Department of Communication and Theatre Arts

Displaying 1 - 50 of 53 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI alumnus receives Iowa Communication Association award
Public Relations News Release 2000:107, p.1
Short biography of Bob Justis, a 1974 UNI graduate, who was recently awarded the G. Jon Hall Communication Studies Alumni Recognition Award.
2 University of Northern Iowa Forensic Program hosts one of the nation's largest tournaments
Public Relations News Release 2000:70, p.1
The Forensics Program will host the 2000 Ulrich Season Opener Debate Tournament for more than one hundred teams.
3 What's Up
Northern Iowan 93:52, p.3
Activities and meetings.
4 Regents approve separate Theater Department
Northern Iowan 89:1, p.4
Regents establish new department; brief history of theater administration.
5 Regents give go ahead for theater department; separate for the first time
Northern Iowan 88:60, p.1
Several other programs may be discontinued.
6 Recently at the Regents
Campus News Network 2:18, p.2
Approve majors in Russian and middle school education and minors in geology, Portuguese and writing; Communication Department may be split.
7 Public relations department predicts growth of master's program
Northern Iowan 88:28, p.6
Faculty talk about potential value of graduate study in public relations.
8 Veteran journalist and member of Accuracy in Media (AIM) to speak on University of Northern Iowa campus Tuesday, October 29 at 6 p.m.
Public Relations News Release 1991:162, p.1
Charles Wiley will speak on biases and inaccuracies in media news coverage.
9 Three 'Theatre Pizazz' courses for children and youth to be offered by the University of Northern Iowa, beginning February 4.
Public Relations News Release 1990:319, p.1
UNI offers workshops for promising actors and actresses.
10 Communications department adds new faculty members
Northern Iowan 87:16, p.7
Sarina Chen and Xu Yu will teach in the Department of Communications this year.
11 Public Relations adds additional classes
Northern Iowan 87:15, p.7
Public Relations program added two classes and made several other changes.
12 Theatre Pizzazz set to begin seventh season
Northern Iowan 87:10, p.3
Children are introduced to drama through Theatre Pizzazz workshops.
13 Cable television industry experts to hold live teleconference Thursday (May 3) with University of Northern Iowa; public welcome.
Public Relations News Release 1989:599, p.1
The panel will include C-SPAN president Brian Lamb; A.C. Nielsen vice president John Dimling; John Morse, director of research for the Financial News Network; and Dr. Brad Greenberg of Michigan State University.
14 430 of Iowa's top speech students to be honored at Northern Iowa Monday (April 9)
Public Relations News Release 1989:523, p.1
The Iowa High School Speech Association Individual Events All-State Festival is held on campus, where two-thousand students compete in improv, poetic interpretation, and dramatic acting. Guest critics include Gretta Berghammer and Pat Blank.
15 "Iowa stories: The Viet Nam experience" to be presented Sunday at Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1989:443, p.1
Marilyn Shaw's interpretive theatre production of "Iowa Stories: The Viet Nam Experience" is performed in the Communication Arts Center. Shaw's project is based on interviews with twenty-seven Iowan veterans of the Viet Nam Conflict.
16 International relations' topic for seventh annual spring public relations institute at University of Northern Iowa.
Public Relations News Release 1988:400, p.1
The keynote address, "Using Communication to Develop World Opportunities," presented by John Steuber. "International Relations: How Iowa Organizations Bring the World Home," discussed by a panel representing corporate, agency and non-profit organizations.
17 Iowa Communication Association honors retired Northen Iowa prof, Alumna during state meeting.
Public Relations News Release 1988:94, p.1

Kenneth Butzier was presented the 1988 Iowa Communications Association Citation Award. Liane Nichols, received the University's ICA Distingushed Alumni Award for 1988. Both award were presented last month at the Association's annual meeting.

