Department of Social Science

Displaying 1 - 50 of 170 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI College of Social and Behavioral Sciences offering scholarships
Public Relations News Release 2010:146, p.1
Applications are being accepted for the Alderman Scholars Program. The scholarship program is open to incoming freshman, transfer students, and current students. The Alderman Scholars Program was established by a grant from the Everett Alderman Endowment.
2 UNI professor has hope for kidnapping victims
Public Relations News Release 2009:40, p.1
Katherine van Wormer is optimistic for kidnapping victim Jaycee Lee Dugard's recovery. What she experienced in captivity caused traumatic bonding, which is an attachment to a perpetrator of violence during a period of extreme stress combined with shame.
3 Other major administrative, service, and curricular changes
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.234
The college adopts the semester plan to begin in summer, 1957; changes in student teaching supervision include resumption of work in Cedar Falls schools; institution of honors program and work with provisional students; photo.
4 Academic and administrative changes; physical expansion
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.393
Survey of changes in curriculum, faculty, and facilities; the Seerley Hall murals; the acquisition of the west forty acres; photo.
5 Black History and Culture Workshop at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1969:681, p.1
A three-week workshop will be held on campus to extend elementary and secondary students' knowledge of black history and culture; list of participating instructors
6 UNI Social Science Seminar in Europe Scheduled for Summer of 1971
Public Relations News Release 1969:675, p.1
The itinerary will include visiting cultural attractions in Paris, London and Moscow, as well as the opportunity to study at Oxford University.
7 Five departments created
Northern Iowan 65:45, p.8
Department of Social Science will be divided; list of PDLs announced.
8 Faculty Senate discusses topic of salary increase
Northern Iowan 65:33, p.3
Call for reorganization of Department of Social Science.
9 Regents name Whitnah head of Social Science
Northern Iowan 65:3, p.4
Professor Whitnah was approved as acting head and professor of history by the Board of Regents; biographical profile.
10 Social Science Department adds courses for fall
Northern Iowan 64:50, p.1
Will offer two courses on social welfare.
11 Great decision . . . 1966
Alumnus 51:2, p.5
Series of lectures on foreign policy topics offered; photo.
12 Giving talks on German socialism
College Eye 60:45, p.8
Faculty will lecture on Nazism.
13 Von Schuschnigg to speak: Social science department sponsors lecture series
College Eye 60:44, p.1
Peter Hoffman speaks about the upcoming series.
14 Social Science Department will sponsor history clinic
College Eye 60:38, p.4
Description of NDEA summer institute.
15 Social science majors will meet Tuesday
College Eye 60:38, p.8
Student teachers will meet.
16 Majors in social science meet Wednesday
College Eye 59:24, p.6
Student teachers will meet.
17 Applications taken for 'exchange'
College Eye 59:18, p.4
Opportunity to help in other countries.
18 London, Vienna, Berlin to highlight seminar
Alumnus 49:3, p.8
Fifth seminar will also visit the Kremlin.
19 Breithaupt has plan for informal discussion groups
College Eye 58:23, p.1
Professor Breithaupt will establish groups to discuss the teaching of large sections of psychology; photo.
20 Mexican tour scheduled for summer session
Alumnus 49:1, p.11
About thirty people will participate in tour and receive 6 hours of credit.
21 Mexican study tour to be held this summer
Alumnus 48:4, p.5
Will combine serious study with vacation travel.
22 Mexico study-tour planned for 1964
Alumnus 48:2, p.13
Emphasis will be political, social, and economic changes.
23 Social Science at SCI--a 1963 profile
Alumnus 48:2, p.1
Professor Howard describes recent changes in the social science curriculum including the addition of Asian Studies, special institutes, and new and old staff members; photo.
24 Exams for grad study in social science Monday
College Eye 57:24, p.8
25 Social Science majors to meet in Sabin
College Eye 57:22, p.3
26 Foreign language to be required in social science
College Eye 56:21, p.4
Non-teaching social science majors will need to show foreign language proficiency.
27 College initiates first institute in Social Science
Alumnus 47:1, p.7
Special program for high school teachers.
28 'Windows' to feature social science on TV
College Eye 53:15, p.5

Donald Howard will talk about the objectives of social science classes.

