Department of Physical Education for Women

Displaying 1 - 50 of 356 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Student and faculty life at ISTC
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.68
History of student publications, debate, drama, music, and athletics during the Latham administration; photo.
2 Academic and administrative changes; physical expansion
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.393
Survey of changes in curriculum, faculty, and facilities; the Seerley Hall murals; the acquisition of the west forty acres; photo.
3 Physical Education for Women
Old Gold 0:0, p.25
The degree in Physical Education offered at UNI is with a teaching certification for all grade levels; elementary, junior high, and high school. It also includes a coaching certification. Facilities include Women's Gym, 3 classes, archery range; photo.
4 One head is better than two
Alumnus 64:2, p.4
Men's and Women's PE combine into School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation made up of six divisions; curriculum and services; photo.
5 Organization into School approved for PE
UNI Century 7:2, p.7
Regents approve consolidation of Women's PE and Men's PE departments into one School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation; change effective July 1,1979.
6 P. E. departments merge
Northern Iowan 75:30, p.8
The former men's and women's physical education departments will merge and restructure beginning July 1, 1979.
7 United Faculty approves health, P. E., Recreation school proposal
Northern Iowan 75:24, p.17
Faculty Senate approves merger of men's and women's departments.
8 Summer faculty---many apply but few are chosen
Northern Iowan 74:63, p.2
A look at the process for selecting summer faculty; situation varies by department.
9 New plans for P. E.
Northern Iowan 74:49, p.5
Professor Yager talks about the merging of the curriculum in the physical education departments.
10 Reduced hours, combined sexes are improvements in P. E. dept.
Northern Iowan 74:46, p.6
Professors Thrall and Crawford talk about the revised curriculum.
11 It's a fact--UNI liberal arts graduates outnumber teachers
UNI Century 6:2, p.6
Administrators outline latest trends for students in their departments.
12 P. E. departments have joint reorganization
Northern Iowan 74:29, p.3
Men's and Women's Physical Education Departments get together to redesign physical education major; division coordinators named..
13 Modified P. E. course offered; emphasis fitness, individuality
Northern Iowan 72:26, p.7
Mary Lee Cathey talks about special courses for handicapped students.
14 WSI training
Northern Iowan 72:22, p.6
Women's PE Department will offer course.
15 PEM banquet
Northern Iowan 71:52, p.9
Banquet includes speakers and awards.
16 Women's department develops coaching minor
UNI Century 3:2, p.14
Faculty talk about new minor.
17 Coaching minor instigated
Northern Iowan 71:35, p.8
Professor McFee offers detailed rationale and description of new minor in the coaching of women's sports.
18 Women sport day
Northern Iowan 71:31, p.7
UNI will host annual Invitational High School Sports Day.
19 Women's P. E. Department
Northern Iowan 71:24, p.8
List of courses open to men.
20 P. E. depart. clarifies requirements
Northern Iowan 71:22, p.6
Physical education classes will be open to both men and women students; general education requirements.
21 'Horsing around' for credit
Northern Iowan 71:11, p.7
Course offered on riding skills and horsemanship; photo.
22 Something good..
Northern Iowan 71:4, p.2
Women's Physical Education Department has made recreational pool time available.
23 Sex discrimination--women jump rope--why don't men?
Northern Iowan 71:1, p.3
Points out differences in physical education requirements for men and women.
24 New P. E. minor
Northern Iowan 70:61, p.5
A new minor teaches coaching women's sports in public schools.
25 Workshops offer training for women
Northern Iowan 70:44, p.16
Will offer athletic training workshops, movement education, and gymnastics coaching sessions.
26 Women's coaching
Northern Iowan 70:35, p.12
The women's physical education department announces a coaching minor for women.
27 Women's physical education requirements blasted
Northern Iowan 70:29, p.3
Unhappy that some physical education classes count toward general education, but that others do not.
28 PE course
Northern Iowan 70:27, p.6
Will offer course in teaching physical education to mentally handicapped.
29 Women's Phys. Ed. offers new class
Northern Iowan 70:21, p.10
Also offers classes on several schedules.
30 Clinic termed 'success'
Northern Iowan 70:2, p.12
UNI's coaching clinic deemed a success; photo.
31 Coaching clinic set for fall
Northern Iowan 69:56, p.11
UNI will host a women's coaching clinic.
32 UNI curriculum guide earns national recognition
Northern Iowan 69:47, p.5
Health education guide developed by Department of Physical Education for Women.
33 New idea for P. E. teachers
Northern Iowan 69:40, p.10
Physical education students will be able to express preferences in their student teaching assignments.
34 Thanks
Northern Iowan 69:35, p.3
Members of women's basketball team finish second in state tournament; thank all those who helped them.
35 Elective P.E. provides variety
Northern Iowan 69:19, p.12
Description of elective activity courses offered by Women's Physical Education Department.
36 Speaker: Dr. Barbara Folker
Northern Iowan 69:16, p.12
Will address women's physical education majors on women's intercollegiate athletics.
37 Women's physical education dept. head to retire
Northern Iowan 68:22, p.5

Biographical sketch of Professor Jean Bontz.

38 New women's PE courses offered spring semester
Northern Iowan 68:19, p.8
Provides elective activity courses.
39 New women's PE courses offered
Northern Iowan 68:13, p.12
List of courses offered.
40 Physical Education Career Day is April 15
Northern Iowan 67:45, p.11
41 UNI to Host Physical Education Career Day for Iowa High School Girls
Public Relations News Release 1971:532, p.1
150 girls and their teachers are expected to attend the 6th annual Physical Education Career Day on April 15 at UNI.
42 UNI Women's P.E. to Sponsor Golf Clinic
Public Relations News Release 1971:504, p.1
Conducted by the National Golf Foundation and sponsored by the UNI Department of Physical Education for Women; scheduled events
43 UNI News Briefs
Public Relations News Release 1971:484, p.1
Dr. Bultena lead a discussion at the 1971 Iowa Sociological Assocation meeting on March 25; Dr. Paul Kelso receieved a certificate of service; Ruth Sevy recetnly received honor awards
44 Sport Day for UNI
Northern Iowan 67:30, p.9
Twelve schools set to participate in a Sports Day.
45 UNI Women's P.E. Department to Sponsor Sports Day
Public Relations News Release 1971:369, p.1
250 girls from 12 Iowa high schools are expected to attend the annual UNI high school sports day that will be held on Feb. 13.
46 Three memorial scholarships established with UNI Foundation
Public Relations News Release 1970:281, p.1
Scholarships established in memory of the Anton Berg; Dorothy Michel; and Mary Day Price.
47 W. P. E. views "walk"
Northern Iowan 67:22, p.2
Professor Bontz would prefer that a sidewalk not be installed in an area used for physical education classes.
48 Just for kicks!
Northern Iowan 67:2, p.7
The Women's Physical Education Department took charge of the field outside Baker Hall for their soccer classes; photo.
49 Polk Dance Workshop Held at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:667, p.1
Dance Workshop was held June 15-26 and was sponsored by the Department of Physical Education for Women; list of people who participated
50 Health Curriculum Guide Completed at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:657, p.1

The guide was written at the UNI Health Education Institute, and assists in the teaching of health in grades 1-9. It is considered the first of its kind in Iowa.