Department of Religion

Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI professor helps develop guidelines for teaching religion in public schools
Public Relations News Release 2010:41, p.1
For the past six years, Betty DeBerg, professor of religion, has served on a national task force for the American Academy of Religion (AAR), the largest association of scholars of religion in the country.
2 Sand mandala to be created in lobby of UNI's Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center
Public Relations News Release 2009:441, p.1
A unique, spiritual work of art, created from colored sand applied grain by grain--asand mandala--will take shape on the campus, beginning Sunday, May 9, in the lobby of the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center.
3 Is there Anything Really Wrong with Offensive Humor?
Public Relations News Release 2009:246, p.1
As a follow-up to Sienkiewicz's lecture and the recent protest against bias-related incidents at UNI, a panel discussion will take place at noon in Baker Hall. Harry Brod, Melissa Heston, and Doug Shaw, will serve as discussion leaders.
4 UNI announces inaugural Diversity Matters Award recipients
Public Relations News Release 2009:233, p.1
Ten individuals were recently honored for their efforts to enhance diversity during the second-annual town hall meeting on diversity.These students, faculty and staff received the inaugural UNI Diversity Matters Award. Recipients listed.
5 UNI Hearst Lecture on Islam postponed
Public Relations News Release 2008:415, p.1
Ingrid Mattson, director and professor of the Macdonald Center for Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Realtions and director of Islamic Chaplaincy at Hartford Seminary in Hartford, Conn. has postponed her lecture due to a medical emergency.
6 Ingrid Mattson to speak on UNI's Hearst Lecture Series
Public Relations News Release 2008:400, p.1
"Islam: An American Religion," will be the topic of the next lecture in the Meryl Norton Hearst Lecture Series. Mattson serves as director and professor of the Macdonald Center for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations.
7 Religion professor appreciates students, department
Northern Iowan 102:7, p.10
Professor James Robinson has enjoyed thirty-four years at UNI; shares a little about how he became interested in religion; photo.
8 The good life just got easier
Northern Iowa Today 87:2, p.15
Department of Residence offers plan to stabilize room and board for two years.
9 The teaching of religion may never be the same
Campus News Network 9:20, p.1
Workshop "The Vocation of Teaching in the Twenty-First Century: Exploring a New Paradigm for the Study of Religion" will explore best ways to teach religion.
10 UNI Prof Discusses Visit to Holy Land
Public Relations News Release 1970:230, p.1
Professor David Bluhm has spent nine weeks in Israwel last summer.
11 Three special religious services in addition to the regular college chapel will be held this week in observance of the Easter season
Public Relations News Release 1951:564, p.1
According to Dr. Harold E. Bernhard, director of religious activities, Holy communion will be administered Maundy Thursday in the auditorium. "Toward the Dawn" is the topic of Bernhard's sermon for the regular chapel service in the auditorium.
12 Special to Record & Courier
Public Relations News Release 1951:323, p.1
Six outstanding Christian Leaders from various vocations will share their convictions, insights and hopes with the students and faculty of the college as part of the University Christian Mission to be held here.
13 A four-day University Christian Mission (UCM) will be the third ever held at the college
Public Relations News Release 1951:310, p.1
The purpose of the UCM, in cooperation with a local campus, is to secure a team of outstanding leaders from various vocations to share their convictions, insights and hopes with students and faculty members.
14 A four-day University Christian Mission (UCM) featuring six off-campus speakers will be held Sunday through Wednesday, January 20 - 23
Public Relations News Release 1951:309, p.1
The Mission constitutes the Protestant phase of the annual Religion-in-Life week; sponsored by the Joint Department of Evangelism, the Commission on Christian Higher Education of the National Council of Churches and the United Student Christian council.
15 Dr. Harold E. Bernhard director of the bureau of religious activities,
Public Relations News Release 1951:265, p.1
