Department of Science
Displaying 1 - 50 of 137 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | UNI offers science summer camps for middle school and high school students Public Relations News Release 2009:431, p.1 |
Budding scientists will have an opportunity to satisfy their intellectual curiosity on topics ranging from robotics to astronomy to crime fighting with biotechnology at several summer science camps. | |
2 | Institutional evaluation and administrative change A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.17 |
The college receives accreditation from the North Central Association; President Latham organizes publicity, research, alumni services, and placement; institution of the Faculty Senate and changes in faculty governance; the role of religion; photo. | |
3 | Scholarships made available for graduate students Public Relations News Release 1989:509, p.1 |
The C. W. Lantz Summer Awards are offered to students of natural science who have been admitted to graduate study with degree status. The scholarships are provided by Professor C. W. Lantz, former head of the Department of Science. | |
4 | Students encouraged to apply for variety of natural science scholarships Public Relations News Release 1987:254, p.1 |
The College of Natural Science offers a series of scholarships in honor of Cyrus W. Lantz, former head of the Department of Science. Applicants must have been admitted to graduate study, and carry a course load between five and eight credits. | |
5 | Astronomy teaching conference to feature lecture by Ohio State professor Nov. 3 Public Relations News Release 1987:89, p.1 |
Professor George Collins delivered a lecture in Lantz Auditorium in McCollum Science Hall, where he spoke on recent findings in the field of astronomy. Collins discussed quasars, black holes, and other objects believed to be at the edge of the universe. | |
6 | What's up Northern Iowan 78:39, p.7 |
Meetings and activities; International Women's Day. | |
7 | What's up Northern Iowan 78:24, p.6 |
Meetings and activities; Southern Illinois University Law School Representative; Ukranian Egg Creation mini-course; Mesa Espanola; Seminar in Religion Panel Discussion; Vocational Rehabilitation questionnaire. | |
8 | What's up Northern Iowan 78:23, p.4 |
Meetings and activities; Mesa Espanola; Southern Illinois University Law School Representative. | |
9 | What's up Northern Iowan 77:52, p.7 |
Meetings and activities; UNI Secretaries. | |
10 | What's up Northern Iowan 77:48, p.5 |
Meetings and activities; UNI Secretaries. | |
11 | What's up Northern Iowan 77:40, p.4 |
Meetings and activities. | |
12 | What's up Northern Iowan 76:39, p.4 |
Meetings and activities; hair cutting demonstration. | |
13 | What's up Northern Iowan 76:10, p.7 |
Meetings and activities; Community Action Network; Committee on Asian Studies; Home Economics Octoberfest. | |
14 | What's up Northern Iowan 76:6, p.7 |
Meetings and activities; backgammon tournament; French speakers. | |
15 | Cutline Public Relations News Release 1970:161, p.1 |
Dr. Warren Picklum (biology) shows the science department's electron microscope to four of the Iowa high school students attending the 1970 Prospective Teacher Day on the UNI campus. | |
16 | Regents Approve Establishment of Separate Departments of Physics and Earth Science at UNI Public Relations News Release 1969:330, p.1 |
During to its growth, McCollum has suggested that the Department of Physics be separate from the Department of Earth Science. | |
17 | UNI to Award Science Scholarships at Annual Symposium Public Relations News Release 1969:173, p.1 |
Six four-year fee exemption scholarships will be awarded to high school students at the symposium. Speakers present at general sessions. | |
18 | Faculty Senate divides Department of Science Northern Iowan 64:16, p.1 |
Science is divided into biology, chemistry, and earth science; considers pass/fail plan. | |
19 | Senate discusses three topics Northern Iowan 64:8, p.12 |
Faculty Senate discusses general education, science department division, and meeting with Student Senate. | |
20 | Takes issue with Fox College Eye 63:18, p.2 |
Feels the quality of instruction, at least within the science department, is very good contrary to the belief of Josef Fox. | |
21 | Dr. McCollum announces biology curriculum change College Eye 60:11, p.1 |
Outline of the changes. | |
22 | Biology major discussion held Monday at 3 College Eye 60:4, p.6 |
Will discuss new curriculum. | |