18 Renzs take challenge with new Winona job
Northern Iowan 84:61, p.1
A look at the achievements of Byron and Mary Ann Renz; have been at UNI since 1983.
19 Northern Iowa to offer two theatre workshops this summer.
Public Relations News Release 1988:409, p.1
"Teen-age Drama Workshop" focus will be on some of Oscar Wilde's most popular tales and a performance of "Broken Hearts." "Summer Drama Club" emphasis on role-play, characterization, dialogue through story dramatization and pantomime.
20 Oman to speak
Northern Iowan 84:57, p.8
David Oman will speak at Department of Communication and Theatre Arts banquet.
21 Tom Pettit to receive honorary degree from University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1987:388, p.1
The Board of Regents approves the granting of the Doctor of Humane Letters degree to NBC correspondent, Tom Petitt, at the spring commencement ceremonies. Pettit has been the recipient of the Alumni Achievement Award, and several awards in his field.
22 400 of Iowa's top speech students to be honored at Northern Iowa Monday (April 11)
Public Relations News Release 1987:348, p.1
The Iowa High School Speech Association Individual Events All-State Festival is held in the UNI-Dome, Communication Arts Center, and Education Center. Students perform in acting, poetry, and storytelling. UNI faculty members serve as guest critics.
23 Communication, theater arts area in process of external evaluation
Northern Iowan 84:19, p.5
Jon Hall talks about the upcoming evaluation.
24 Faculty Senate passes enrollment policy
Northern Iowan 84:19, p.10
Approve enrollment policy for Department of Communication and Theatre Arts; defeat mission statement proposals.
25 Enrollment cap takes effect in theater arts department
Northern Iowan 84:13, p.1
Those with 2.5 minimum GPA allowed to declare major; fifty-four are in, fifty-three are out; Jon Hall talks about the procedure.
26 Tom Pettit to deliver public address at UNI Monday (July 13)
Public Relations News Release 1987:421, p.1
NBC's Tom Pettit instructs two broadcasting courses in the Communication Arts Center. The courses cover methods of covering national elections, and public affairs.
27 Enrollment policy possible for communication dept.
Northern Iowan 83:41, p.5
Jon Hall outlines needs and plans to limit enrollment in his department.
28 UNI grad Tom Pettit, award-winning NBC news reporter, to teach on UNI campus this summer
Public Relations News Release 1987:200, p.1
NBC's Tom Pettit taught two courses as a guest professor for the Department of Communication and Theatre Arts. Pettit's courses covered the methods of covering national elections, and general public affairs.
29 Students to promote understanding of farm crisis issues through spring UNI course
Public Relations News Release 1987:123, p.1
"Scripts for Public Communicaton and Social Changes" was a course offered by the Department of Communication and Theatre Arts. The course was instructed by Professor Phyllis Carlin, who uses news coverage and literature in understanding the farm crisis.
30 General education to impact staffing distribution
Northern Iowan 83:19, p.1
Faculty and administrators speculate on ways to meet increased or shifted instructional needs.
31 Radio/TV loses $77,000 in McElroy funding
Northern Iowan 82:56, p.1
Grant will not be renewed; had funded internships, scholarships, magazine subscriptions, and symposia.
32 New majors create opportunities in broadcasting
Northern Iowan 82:38, p.4
Three new communications/radio-TV majors are created to take the place of the existing one.
33 Committee approves 11 new broadcasting courses
Northern Iowan 82:18, p.1
Will be used in restructuring broadcasting major.
34 Mass communication major proposed
Northern Iowan 82:18, p.4
Group of faculty from several departments meeting to discuss possibility.
35 Curricula changes in broadcasting
Northern Iowan 82:11, p.8
Will provide business, broadcast journalism, and technical tracks.
36 Political, Economic and Cultural Life of Austria Featured at UNI Through December
Public Relations News Release 1985:60, p.1
There is a series of Austria with a photography exhibition, films, and many speeches.
37 Curricula changes
Northern Iowan 82:2, p.1
New Bachelor of Science will include majors in geology, chemistry, physics, and applied physics; also new majors in criminology and European studies; new minors in interpretive communication and international affairs.
38 National Speech Official to Speak at UNI Thursday (Sept. 12)
Public Relations News Release 1985:24, p.1
Don Boileau will speak at UNI.
39 Course combines theatre, health
Northern Iowan 81:61, p.4
Phyllis Carlin talks about Interpretation in Health Communication.
40 Radio-TV scholarships now available
Northern Iowan 81:47, p.7
Funded by McElroy Foundation.
41 Oral skills workshops set
Northern Iowan 81:24, p.8
Two workshops on teaching oral communication offered by Mary Bozik.
42 Mary Bozik, Neil Phillips, and Phyllis Scott Carlin
Northern Iowa Today 13:1, p.7
Participate in meeting in Chicago.
43 Habermann visits UNI
Northern Iowan 81:7, p.16
Profile of Peter Haberman; photo.
44 PR students Texas bound
Northern Iowan 80:60, p.1
Pat Bassett and Jon Hall may visit Texas companies.
45 Iowa Board of Regents meet April agenda
Northern Iowan 80:55, p.11
Professor Smaldino will head Communicative Disorders; Steve Corbin will head Marketing; accept Vice President Hansmeier's resignation; name Science Building for Cliff McCollum.
46 Listening skills class to be offered
Northern Iowan 80:17, p.6
47 New title for department
Old Gold 0:0, p.27
The title Department of Communication and Theater Arts replaced that of Department of Speech.
48 Course to be offered for stage fright
Northern Iowan 78:49, p.6
Professor Bozik will teach special section of basic speech course.
49 Theater tour class available
Northern Iowan 78:43, p.17
Will visit area schools and organizations.
50 Must attend first or second communication, theatre arts class
Northern Iowan 78:26, p.3
Must attend class or they will be dropped from the class.