Department of English Language and Literature

Displaying 1 - 50 of 319 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Pulitzer Prize-winning poet to present at UNI
Northern Iowan 107:44, p.6
Ted Kooser will read from his work in the Commons Ballroom. Following his presentation, a reception and book signing will take place. He will take questions from the audience.
2 UNI Iowa Writing Project providing Iowa educators with professional growth opportunities
Public Relations News Release 2010:46, p.1
IWP is recognized as an exemplary model for providing in-service education in Iowa. It is a grant-funded program based in the Department of English Language and Literature and is part of the National Writing Project network.
3 National Teacher of the Year to visit UNI
Public Relations News Release 2010:43, p.1
The Department of English Language and Literature will host guest speaker Sarah Brown Wessling. She will speak on the topic "Worthy Learning: Students are /Worth/ the Learning that is /Worth/Doing."
4 UNI begins reorganization
Northern Iowa Today 93:3, p.22
Division of Marketing and Advancement will be dissolved; CHFA and CNS will be combined; Departments of English and Modern Languages will be combined; photo.
5 University of Northern Iowa announces first round of reorganization plans
Northern Iowan 2008:28, p.2
Pending the approval of the Board of Regents, effective July 1, 2010 the Marketing and Advancement Division will be dissolved and the Colleges of Humanities and Fine Arts and Natural Sciences will be combined. Joel Haack will serve as the inaugural dean.
6 University of Northern Iowa announces first round of reorganization plans
Public Relations News Release 2009:225, p.1
Effective July 1, 2010 Marketing & Advancement Division will be dissolved, eliminating one university vice president position. Bill Calhoun, current vice president and president of the UNI Foundation, will remain as president of the Foundation.
7 Baker Hall faces demolition
Northern Iowan 106:17, p.1
Mold, sustainability, budget, and increased scrutiny from the Board of Regents have made demolition of Baker Hall the best option. Accessibility problems, heating, and office size also contributed to the decision; photo.
8 UNI instructor presents one-man show, "Walt Whitman Live!"
Public Relations News Release 2007:257, p.1

William Koch will be performing November 14.