23 | Enrollment cramps science, education Alumnus 49:4, p.6 |
Professor McCollum outlines needs for better facilities; photo. | |
24 | Science in the early sixties at SCI Alumnus 49:3, p.2 |
Curriculum, programs, personnel, and opportunities in Department of Science; photo. | |
25 | SCI science department honors emeritus faculty College Eye 53:10, p.8 |
Dinner will honor five emeritus faculty. |
26 | ISTC scientist publishes work Public Relations News Release 1960:461, p.1 |
Charles Allegre contributes to the publication of the "Encyclopedia of the Biological Sciences" reference book for professional biologists and teachers. Allegre is responsible with writing a section on a species of single-celled parasitic organisms. | |
27 | ISTC scientists to visit Iowa high schools Public Relations News Release 1960:421, p.1 |
Professors Leland Wilson, J. W. Kercheval, Dorothy Matela, Clifford McCollum, and Robert Rogers take part in the Iowa Visiting-Scientist Program. The program is sponsored by the National Science Foundation. | |
28 | Science majors asked to meet College Eye 51:13, p.3 |
29 | Science Department Offers Closed Circuit TV Courses Old Gold 0:0, p.111 |
Closed circuit TV classes were offered for the second year; the Academic Year Institute was attempting to upgrade the quality of science and math courses; photo. | |
30 | Summer In England Highlights Social Science Year Old Gold 0:0, p.112 |
The goal of the Social Science Department was to enable students to better understand the past and present history and problems in the world in which he or she lives; a group of about fifty students went to a seminar in England and Europe; photo. | |
31 | Future TC curriculum--Majors without minors College Eye 50:29, p.1 |
Longer majors without minors will be offered in the Departments of Science and Social Science. | |
32 | Science Tries Closed Circuit TV Old Gold 0:0, p.111 |
Description of the department and the various activities and events that the department took part in; photos. | |
33 | Grant brings total to third of a million Alumnus 42:1, p.4 |
NSF adds $58,300 to grant supporting science and math education; ISTC is only teachers college to receive this award. | |
34 | Department of Science Old Gold 0:0, p.53 |
The Department of Science participated with Iowa State College and the State University of Iowa in the Lakeside Laboratory on Lake Okoboji; the National Science Foundation awarded a grant to Martin Lawrence Grant; photo. | |
35 | McCollum appointed to head Science Dept.; McCollum will replace Lantz College Eye 48:30, p.1 |
Quick look at faculty leaves, appointments, and resignations. | |
36 | $51,100 grant for TC Science Institute College Eye 48:13, p.1 |
NSF grant to be used in summer institute; photo. | |
37 | 63 at national math institute Alumnus 40:3, p.4 |
ISTC hosts six-week summer institute. | |
38 | Science Old Gold 0:0, p.103 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
39 | Departments begin moving to renovated Campus School Alumnus 40:2, p.2 |
Social Science moves into third and part of second floor; Earth Science moves to second floor; Business Education will move into first and basement floors; Education and English move into Auditorium. | |
40 | Befuddled birds bamboozled by all binoculared biologists College Eye 47:26, p.7 |
A look at the biology curriculum. | |
41 | Chemists crave a crazy concoction College Eye 47:26, p.7 |
A look at the chemistry curriculum. | |
42 | Physics furnishes intellectual fuel for finite mind College Eye 47:26, p.7 |
A look at the physics curriculum. | |
43 | Science Sponsors Conservation Camp Old Gold 0:0, p.91 |
Description of the department and the accomplishments over the year. Also, a list of the fields that are a part of the department and a photo of the faculty; photos. | |
44 | Science department announces plan for Northwest U.S. study courses College Eye 46:12, p.5 |
Martin Grant may lead trip; a look at the itinerary. | |
45 | Science faculty holds picnic supper indoors College Eye 46:7, p.6 |
46 | Science Old Gold 0:0, p.244 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
47 | Science faculty dines College Eye 45:32, p.3 |
Roy Abbott was speaker. | |
48 | Science Department releases newsletter College Eye 45:30, p.6 |
Sends news to alumni. | |
49 | NE Iowa Science Fair attracts 1200 to campus Alumnus 38:2, p.5 |
List of award winners. | |
50 | Plan NE Iowa Science Fair March 20 Alumnus 38:1, p.9 |
Science Department to sponsor event and to offer awards. |