresses the importance of the true meaning of democracy and our choice to vote.
37 'Our democracy is a sham'
Northern Iowan 96:48, p.6
Phil James believes American democracy is an institution run by corporate lobbyists, millionaires, and big businesses.
38 Justice must be upheld for democracy to survive
Northern Iowan 95:6, p.8
Believes no one is above the law.
39 UNI receives largest grant ever
Northern Iowan 93:8, p.2
UNI received $2 million grant to help democratize education in Slovakia; project is named the Orava Project.
40 UNI and the Orava Project; how do you teach democracy?
Northern Iowa Today 79:2, p.2
Extensive history of Orava Project effort to teach democracy in Slovakia; photo.
41 We don't really have a democracy--just apathy
Northern Edition 2:7, p.2
Criticizes lack of participation in political process.
42 Christian ethics guide democracy
Northern Iowan 86:41, p.2
Offers views on relationship between religion and democratic traditions.
43 Study of democracy needed in schools
Northern Iowan 86:39, p.3
44 Find irony in democratic process
Northern Iowan 77:19, p.2
Feel it is ironic that the democratic process allows voters to choose "ignorant and undesirable candidates."
45 Principle of 'participatory democracy'
Northern Iowan 65:25, p.2
Professor Fox looks forward, with some reservations, to greater student participation in the business of the university.
46 Untitled
Northern Iowan 65:20, p.3
United States is dedicated to democracy for all people, except for those who adversly affect our interests.
47 Campus has no "grass-roots democracy" in any class
College Eye 57:20, p.2
Opinion in regards to independent study.
48 Secrecy sign of democracy?
College Eye 52:31, p.8
Feels that secrecy harms nations.
49 Khrushchev poses latest challenge, Dean Lang tells 400 SUI graduates
College Eye 52:18, p.3
Dean Lang states that democracy thrives on controversy and exchange of ideas.
50 Can democracy be preserved?
College Eye 52:8, p.8
Believes that government may be a necessary check on democracy.