Department of Education
Displaying 1 - 50 of 290 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Vox Pop: If there's one thing you could change about UNI, what would it by, and why? Northern Iowan 119:12, p.5 |
Emma Becker asks students "If there's one thing you could change about UNI, what would it by, and why?"; photo. | |
2 | CRRSAA funds to be distributed soon Northern Iowan 117:37, p.1 |
More than 3,300 UNI students (approximately one-third of spring enrollment) will receive COVID-19 relief funding as part of the latest federal aid package available through the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA) and distributed through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II (HEERF II). $1,000-1,200 grants will be directly distributed to students with exceptional need based upon their Expected Family Contribution (EFC) in the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA); photo. | |
3 | RodCon brings in all kinds of comic book fans Northern Iowan 114:48, p.4 |
The fifth annual RodCon will be held at the Rod Library, with over 3,000 attendees expected. | |
4 | UNI and Stanford form partnership to assess teacher effectiveness Public Relations News Release 2014:195, p.1 |
UNI's Teacher Education program has partnered with Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE) to develop and implement a multiple-measures assessment system for teacher education. | |
5 | UNI named to presidential honor roll Public Relations News Release 2014:143, p.1 |
UNI has been named to the 2014 Higher Education Community Service Honor roll for the sixth year. The honor roll is administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). | |
6 | UNI receives high ranking for affordability, academic quality, accessibility Public Relations News Release 2013:130, p.1 |
UNI was ranked number 13 nationally and 4th in the Midwest in a ranking that assesses schools on affordability, academic quality, and accessibility. This is similar to President Obama's ranking system proposed in the higher education plan. | |
7 | UNI community gives feedback on higher education reforms Northern Iowan 110:24, p.1 |
UNI was selected as one of four schools in the nation to hold a public hearing with the U.S. Department of Education about college affordability. Administration is looking to tie federal financial aid to a rating system based on educational value; photo. | |
8 | $15 million gift will transform teacher education at UNI Public Relations News Release 2012:232, p.1 |
Richard O. Jacobson gave the University of Northern Iowa $15 million for the College of Education. This is the largest gift the university has ever received. | |
9 | UNI president to mark milestone moment for teacher education March 6 Public Relations News Release 2012:216, p.1 |
President Ben Allen will be making an announcement regarding the education program. This will have a significant impact on students and teachers in the education department. | |
10 | Zarifis retiring after 40 years at UNI Northern Iowan 108:53, p.1 |
Director of Public Safety David Zarifis has seen many changes in his job description. He is looking forward to new challenges and "doing what his wife says" in retirement; photo. |
11 | Student questions information disclosure by Study Abroad Northern Iowan 108:51, p.1 |
Rebecca Byrne believes that Excel attachments to an E-mail that listed names, E-mail addresses, UNI ID numbers, emergency contact numbers, and the emergency contact relationship violated federal law. | |
12 | Allen discusses transition from closure of Price Lab Northern Iowan 108:44, p.3 |
A transition team has been formed to deal with the changes with present K-12 students attending Price Lab. The team will also address a new model for clinical experiences for teacher education students and a new R & D model. | |
13 | Regents approve Price Lab closure Northern Iowan 108:41, p.1 |
President Allen's recommendation to close Price Lab School on June 30, 2012, has been approved by the Board of Regents. The state legislature is the next step in the closure; photo. | |
14 | Iowa Teacher of the Year visits UNI Public Relations News Release 2011:240, p.1 |
Charity Campbell, the Iowa Teacher of the Year, will be at UNI. | |
15 | UNI faces possible fines for crime reporting violations Northern Iowan 107:60, p.1 |
Department of Education audits discover errors in reporting crime statistics, failure to distribute the Campus Security Report, insufficient information regarding timely warnings and sexual assault policy; photo. | |
16 | Nov. 1 CROW Forum to feature UNI College of Education dean Public Relations News Release 2010:113, p.1 |
Dwight C. Watson will present "Exploring Social Connectivity through the Use of Adolescent Queer Literature." Watson will discuss the social and psychological development of gay and lesbian adolescents. | |
17 | UNI receives grant from U. S. Department of Education Public Relations News Release 2010:111, p.1 |
The Department of Special Education received $260,413 from a grant aimed at helping states provide personnel for students with special needs. A new teacher preparation program will improve services and learning for children with disabilities. | |
18 | UNI Reading Recovery Center receives U. S. Department of Education grant Public Relations News Release 2010:63, p.1 |
The grant awarded $3,096,000 to the Reading Recovery Center. More than 10,000 Iowa first graders who struggle to read, will receive intense literacy assistance in the next five years. The R. J. McElroy Trust supplied $150,000 towards its matching funds. | |