29 Dr. Howard to attend foreign policy conference
Public Relations News Release 1960:529, p.1
Professor Donald Howard of the department of social science attends a foreign policy briefing on Berlin in Washington, D. C. Also attending the conference will be President Kennedy, Dean Rusk, Allen Dulles, and Edward R. Murrow.
30 Local teacher wins ISTC scholarship
Public Relations News Release 1960:484, p.1
Terry Halstead is admitted to the Summer Program on Asia, sponsored by the department of social science and directed by Professor Nathan Talbott. The program includes courses on Oriental civilization and history of the Far East.
31 ISTC students appear in ships program
Public Relations News Release 1960:479, p.1
The department of social science sponsors the European Study Tour, where participants are to spend nine weeks studying in Western Europe and Russia, preceded by a talent show aboard the Empress of Canada.
32 Local teacher wins ISTC scholarship
Public Relations News Release 1960:475, p.1
Area teachers are granted scholarships for their participation in the eight-week Summer Program on Asia. The program is sponsored by the department of social science, and is directed by Professor Nathan Talbott. Scholarship recipients listed.
33 Announce new summer faculty at ISTC
Public Relations News Release 1960:420, p.1
Professor William C. Lang announces new members of the summer faculty for the departments of social science, history, humanities, mathematics, library science, art, psychology, and education.
34 Itinerary completed for European tour
Alumnus 45:4, p.90
Forty students signed up; itinerary outlined.
35 Iowa State Teachers College Lecture-Concert Series tickets go on sale Tusesday (September 27)
Public Relations News Release 1960:35, p.1
Season tickets for the Iowa State Teachers College Lecture-Concert Series are available at the College Crossroads. The season includes performances by Anna Russell, Robert Frost, the American Ballet Theatre, and the Dallas Symphony Orchestra.
36 1961 seminar in Europe offered by ISTC
Alumnus 45:3, p.18
Fifty students will study at Oxford and Vienna.
37 Asian Program By Social Science Department
Old Gold 0:0, p.106
The Department of Social Science creates programs and attempt to broaden student's horizons. In the Summer of 1960, an Asian program will be provided as a social studies workshop. The Department also sponsors Pi Gamma Mu and joins other departments in supporting the All-College Conference on International Affairs.
38 Social Science class in Europe in 1961
Alumnus 45:1, p.7
Professors Jones and Bultena to lead tour.
39 Donald Howard to head Social Science
Alumnus 44:3, p.10
Biographical profile; photo.
40 New dept. head
College Eye 50:35, p.6
Professor Howard has replaced Professor Lang; photo.
41 Board of Regents approves budget, picks Howard
College Eye 50:31, p.1
Breakdown of budget; Don Howard will replace William Lang, who was appointed Dean of Instruction.
42 Dr. Howard appointed as new Social Science Department head
College Eye 50:31, p.1
Profile of Donald Howard; photo.
43 Future TC curriculum--Majors without minors
College Eye 50:29, p.1
Longer majors without minors will be offered in the Departments of Science and Social Science.
44 T. C. leaves its mark on Oxford
Alumnus 42:3, p.16
Description of experiences of students studying abroad; photo.
45 Social Science Plan European Seminar
Old Gold 0:0, p.112
Description of the department and the different ways the department helps students to better understand the world; photos.
46 Fifty-three students will sail
Alumnus 42:2, p.10
Social Science Seminar group will travel on the Arkadia.
47 'Hamlet' ends--last showing is tonight
College Eye 49:15, p.1
48 Social Science Seminar at Oxford University
Alumnus 41:4, p.7
Will study in Oxford in summer 1958; side trips planned.
49 Second seminar in England planned in 1958
Alumnus 41:3, p.7
Second social science trip in preparation.
50 Department of Social Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.54
The department assisted in the television program "Landmarks of Iowa History"; the Iowa Historical Society published Dr. L. L. Sage's biography, William Boyd Allison: A Study in Practical Politics; photo.