Department of Public Safety
Displaying 1 - 50 of 120 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Blue safety phones to be removed Northern Iowan 119:47, p.1 |
UNI is introducing the Rave Guardian app that will take place of the blue safety phones located sporadically on campus; photos. | |
2 | Students spark concern about CP parking Northern Iowan 119:8, p.4 |
Aubrey Schafbuch interviews Madison Langford, a junior elementary education major, about the complications of finding parking in CP. Langford and other students are frustrated that they paid more money to have a CP pass but often times have to park in the C lot; photo. | |
3 | Cedar Falls mayor responds to shooting Northern Iowan 118:35, p.1 |
Cedar Falls mayor Rob Green responded to the shooting on College Hill that resulted in one dead and another severely injured. He stated that it was an isolated incident and does not reflect the College Hill neighborhood; photo. | |
4 | Students v. campus parking Northern Iowan 118:33, p.3 |
Mikayla Warrick discusses the issues with the campus parking lots; photo. | |
5 | Car thefts and burglaries reported on campus Northern Iowan 118:24, p.1 |
The Department of Public Safety (UNI PD) offers advice on precautionary measures in the wake of campus reports of burglarized and stolen vehicles; photo. | |
6 | UNI cancels international travel, COVID-19 Northern Iowan 116:42, p.1 |
Due to COVID-19, UNI has cancelled all university-sponsored international travel. The university first cancelled travel for the next 30 days, then for all summer 2020 study abroad courses. UNI implemented travel restrictions in stages, beginning in January with a temporary moratorium on travel to China, extending it to South Korea on February 29, Italy on March 2, and Iran on March 3. Students in UNI Camp Adventure were recalled or transferred from affected areas. On March 5, the Board of Regents issued a statement for all three public universities cancelling university-sponsored travel for all faculty, staff, and students for the next 30 days, which included spring break. UNI absorbed the cost of cancelled study abroad programs. Although the threat of the virus remained low for Iowa and campus, the university began preparations for the unlikely event of a campus shutdown with information posted on A panel on the virus and combatting its spread was to be held March 11 in Lang Hall Auditorium; photo. | |
7 | Special election raises issues of PSO Northern Iowan 116:41, p.1 |
In the wake of council member Rob Green's resignation to serve as the mayor of Cedar Falls, the Cedar Falls City Council voted to have Nick Taiber fill the vacated seat. Cedar Falls residents petitioned to fill the at-large seat by special election; the petition was approved and the election will take place on March 24. Those on the ballot include Kelly Dunn, T.J. Frein, Fred Perrymann, Penny Popp, and LeaAnn Saul, but not Taiber. Taiber decided not to run due to controversy about potential implementation of a public safety officer (PSO) program. The PSO program, implemented in 2015, is a paid on-call proram to cross-train staff to assist police and fire safety efforts. Members of the community have argued against or in favor of the program based upon their views of its safety training. Taiber had led the council's decision to eliminate firefighter positions and replace them with PSOs; photo. | |
8 | Shifting gears: UNI bike patrol officer changes routine Northern Iowan 116:15, p.4 |
Jeff Tiedt, a UNI police officer, speaks on his experience serving on UNI's bike patrol, a division of the Public Safety Department that began in 1994; photo. | |
9 | Sexual assaults reported on-campus Northern Iowan 114:30, p.2 |
Two sexual assaults occurred over the weekend. These are the first two sexual assaults reported this semester and the fifth and sixth assaults reported this year. | |
10 | Despite renovations, students feel unsafe Northern Iowan 114:10, p.2 |
UNI got brighter lights installed for on campus. Students say they feel more comfortable with walking home in well-lit areas, but know there is more to be done. The Industrial Technology Center is another place where renovation will happen soon; photo. | |
11 | Safe decisions during Homecoming Northern Iowan 114:9, p.3 |
Student Wellness Services gives tips on how to stay safe during Homecoming Week; photo. | |
12 | Former UNI student arrested for sexual assault Northern Iowan 114:2, p.2 |
Former UNI student Donghyuk Kim was arrested for sexual abuse in the 3rd degree. | |
13 | Parking insufficient at UNI Northern Iowan 110:45, p.1 |
There are about 9200 parking spots available on the UNI campus. However, parking permits for A and B lots are oversold. This means that not everyone with a permit is guaranteed a parking spot; photo. | |
