Depression (Economic)
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | UNI Museums celebrate Marshall School Center History Public Relations News Release 2009:298, p.1 |
The new program series is called "Saturdays at the Schoolhouse." Through hands-on activities, participants will learn how the Roosevelts helped Americans get back to work and discover how children in Iowa lived during the 1930s. | |
2 | Foundation update Northern Iowa Today 93:1, p.14 |
Vice President Calhoun talks about the effects of national economic difficulties on scholarship; explains that the university will attempt to maintain scholarship funding for the upcoming year. | |
3 | Stay-at-home stress Public Relations News Release 0:247, p.1 |
Tips to deal with family issues since many professionals aren't traveling due to the economic downturn. | |
4 | Bear today, bull tomorrow Northern Iowan 97:50, p.1 |
A national recession could keep UNI graduates from finding jobs. | |
5 | Student voices Northern Iowan 97:50, p.10 |
Students respond to the question, "Are you worried about the economic slow-down affecting your future job opportunities?"; photo. | |
6 | Serendipity Safari Northern Iowan 97:44, p.6 |
Five signs that show the U. S. is in a recession. | |
7 | The Depression years A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.1 |
General economic and political background as the college entered the 1930s under new leadership; photo. |
8 | The fiscal crisis of the Thirties A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.37 |
The college faces a difficult financial picture, with a decline in enrollment, salary cuts, and strict economies in operations; photo. | |
9 | Enlarging and beautifying the campus and physical plant A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.44 |
President Latham's construction and landscaping programs prosper despite the Depression; photo. | |
10 | Program, personnel, and other changes A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.50 |
President Latham determines the appropriate role for extension and consultant service; alters and strengthens curriculum; considers graduate study; student voice anti-war sentiments; photo. | |
11 | Student and faculty life at ISTC A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.68 |
History of student publications, debate, drama, music, and athletics during the Latham administration; photo. | |
12 | The war is on--how will it affect our sagging economy? Public Relations News Release 1990:302, p.1 |
Professor Fred Abraham doubts the war will push the U.S. into a depression. | |
13 | Verna Kennedy retires after 45 years in UNI Controller's Office Public Relations News Release 1986:469, p.1 |
She says "What I'll miss are the people I've worked with through the years, as well as the University community. This has been a wonderful place to work;" there was a reception held in her honor; only one other person has worked at UNI longer. |
14 | Regents name UNI Library for its longtime director, Donald Rod Public Relations News Release 1986:385, p.1 |
Rod has been the library director for thirty-three years and will retire in June; Curris noted that Rod is known for his warm collegiality; the Regents' decision was unanimous; he has also worked as a library design consultant. |
15 | Beat your blues Northern Iowan 78:32, p.4 |
Workshop will offer tips to help people with depression. | |
16 | Words and Voices Northern Iowan 68:53, p.8 |
Will read work which shows impact of Depression. | |
17 | Untitled College Eye 48:18, p.2 |
Disagrees with Josef Fox's comments on a possible economic depression. | |
18 | Obiter Scripta College Eye 48:16, p.2 |
Contemplates the warning given by the Secretary of the Treasury, about a possible economic depression. | |
19 | Salary trends under Latham First 75 Years 0:0, p.67 |
Some ground lost during Depression; gradually made up again. | |
20 | An unsurpassed record of accomplishment Alumnus 24:4, p.2 |
Professor Hart outlines President Latham's achievements in overcoming the Depression and making extraordinary developments in administration, curriculum, the campus physical plant, student social life, and scholarship. | |
21 | His mission was leadership for the common schools Alumnus 24:4, p.6 |
Tribute to President Latham as leader during difficult times. | |
22 | Inside and Out College Eye 31:7, p.2 |
Thoughts on the meaning of Americanism; believes that Depression brought changes in thinking about social issues. | |
23 | Inside and Out College Eye 31:6, p.4 |
Whitmanesque ode to common man. | |
24 | New buildings Alumnus 23:1, p.1 |
