Department of Mathematics
Displaying 1 - 50 of 271 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Vox Pop: What is your biggest pet peeve about UNI? Northern Iowan 119:51, p.5 |
Emma Criswell interviews five UNI students to learn their biggest pet peeves about UNI. The students interviewed are Sean Brown, Maddison Hofmann, Caleb Shea, Damian Rivera, and Madison Hansen; photos. | |
2 | What's really meant by mathematics? Northern Iowan 112:20, p.4 |
In the author's opinion, the field of mathematics is largely misunderstood. Moeller discusses how mathematics is focused on problem-solving, making arguments, and exploring structure; photo. |
3 | Math major doesn't know either Northern Iowan 11:46, p.4 |
Satire article about being a math major; photo. | |
4 | Data mining and business analytics lecture at UNI Public Relations News Release 2014:220, p.1 |
Johannes Ledolter, professor in the Department of Management Sciences at the University of Iowa, will visit UNI to present the annual Hari Shankar Memorial Lecture, April 7, in Lantz Auditorium, McCollum Science Hall, Room 137. | |
5 | Lecture explores 4-dimensional sculpting Public Relations News Release 2013:213, p.1 |
Henry Segerman, from Oklahoma State University's Department of Mathematics, will give his lecture, "How to Make Sculptures of 4-Dimensional Things". This lecture is the annual Hari Shankar Memorial Lecture. The lecture is free and open to the public. | |
6 | Former professors give millions to UNI Northern Iowan 108:55, p.1 |
Former Dean of the College of Business, Robert Waller, and former mathematics professor, Bonnie Litwiller, make large gifts to the university; photo. | |
7 | Math Club Partnership brings opportunities to high school students Northern Iowan 107:24, p.1 |
The Math Club meets each Monday afternoon for two hours at West High School. Members use this time to assist high school students with homework or preparation for the ACT; photo. | |
8 | UNI faculty, staff receive 2008 Regents Excellence Awards Public Relations News Release 2008:271, p.1 |
The awards are presented annually to faculty and to staff members in the professional and scientific ranks, and biennially to a member of the supervisory/confidential merit personnel, who have demonstrated outstanding professional contributions. | |
9 | Two retired UNI math profs author more than 1,000 articles Public Relations News Release 2008:12, p.1 |
David Duncan and Bonnie Litwiller, who retired in 2005 and 2003, respectively, during a 40-year collaboration, write about applications of mathematics concepts that can be used in the classroom, particularly at the middle school and secondary level. |
10 | College deans welcome new students Northern Iowan 104:54, p. |
Discovery is at the heart of the College of Natural Sciences. | |
11 | UNI participates in math boot camp Public Relations News Release 2007:78, p.1 |
Six undergraduate students completed an eight-week summer session in mathematics. | |
12 | UNI math department helps U. S. Department of Defense Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1 |
Mathematics teachers from the U. S. Department of Defense Dependent Schools depend on mathematics education faculty at the University of Northern Iowa. | |
13 | UNI professors address innovative teaching methods for pre-K through 12 mathematics Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1 |
Ed Rathmell has developed a new way to organize mathematics curriculum called a "distributed curriculum." | |
14 | UNI mathematics department presents "Integration Bee" contest Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1 |
The "Integration Bee" will be held Monday, April 9 and is open to UNI students, local community college students, and area high school students. | |
15 | UNI honors Syed Kirmani for outstanding research Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1 |
Syed Kirmani received the Donald N. McKay Facuty Research Award. | |
16 | UNI mathematics department hosting web-based math contest Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1 |
Iowa and Illinois high school students and UNI students may participate in the Wright Challenge, a web-accessible mathematics contest. | |
17 | Monday, April 10 Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1 |
Etiquette Dinner will be hosted; John Nash will speak on mathematics; "The Harvest of Echoes" will be performed by Julie Josephson. | |
18 | "A Beautiful Mind" to speak in Lang Hall Northern Iowan 102:49, p.3 |
John Nash will speak. | |
19 | Mathematician and Nobel Prize winner, John Nash, to deliver lecture at UNI Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1 |
John Nash, renowned mathematician will deliver the annual Hari Shankar Lecture at UNI. | |
20 | New UNI graduate degree blends science with other disciplines Professional Science Master's program starts this fall Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1 |
New Master's degree will combine science with careers in fields such as banking, and insurance. | |
21 | University of Northern Iowa offers Web-based math contest Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1 |
All Iowa high school students are eligible to participate in the University of Northern Iowa's Wright Challenge, a Web-based math contest. | |
22 | UNI math department invites Illinois students to enter math contest Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1 |
Illinois high school students have been invited to test their knowledge in the UNI Wright Challenge, a web-based math contest. | |
23 | University of Northern Iowa offers Web-based math contest Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1 |
The 5th year of the Wright Challenge will include six math problems posted on the web between September and December; contest open to high school students from Illinois and Iowa. | |