14 | UNI Student Patrol offers services to promote a safer campus Northern Iowan 109:20, p.8 |
Assists law enforcement personnel with presence on campus. Responsibilities include general patrol, maintaining order across campus, and the security of buildings. The escort service they provide is the most visible to students at UNI. | |
15 | Haire steps into role as director of public safety Northern Iowan 109:10, p.1 |
Director Helen Haire to confirm department has necessary staffing, training, and tools to do job. Scale is the biggest difference between previous position at LSU and current position; photo | |
16 | Haire named chief of UNI police and director of Public Safety Northern Iowan 109:1, p.1 |
Helen Haire, from Louisiana State University, has been named to replace Dave Zarifis. | |
17 | Scam alert--UNI name used in apparent check scam Public Relations News Release 2012:19, p.1 |
Milissa Wright warns not to cash the check, enclosed in an envelop with a UNI return address. | |
18 | Haire named UNI chief of police and director of public safety Public Relations News Release 2012:10, p.1 |
Helen Haire from Louisiana State University has been named to replace Dave Zarifis as director. | |
19 | UNI Public Safety reminds students about abandoned bikes Northern Iowan 108:55, p.2 |
The department has recovered a number of abandoned bicycles over the past two years. Students are advised to contact Officer Andrea Jennings to determine if their bike has been recovered. Serial number, make, and model are needed for ID. | |
20 | Fast Facts about UNI Northern Iowan 108:54, p. |
Fourteen facts about the university; including four photos from events; photo. | |
21 | Zarifis retiring after 40 years at UNI Northern Iowan 108:53, p.1 |
Director of Public Safety David Zarifis has seen many changes in his job description. He is looking forward to new challenges and "doing what his wife says" in retirement; photo. |
22 | Proposed budget cuts Northern Iowan 108:40, p.5 |
Questions asked concerning UNI's future role in teacher education and public safety. | |
23 | Budget talks require communication, not blame Northern Iowan 108:39, p.4 |
Communication among the administration, faculty, students, and the Cedar Valley is needed during this time of restructuring. People need to know what the plans are for the future. More input has been requested by several parties. | |
24 | Cuts possible for upcoming school year Northern Iowan 108:38, p.1 |
President Ben Allen announced that declining support from the Iowa Legislature may cause cuts in funding to Price Laboratory School, UNI Museum, Panther athletics, and academic programs; photo. | |
25 | Clery Report reveals 2010 crime statistics for UNI Northern Iowan 108:13, p.1 |
Clery Report tracks a wide variety of crimes, including violent crimes, sex offenses, hate crimes, robberies, burglaries, and drug, liquor and weapons law violations; photo. | |
26 | School of Music's new hours create controversy Northern Iowan 108:12, p.1 |
New building hours have been put into effect with students trained and hired by the Department of Public Safety monitoring each building. Other alternatives are being investigated; photo. | |
27 | Study examines how to best use parking space Northern Iowan 108:12, p.1 |
Metered parking in the Multimodal Transportation Center was at 2.5 per cent of capacity during the fall of 2010. This has led to a parking consultant undertaking a parking study. In the future, the dynamics of parking could change; photo. | |
28 | Warning: This article is definitely not about what you already know about Homecoming Northern Iowan 108:11, p.4 |
Homecoming activities covered. Safety is of upmost importance, including drinking and driving; photo. | |
29 | Close to 30 bike tires damaged Northern Iowan 108:10, p.1 |
Bike tires were slashed in bike racks near Noehren Hall last week. This much damage has not been reported in several years. Bikers urged to be vigilant and observe the bike racks for anything strange; photo. | |
30 | Skateboarding policy suspended Northern Iowan 108:6, p.1 |
A temporary suspension of the ban on skateboarding on campus has been put into effect. Students will continue to be ticketed if they are damaging property or injuring people. | |
31 | Oversold parking passes cause problems for students, staff Northern Iowan 108:6, p.1 |
There are 8300 parking spots on campus with over 16,000 students, staff, and visitors. Parking passes allow the owner to park in designated areas. The beginning of each new year brings some confusion. | |
32 | Skateboarding policy under review Northern Iowan 108:4, p.1 |
Skateboarding is not allowed on campus. This policy took effect six years ago. Some have continued to skateboard and have been taken into custody and fined. Dave Zarifis is reviewing the policy. | |