Bernhard will attend a three-day "Workshop for Religion in State Universities" at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. Monday through Wednesday, Dec. 17 - 19.
16 Dr. Harold A. Bosley, pastor of the First Methodist church, Evanston, Illinois speaks at an all-college convocation
Public Relations News Release 1951:139, p.1
Speaking on "An Obituary of Modern Civilization," Bosley said we must not be afraid to be critical for being critical may be the salvation of our civilization.
17 Dr. George Willoughby, regional executive secretary of the American Friends Service committee, Des Moines, will be the featured speaker
Public Relations News Release 1951:118, p.1
Willoughby will speak during the college council of religion's annual fall conference, which is titled, "A Just and Durable Peace." Willough's topic will be "The Basis of Peace." The chapel services and the night session are open to the public.
18 Dr. Harold E. Bernhard, director of religious activities
Public Relations News Release 1951:110, p.1
Bernhard will be a featured speaker at the Midwest Regional convention of the Lutheran Student Association of America at Dana College, Blair, Nebraska. The convention theme is "God's World Our Mission."
19 Dr. Harold E. Bernhard, will be featured speaker at the Midwest Regional conventionof the Lutheran Student Association of America at Dana College
Public Relations News Release 1951:113, p.1
The convention theme is "God's World Our Mission." Bernhard will deliver the keynote address at the opening of the convention Friday night at a banquet. His topic Saturday night will be "Where Are These People?"
20 Dr. Gerald E. Knoff will be the guest speaker Sunday, Oct.26 during the 75th Anniversary Chapel Service in the auditorium
Public Relations News Release 1951:93, p.1
Knoff, former director of the bureau of religious activitives, will speak about "A Faith That Opens Doors." Knoff was born at Madison Lake, Minnesota, and received a B.D. degree and a Ph.D. from Yale University.
21 The Religious Education committee will participate in the Governor's Conference on Children and Youth, Wednesday, October 17, in Des Moines
Public Relations News Release 1951:80, p.1
Harold E. Bernhard, director of the bureau of religious activities, is chairman of the committee. Professor John P. Cowley of the English and speech department at the college is also a member of the committee as is the wife of Warner Hubbard.
22 The 75th annual Commencement exercises will begin at 9:30 a.m., Saturday, June 2, in the Men's gymnasium
Public Relations News Release 1950:385, p.1
Of the 498 candidates for graduation, 265 are candidates for the bachelor of arts degree and 233 for the two-year diploma. President J. W. Maucker will confer the degrees and award the diplomas. Candidates listed.
23 The second campus Baccalaureate service was held Sunday evening for the 37 seniors of the campus laboratory high school
Public Relations News Release 1950:385, p.1
"Your Life Counts" was the title of Harold E. Bernhard's address to the high school seniors. Rev. Irving Tange, pastor of the Nazareth Lutheran church, read the invocation and benediction. John Anderson, senior class president, gave the scripture reading.
24 Six ISTC Students to Attend National Assembly in Ohio
Public Relations News Release 1950:159, p.1
Five students and one adviser will represent the College at the fourth National Assembly of the Student Christian Association Movement at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Students listed.
25 The "I" Club will present the Queen's attendants before the game and the marching band will parade in special formations during halftime
Public Relations News Release 1950:95, p.1
Dr. Harold E. Bernhard, director of religious activities, is the Sunday morning Homecoming chapel service speaker. Parade floats and house decorations will pattern the major theme. Final event of the weekend is the Homecoming concert in the auditorium.
26 Extensive departmental reorganization effected
Alumnus 18:3, p.1

Three academic departments eliminated; M. J. Nelson is Dean of Faculty; Alumni Relations and Bureau of Research established; responsibilities of new offices; several faculty retire; photo.

27 Religion
Alumnus 18:1, p.8
Profile of department and its head, Howland Hanson; photo.
28 Religion
Old Gold 0:0, p.25
Photos of the current faculty members; photo.
29 Religious Department; Y. M. C. A
Normal Eyte 13:3, p.35
New members joining; organizing Hill Sunday School.