Construction under way on new dorm west of Commons; will cost $400,000 of which $180,000 is granted from Public Works Administration; should be complete in fall; $125,000 renovation also underway on Women's Gym; PWA will finance 45% of cost. | |
25 | We may not have long faces but they say we're serious; observers report students as they appear today College Eye 28:17, p.1 |
Campus observers talk about the demeanor and earnestness of college students. | |
26 | Teacher's pay is going up, figures show College Eye 28:17, p.1 |
Rose four per cent over previous year, but still below pre-Depression levels. | |
27 | There's a new spirit on Teachers College campus Alumnus 21:1, p.1 |
Football team embodies new fighting spirit on campus and faith in the future; photo. | |
28 | Registration shows highest summer total since 1932 College Eye 27:3, p.1 |
Summer 1936 enrollment is 1634; Benjamin Boardman comments on trends in enrollment. | |
29 | Alumni aid school lunch project Alumnus 20:2, p.6 |
Parent Teacher Association takes over hot lunch program in Sidney. | |
30 | Success stories of students requested College Eye 27:18, p.1 |
Hopes to show courage and vision despite the economic difficulties. | |
31 | While there's education there's hope College Eye 27:53, p.2 |
Parents still put education first for their children, even though there are hard times. | |
32 | Civil works book discloses spirited Depression fight College Eye 26:28, p.2 |
Review of "America Fights the Depression". | |
33 | Variety is spice of S. R. E. College Eye 26:22, p.4 |
Quick look at the work of some of the 167 students involved in the program. | |
34 | Student questions practicability of proposed tree shelter-belt College Eye 26:21, p.2 |
TC school faculty member angered by a proposed tree shelter-belt that will span the Midwest prairie lands and cost tax payers lots of money. | |
35 | SRE fund increased this fall Alumnus 18:4, p.7 |
Student Relief Employment projects furnish work for 165 students; about $22,000 available for campus jobs. | |
36 | Recovery obstacles cited by Thompson at Sunday forum College Eye 26:5, p.1 |
Professor Thompson offers his observations on the Depression. | |
37 | Excerpts from Commencement address by Dr. Latham Alumnus 18:3, p.8 |
Speech selections. | |
38 | Increase in marriages creating more vacancies, says Dr. Goetch; placement bureau records over three hundred jobs in April College Eye 25:43, p.1 |
E. W. Goetch talks about factors that might enhance teacher placement. | |
39 | Nation is calling for students to solve problems, says speaker; "There is food enough for everyone, yet people are starving" College Eye 25:34, p.1 |
Excerpts from Commencement address by Homer W. Anderson. | |
40 | Official approval awarded for S. R. E.; pay to average $15 College Eye 25:32, p.1 |
Thirty-four men and thirty-four women assigned work; will work in library, clerical positions, janitorial positions, and in buildings and grounds. | |
41 | Student C. W. A. jobs draw 125 men, 100 women College Eye 25:31, p.1 |
Jobs will be available for one hundred women and forty-six men; will offer work in a variety of campus positions. | |
42 | President Latham makes application for student employment relief funds; support is to come from emergency relief program College Eye 25:30, p.1 |
Seeks funding for 146 student jobs. | |
43 | Looking back College Eye 25:27, p.2 |
We learned something from the Depression. | |
44 | The new year Alumnus 18:1, p.24 |
Outlines role of teachers in dealing with economic depression and leaders' reactions to it. | |
45 | Four-year grads on increase; study by Dr. M. R. Thompson shows distribution of graduates in last ten years College Eye 25:25, p.4 |
Professor Thompson assembled a chart showing numbers of four year graduates broken down by major course of study. | |
46 | Civil Works plan will be offered by O. R. Latham College Eye 25:25, p.1 |
Will offer employment for at least fifty on a variety of projects. | |
47 | In reverse? College Eye 25:23, p.2 |
Job market for teachers declines; 6.5% of Iowa teachers have lost their jobs. | |
48 | First fall play is gay comedy of Depression; tickets go on sale Monday at Cross Roads booth College Eye 25:18, p.1 |
Preview of "Three-Cornered Moon"; roster of cast members. | |
49 | I. H. Hart issues challenge Alumnus 17:4, p.20 |
As president of ISTA, Professor Hart encourages teachers to organize to present their viewpoint. | |
50 | Who said that it took a big bank account to attend college? Four students prove they can live on $2.00 per week College Eye 25:11, p.1 |
Four men students find a way to live very cheaply. |