33 | UNI faces possible fines for crime reporting violations Northern Iowan 107:60, p.1 |
Department of Education audits discover errors in reporting crime statistics, failure to distribute the Campus Security Report, insufficient information regarding timely warnings and sexual assault policy; photo. | |
34 | Abandoned bicycle notice Northern Iowan 107:57, p.4 |
Please contact UNI Police Department if your bicycle is missing. Be certain to have the serial number, make, and model when calling. Many of the bicycles were recovered on June 14. | |
35 | UNI transportation offers multitude of services Northern Iowan 107:54, p. |
Panther Shuttle, Metropolitan Transit Authority, and the weekend SafeRide are bus alternatives to driving on or near campus. Parking passes for cars are available from the Department of Public Safety; photo. | |
36 | Sexual awareness Northern Iowan 107:53, p.12 |
A roommate's personal experience with sexual assault is shared. The emotions and hurt that go along with the attack are mind boggling. Students urged to contact Public Safety and report the crime. | |
37 | Student convinced UNI nameplate is a treasure map Northern Iowan 107:46, p. |
Nameplate contains cryptic information detailing the whereabouts of a priceless treasure, according to incoming student; photo. | |
38 | UNI offers tips to keep students safe on spring break. Public Relations News Release 2010:230, p.1 |
Department of Public Safety advises traveling students to notify a family member, check fluid levels and tire pressures, and prepare an emergency kit with water, blankets and food. | |
39 | Message from UNI police Northern Iowan 107:39, p.3 |
Drivers and pedestrians urged to use caution in cross walks on and around campus. Drivers must yield to pedestrians at all times. One out of five killed in traffic accidents are pedestrians. | |
40 | WIU receives six bomb threats Northern Iowan 107:25, p.1 |
Following bomb threats at Western Illinois University, the Department of Public Safety reminds the UNI community of emergency procedures; photo. | |
41 | Don't drink your way to danger Northern Iowan 107:15, p.9 |
Homecoming weekend is often filled with fun and alcohol. Students urged to be careful of consuming too much alcohol. Being arrested, having your stomach pumped, or being raped are not positive things to remember from the Homecoming weekend. | |
42 | UNI Police participate in national campaign Northern Iowan 107:3, p.2 |
Increased enforcement on drunk driving will be the focus of area law enforcement units between August 24 and September 6. | |
43 | Variety of transportation options at University of Northern Iowa available to students Northern Iowan 106:54, p. |
Cars, bicycles, walking, and bus service are the major means of getting around the campus and Waterloo/Cedar Falls area; photo. | |
44 | Panel calls for a more inclusive campus Northern Iowan 106:46, p.1 |
A panel discussion entitled "Call to Action: a more Inclusive Campus" addressed bias-related incidents on campus and in Cedar Falls. Frustration was evident in the comments; photo. | |
45 | Ku Klux Klan Chapter denies involvement with UNI vandalisms, assault Northern Iowan 106:43, p.1 |
Brother Douglas, Imperial Wizard of the Fraternal White Knights, states that the Ku Klux Klan has groups of seven or more members in eleven Iowa towns. Waterloo and Cedar Falls are included; photo. | |
46 | UNI services aid students with disabilities Northern Iowan 106:42, p.1 |
Ashley Lerch encourages students with disabilities to register with Student Disability Services. Many times accommodations can be made in regard to classroom attendance during inclement weather; photo. | |
47 | Parking lot north of Multimodal Transportation Center to close Northern Iowan 106:42, p.2 |
The "B" parking lot will close on April 5 through mid-August in preparation for installation of solar panels on the Center. The lot will be used to store steel beams and equipment needed to complete the project. | |
48 | UNI Police has abandoned, unclaimed bikes gathered from campus Northern Iowan 106:42, p.5 |
Bikes at the Department of Public Safety may be claimed. Please call 273-7353 with questions; photo. | |
49 | UNI Police respond to false alarm Northern Iowan 106:37, p.1 |
An assault report proved to be false following investigation by campus police, the Cedar Falls Police, and the Black Hawk County's canine unit. Students concerned about incident slowing response to other reports; photo. | |
50 | Gun incident causes students to question need for armed campus police Northern Iowan 106:35, p.1 |
Accidental firing of weapon in the University of Iowa's departmental headquarters raises the question of the need for armed officers on campus. Dave Zarifis defends the program; students of mixed opinions. |