9 Educational Talent Search at UNI-CUE to host middle school roller skating party
Public Relations News Release 2007:244, p.1
The skating party will be held October 24.
10 "Prose In Motion" on October 11
Public Relations News Release 2007:201, p.1
"Prose In Motion" will be presented by John Bresland October 11.
11 UNI Writers Talk Reading Series presents Gary Gildner
Public Relations News Release 2007:153, p.1
Biographical profile of Gary Gildner.
12 UNI Department of English Language and Literature awards and scholarships for 2007
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
The Department of English Language and Literature presented thirty-nine students with scholarships and awards; list of students.
13 King Arthur scholar to visit UNI during rescheduled conference on "Culture and the Medieval King"
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Arthurian scholar E. Kay Harris will be presenting "Culture and the Medieval King" Friday, April 13.
14 English department offering literary prizes, cash rewards
Northern Iowan 103:47, p.3
April 9 is the deadline for scholarship competition and the literary prizes sponsored by the Department of English.
15 Sci-Fi writing award open to all
Northern Iowan 103:46, p.5
April 3, 2007, is the deadline for submitting entries for the Roberta S. Tamres Sci-Fi Award and the Selina Terry Poetry Award.
16 King Arthur
Northern Iowan 103:42, p.22
UNI to host all day conference entitled " Culture and the Medieval King". The event is sponsored by the Department of English Language and Literature; photo.
17 King Arthur scholar to visit UNI during conference on "Culture and the Medieval King"
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
E. Kay Harris will be speaking Friday, March 2.
18 UNI to host Time Magazine book critic
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Lev Grossman will visit Thursday, November 9.
19 UNI's Iowa Writing Project Summer Institute session offered at NICC
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Program will help instructors teach writing to students at many levels.
20 UNI hosts Iowa Writing Project Summer Institute
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Program shows teachers how to teach writing to many different kinds of students.
21 UNI's Hearst Lecture Series features renowned literary scholar, Stephen Greenblatt
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Stephen Greenblatt will deliver lecture "Shakespearean Beauty Marks" in the Maucker Union Ballroom, part of the Meryl Norton Hearst Lecture Series.
22 UNI's Meryl Norton Hearst Lecture Series to continue with Walt Wolfram
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
"Language Differences and the Public Interest" will be the topic for Walt Wolfram in the next Hearst Lecture.
23 English faculty complaint by graduate
Northern Iowan 102:27, p.6
Alumnus John Bresland writes about his feelings towards faculty of the English department.
24 Author digs deep for personal stories
Northern Iowan 102:10, p.1
Karen McElmurray spoke Monday night at the first lecture presented by the Meryl Norton Hearst Lecture Series.
25 You don't know UNI until you know: writing center specialist Deanne Gute
Northern Iowan 101:60, p.3
Profile of Deanne Gute, who works at the Writing Center in connection with the Center for Academic Achievement.
26 UNI Department of English Language and Literature awards and scholarships for 2006 presented
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
On April 30, 39 students received various awards and scholarships; list of recipients.
27 Dr. Bill leaves lasting impressions at UNI
Northern Iowan 101:44, p.9
Professor Bill Williamson is leaving UNI to teach at Saginaw Valley State University in Michigan; has been head of professional writing program for six years; photo.
28 Sci-Fi writing competition
Northern Iowan 101:30, p.2
Department of English is sponsoring the Roberta S. Tamres Sci-Fi Award competition, for the best science-fiction story, poem, or essay. The deadline is February 1.
29 English professors collaborate to honor respected colleague
Northern Iowan 101:28, p.11
Colleagues of Jerome Klinkowitz in the Department of English present him with a book of essays in his honor for his birthday; photo.
30 UNI professor presents one-man show, 'Walt Whitman Live!!'
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Bill Koch performs Whitman's poetry and speaks about major themes, views of American culture, Abraham Lincoln, and the American Civil War.
31 Inner Weather a chance for students to see publication
Northern Iowan 101:14, p.9
Description of Inner Weather publication, consisting of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and artwork created by students.
32 New writing scholarships due Wednesday, announced April 18
Northern Iowan 100:47, p.5
Description of scholarships offered by the Department of English Language and Literature.
33 Get to know your professors: Julie Husband
Northern Iowan 100:16, p.9
Profile of English professor Julie Husband; photo.
34 UNI professor presents one-man show, 'Walt Whitman Live!!'
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
William Koch to perform as Whitman October 22 in Lang Hall.
35 UNI instructor presents one-man show, "Walt Whitman Live!!"
Public Relations News Release 2002:488, p.1
Adjunct English instructor, William Koch, will perform as the famous poet, Walt Whitman.
36 Prominent poet passes through UNI
Northern Iowan 99:25, p.1
Ray Young Bear spoke on "Native American Literature and Traditional Tribal Values" on November 21; photo.
37 Poet Ray Young Bear to present address at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2002:199, p.1
Ray Young Bear will speak on "Native American Literature and Traditional Tribal Values" on November 21.
38 Walt Whitman is alive at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2002:126, p.1
Professor Bill Koch will play Walt Whitman in "Walt Whitman Live!!" in the Lang Hall Auditorium.
39 Profile: Jeffrey S. Copeland
Campus News Network 12:11, p.4
Profile of Jeffrey S. Copeland, the head of the Department of English Language and Literature; photo.
40 English and Music departments team up to celebrate Dickinson
Northern Iowan 97:45, p.12
Students and faculty enjoyed the combination of music and poetry.
41 Profile: Gail Moehlis
Campus News Network 11:3, p.3
Profile of secretary to the head of the English department Gail Moehlis; photo.
42 Waller returns to UNI for reading and lecture
Campus News Network 10:16, p.2
Robert James Waller, former UNI faculty member and author, will give a public reading at Bought Again Books, April 6.
43 Dr. Grammar has cure for writing pains
Northern Iowan 96:38, p.9
UNI English Department to offer answers to grammar questions by Professor HiDuke, "Dr. Grammar", to Iowa residents; photo.
44 Roberta S. Tamres Sci-Fi Award competition announced by University of Northern Iowa English department; deadline March 22
Public Relations News Release 1999:265, p.1
Department of English is sponsoring the Fourth Annual Roberta S. Tamres Sci-Fi Award competition, for the best science-fiction story, poem or essay.
45 Governor, Lt. Governor's spouses to speak on education
Campus News Network 9:15, p.2
Christie Vilsack and James Autry will speak on visions for education in Iowa and read their creative work March 26.
46 Classes offered for area educators
Northern Iowan 95:32, p.2
UNI and Iowa Writing Project are teaming up to offer classes to certify Iowa teachers.
47 Columnist Pitts to address conference
Northern Iowan 95:30, p.4
Syndicated columnist Leonard Pitts will give keynote address at the April 9 Celebrating Critical Writing Conference.
48 English grad students head to Midwestern MLA conference
Northern Iowan 95:5, p.4
English graduate students and instructors will attend the Midwestern Modern Language Association conference in November.
49 UNI poets create, "The Marble Bag"
Northern Iowan 94:53, p.9
Seven students wrote "The Marble Bag" as part of an independent project on poetry.
50 "The 'Why' Files" wins fiction contest
Northern Iowan 94:51, p.9
Scott Cross won the Science Fiction Writing Contest with his work called "The 'Why' Files".