19 | UNI announces Hot Topics in Education: Professional Development Webinars Public Relations News Release 2010:51, p.1 |
"Iowa Core and 21st Century Skills" will be presented by Nadene Davidson, interim department head and assistant professor in the Department of Education. "Classroom Management for the First-Year Teacher" will be presented by Lynne Ensworth. | |
20 | Limited number of tickets for keynote address by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet will be available May 5 Public Relations News Release 2009:440, p.1 |
The Dalai Lama will present "The Power of Education" in a keynote address for the 2010 Joy Cole Corning Distinguished Leadership Lecture Series. "The Power of Education" will focus on the importance of education in an increasingly global society. | |
21 | Saluting Educators--National Teacher Day May 4 UNI has graduated more than 17,000 teachers worldwide Public Relations News Release 2009:433, p.1 |
This year, UNI will graduate more than 500 new teachers. According to Mary Herring and Melissa Heston, there have been many changes in the teaching profession; but the program is still focused on graduating highly effective teachers. | |
22 | State of Iowa Physics Olympics Competition held April 14 Public Relations News Release 2009:419, p.1 |
Washington High School placed First, Urbandale High School placed second, and Cedar Falls High School placed third in the overall school team competition, which includeed teams with students participating in all events. | |
23 | UNI named to Presidential Honor Roll for Community Service Public Relations News Release 2009:303, p.1 |
This is the highest federal recognition a college or university can receive for its commitment to volunteering, service-learning, and civic engagement. | |
24 | UNI's MTA hosts 4th Annual African-American Read-In Public Relations News Release 2009:287, p.1 |
Alumna Jan Spivey Gilchrist returned to the college for the Read-in, where she lead a series of three sessions with students from Black Hawk Elementary, Walter Cunningham School of Excellence, and Malcolm Price Laboratory. | |
25 | Is there Anything Really Wrong with Offensive Humor? Public Relations News Release 2009:246, p.1 |
As a follow-up to Sienkiewicz's lecture and the recent protest against bias-related incidents at UNI, a panel discussion will take place at noon in Baker Hall. Harry Brod, Melissa Heston, and Doug Shaw, will serve as discussion leaders. | |
26 | Pioneer Hi-Bred partners with business and agriculture exchange program at UNI; Applications for Iowa-Midwest Brazil exchange program due March 1 Public Relations News Release 2009:234, p.1 |
Students studying at international universities through the new Iowa-Midwest Brazil Exchange in Business and Agriculture Program, based at the college, now have an opportunity to gain international work experience during their time abroad. | |
27 | FIPSE grant awarded to Iowa-Brazil exchange in business and agriculture program at UNI Public Relations News Release 2009:208, p.1 |
Five institutions have joined together to expand international education opportunities for students early in their academic careers. The Iowa-Midwest Brazil Exchange in Business and Agriculture Program received a $228,240 grant. | |
28 | New Center for disability studies established at UNI Public Relations News Release 2009:204, p.1 |
The center will be located at UNI's Malcolm Price Laboratory School, recently established as the Research and Development School for the State of Iowa. The center will play a significant role in meeting national objectives for students' literacy. | |
29 | National American Education Week: UNI demonstrates strong commitment to teacher education Public Relations News Release 2009:163, p.1 |
This week spotlights the importance of providing every child in America with quality public education from kindergarten through college. Highlights of UNI's impact on education are listed. | |
30 | International Education Week to be celebrated at UNI Public Relations News Release 2009:158, p.1 |
IEW, a nation-wide effort started by the U. S. Department of State and the U. S. Department of Education, informs students about the global environment, promotes international exchanges and is aimed to attract future leaders from abroad to study. | |
31 | UNI professor inducted into Iowa Academy of Education Public Relations News Release 2009:147, p.1 |
Deborah Gallagher, professor of special education, was inducted in a ceremony held on Oct. 16. Her work in disabilities studies has been published in many journals both in the U. S. and Great Britain. She was one of four new inductees into the academy. | |
32 | UNI 'Literacy Project' supports literacy and communication for special needs children Public Relations News Release 2009:137, p.1 |
Two important goals of the project are, "promoting access to the Iowa Core Curriculum for children with significant developmental disabilities through increased literacy and communication skills and expanded opportunities for students. | |
33 | UNI Alumni Association to present Heritage Honours Awards during Homecoming Public Relations News Release 2009:121, p.1 |
The awards program honors the accomplishments of graduates and their service to the university. Awards will be presented to Bradley Block, Guang Jin, Sarah "Sally" Carbaugh Frudden, and Leonard Froyen. | |
34 | UNI professors travel for Fulbright-Hays grant Public Relations News Release 2009:43, p.1 |