24 | UNI conference to explain new degree programs Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1 |
Conference about Professional Science Master's Programs in Industrial Mathematics and Applied Physics will be held on September 10. | |
25 | UNI receives grant for graduate program Northern Iowan 100:41, p.1 |
The Department of Physics and Department of Mathematics receive a $10,000 grant in order to determine the need for a professional science master's degree program. | |
26 | UNI's math department awards scholarships Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1 |
List of scholarships and recipients. | |
27 | Planning grant awarded to UNI physics and mathematics departments Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1 |
Grants are to help with the investigation of the possibility of implementing professional science masters programs in industrial mathematics and applied physics. | |
28 | UNI Math Department invites Illinois students to enter math contest Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1 |
This is the first year students from another state will participate in the Wright Challenge. | |
29 | UNI Math Department invites students to enter math contest Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1 |
High school and UNI students are invited to try and answer the Wright Challenge. | |
30 | University of Northern Iowa offers Web-based math contest Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1 |
Wright Challenge enters its fifth year and will run through December 12. | |
31 | UNI mathematics department hosts contest Public Relations News Release 2002:458, p.1 |
Integration Bee, to be held on April 17, will require contestants to evaluate integrals without the use of calculators. | |
32 | 'Magic with Mathematics' topic for UNI lecture Thursday, April 3 Public Relations News Release 2002:410, p.1 |
Mathematician Ed Burger will present second Hari Shankar Lecture in Mathematics. | |
33 | UNI mathematics department presents statewide high school/collegiate mathematics contest Public Relations News Release 2002:302, p.1 |
Wright Challenge, now accessible on the Internet, offers certificates and $100 cash to contest winners. | |
34 | UNI Department of Mathematics awards scholarships for 2002-2003 academic year Public Relations News Release 2002:16, p.1 |
List of recipients. | |
35 | UNI offers Web-based math contest Northern Iowan 98:36, p.2 |
The Wright Challenge, now in its third year, is a math contest open to UNI students and high school students via the Internet. | |
36 | University of Northern Iowa offers Web-based math contest Public Relations News Release 2001:290, p.1 |
The Wright Challenge is a math contest on the Internet that will be open to UNI students as well as high school students. | |
37 | University to present Web math contest Northern Iowan 98:10, p.2 |
Students are able to win prizes in a contest, The Wright Challenge, sponsored by the Math Department. | |
38 | University of Northern Iowa offers Web-based math contest Public Relations News Release 2001:130, p.1 |
The Wright Challenge, a mathematics contest designed to get students excited about math, will continue through Dec. 14. | |
39 | UNI to host symposium to celebrate 500th birthday of Cardano, noted mathematician and scientist Public Relations News Release 2001:104, p.1 |
The Department of Mathematics and the College of Natural Sciences will present "Cardano" on Sept. 24. | |
40 | 'Math Guy' to lecture at UNI Monday, March 26 Public Relations News Release 2000:311, p.1 |
Keith Devlin will be first speaker in Hari Shankar Lecture in Mathematics. | |
41 | University of Northern Iowa offers Web-based math contest Public Relations News Release 2000:212, p.1 |
For the second year, UNI's math department will sponsor The Wright Challenge. | |
42 | Taking the math challenge online Public Relations News Release 2000:96, p.1 |
The Wright Challenge, a math contest, is available to students online thanks to Douglas Shaw. | |
43 | Web-based contests encourages students to study math Public Relations News Release 2000:103, p.1 |
The Wright Challenge, hosted by the math department, helps both young and older students develop the skills prefered by employers. | |
44 | UNI math department hosts web-based math contest Public Relations News Release 2000:90, p.1 |
The math department presents mathematical puzzles for students from high school or UNI to work on until December. | |
45 | Statistical consulting services Campus News Network 11:5, p.2 |
UNI provides statistical consulting services through the Statistical Consulting Center. | |
46 | Interim deans, department head named for University of Northern Iowa Northern Iowa Today 84:2, p.18 |
Joel Haack and Marilyn Mercado are named acting deans; Gregory Dotseth is acting head of the Math Department. | |
47 | UNI names several to administrative positions Public Relations News Release 1999:456, p.1 |
Sue Courts is named the new director of the Health Center and three interim appointments are also noted. | |
48 | Scholarships announced for students of mathematics at the University of Northern Iowa Public Relations News Release 1999:408, p.1 |
A list of students who have been awarded scholarships from the Department of Mathematics. | |
49 | University of Northern Iowa Department of Mathematics announces scholarship winners Public Relations News Release 1999:225, p.1 |
List of the recipients of a variety of scholarships from the Department of Mathematics at UNI. | |
50 | The Wright Challenge #3 Northern Iowan 96:13, p.11 |
Mathematical puzzle; solutions can be dropped off at the Math Office or submitted by electronic mail; cash prizes and certificates will be awarded. |