Alex Oberle, assistant professor of geography, and curriculum specialist Kay Weller, associate professor of geography, traveled to Chile for a four-week professional development program earlier this summer. Professors listed. | |
35 | Up to $16,000 available for students who will teach a high-need field in a low-income school Public Relations News Release 2009:15, p.1 |
Created by Congress through the College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007, the federal TEACH Grant provides grants to students who intend to teach in a public or private elementary or secondary school that serves students from low-income families. | |
36 | UNI Distinguished Lecture Series to host Iowa Department of Education Director Public Relations News Release 2008:387, p.1 |
Judy Jeffrey's presentation, "The State of the State: Education in Iowa," will address the challenges and opportunities in education in Iowa. She will give an overview of the challenges and opportunities in education in Iowa. | |
37 | UNI, NICC offer free orientation course for elementary education degree program Public Relations News Release 2008:374, p.1 |
UNI in partnership with the Northeast Iowa Community College is offering a free one-credit hour course for area students interested in earning a B. A. degree in elementary education. The program has an optional early childhood education endorsement. | |
38 | UNI, KCC offer free orientation course for elementary education degree program Public Relations News Release 2008:378, p.1 |
The B. A. degree in elementary education has an optional early childhood education endorsement or a double major in middle-level education. The 2 + 2 program, students take two years of community college classes and the equivalent of two years at UNI. | |
39 | UNI, IHCC offer free orientation course for elementary education degree program Public Relations News Release 2008:377, p.1 |
UNI in partnership with Indian Hills Community College is offering a free one-credit hour course for area students interested in earning a B. A. degree in elementary education with an optional early childhood education endorsement or a double major. | |
40 | UNI, EICCD offer free orientation course for elementary education degree program Public Relations News Release 2008:379, p.1 |
The UNI B. A. degree in elementary education has an optional early childhood education endorsement or a double major in middle-level education. Orientation classes will be held on the ICN to provide students with the knowledge to return to school. | |
41 | UNI, NIACC offer free orientation course for elementary education degree program Public Relations News Release 2008:376, p.1 |
UNI in partnership with the North Iowa Area Community College District is offering a free one-credit hour course for area students interested in earning a UNI B. A. degree in elementary education. | |
42 | UNI, ILCCD offer free orientation course for elementary education degree program Public Relations News Release 2008:375, p.1 |
UNI is offering a free one-credit hour course for students in the northwest Iowa and lakes area interested in earning a UNI B. A. degree in elementary education; optional early childhood education endorsement or a double major in middle-level education. | |
43 | UNI, Cedar Valley offer free orientation course for elementary education degree program Public Relations News Release 2008:370, p.1 |
The degree in elementary education has options of an early childhood education endorsement or a double major in middle-level education. The program is especially designed for those who have family and work responsibilities and are unable to relocate. | |
44 | UNI, SCC Keokuk campus to hold informational session on elementary education degree program Public Relations News Release 2008:364, p.1 |
Attendees will learn about a B. A. degree in elementary educaton with the option of an early childhood education endorsement or a double major in middle-level education. | |
45 | UNI's Minorities in the Leadership of Education Program going strong in its first year Public Relations News Release 2008:283, p.1 |
Nick Pace, says that the percentage of people of color in Iowa's school leadership positions is around 1 percent -- disproportionate to the 13 percent of students who are minorities. | |
46 | UNI faculty produce DVD on immigration and education Public Relations News Release 2008:281, p.1 |
Associate professors of educational leadership, Nick Pace and Vickie Robinson, have produced a DVD that examines the impact of immigration on schools in Iowa. The DVD is called, "The Changing Face of Iowa: The Response of Five School Districts." | |
47 | UNI, EICC to hold info sessions on teaching, community health education programs Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1 |
An information session will be held at the Eastern Iowa Community College to discuss the education program at UNI. | |
48 | Monday, Nov. 14 - Friday, Nov. 18 Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.3 |
International Education Week at UNI will include special presentations and programs. | |
49 | UNI program to boost number of Iowa's master teachers Campus News Network 12:3, p.2 |
Certificates of Value, which will convert to credit hours, will be offered to those professors that work with student teachers. | |
50 | Chilean teachers visit UNI to learn about science education Public Relations News Release 2000:109, p.1 |
Twenty elementary teachers from Chile are spending six weeks at UNI in order to observe and learn new methods for teaching. |