Depression (Economic)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 120 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI Museums celebrate Marshall School Center History
Public Relations News Release 2009:298, p.1
The new program series is called "Saturdays at the Schoolhouse." Through hands-on activities, participants will learn how the Roosevelts helped Americans get back to work and discover how children in Iowa lived during the 1930s.
2 Foundation update
Northern Iowa Today 93:1, p.14
Vice President Calhoun talks about the effects of national economic difficulties on scholarship; explains that the university will attempt to maintain scholarship funding for the upcoming year.
3 Stay-at-home stress
Public Relations News Release 0:247, p.1
Tips to deal with family issues since many professionals aren't traveling due to the economic downturn.
4 Bear today, bull tomorrow
Northern Iowan 97:50, p.1
A national recession could keep UNI graduates from finding jobs.
5 Student voices
Northern Iowan 97:50, p.10
Students respond to the question, "Are you worried about the economic slow-down affecting your future job opportunities?"; photo.
6 Serendipity Safari
Northern Iowan 97:44, p.6
Five signs that show the U. S. is in a recession.
7 The Depression years
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.1

General economic and political background as the college entered the 1930s under new leadership; photo.

8 The fiscal crisis of the Thirties
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.37
The college faces a difficult financial picture, with a decline in enrollment, salary cuts, and strict economies in operations; photo.
9 Enlarging and beautifying the campus and physical plant
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.44
President Latham's construction and landscaping programs prosper despite the Depression; photo.
10 Program, personnel, and other changes
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.50
President Latham determines the appropriate role for extension and consultant service; alters and strengthens curriculum; considers graduate study; student voice anti-war sentiments; photo.
11 Student and faculty life at ISTC
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.68
History of student publications, debate, drama, music, and athletics during the Latham administration; photo.
12 The war is on--how will it affect our sagging economy?
Public Relations News Release 1990:302, p.1
Professor Fred Abraham doubts the war will push the U.S. into a depression.
13 Verna Kennedy retires after 45 years in UNI Controller's Office
Public Relations News Release 1986:469, p.1

She says "What I'll miss are the people I've worked with through the years, as well as the University community. This has been a wonderful place to work;" there was a reception held in her honor; only one other person has worked at UNI longer.

14 Regents name UNI Library for its longtime director, Donald Rod
Public Relations News Release 1986:385, p.1

Rod has been the library director for thirty-three years and will retire in June; Curris noted that Rod is known for his warm collegiality; the Regents' decision was unanimous; he has also worked as a library design consultant.

15 Beat your blues
Northern Iowan 78:32, p.4
Workshop will offer tips to help people with depression.
16 Words and Voices
Northern Iowan 68:53, p.8
Will read work which shows impact of Depression.
17 Untitled
College Eye 48:18, p.2
Disagrees with Josef Fox's comments on a possible economic depression.
18 Obiter Scripta
College Eye 48:16, p.2
Contemplates the warning given by the Secretary of the Treasury, about a possible economic depression.
19 Salary trends under Latham
First 75 Years 0:0, p.67
Some ground lost during Depression; gradually made up again.
20 An unsurpassed record of accomplishment
Alumnus 24:4, p.2
Professor Hart outlines President Latham's achievements in overcoming the Depression and making extraordinary developments in administration, curriculum, the campus physical plant, student social life, and scholarship.
21 His mission was leadership for the common schools
Alumnus 24:4, p.6
Tribute to President Latham as leader during difficult times.
22 Inside and Out
College Eye 31:7, p.2
Thoughts on the meaning of Americanism; believes that Depression brought changes in thinking about social issues.
23 Inside and Out
College Eye 31:6, p.4
Whitmanesque ode to common man.
24 New buildings
Alumnus 23:1, p.1
Construction under way on new dorm west of Commons; will cost $400,000 of which $180,000 is granted from Public Works Administration; should be complete in fall; $125,000 renovation also underway on Women's Gym; PWA will finance 45% of cost.
25 We may not have long faces but they say we're serious; observers report students as they appear today
College Eye 28:17, p.1
Campus observers talk about the demeanor and earnestness of college students.
26 Teacher's pay is going up, figures show
College Eye 28:17, p.1
Rose four per cent over previous year, but still below pre-Depression levels.
27 There's a new spirit on Teachers College campus
Alumnus 21:1, p.1
Football team embodies new fighting spirit on campus and faith in the future; photo.
28 Registration shows highest summer total since 1932
College Eye 27:3, p.1
Summer 1936 enrollment is 1634; Benjamin Boardman comments on trends in enrollment.
29 Alumni aid school lunch project
Alumnus 20:2, p.6
Parent Teacher Association takes over hot lunch program in Sidney.
30 Success stories of students requested
College Eye 27:18, p.1
Hopes to show courage and vision despite the economic difficulties.
31 While there's education there's hope
College Eye 27:53, p.2
Parents still put education first for their children, even though there are hard times.
32 Civil works book discloses spirited Depression fight
College Eye 26:28, p.2
Review of "America Fights the Depression".
33 Variety is spice of S. R. E.
College Eye 26:22, p.4
Quick look at the work of some of the 167 students involved in the program.
34 Student questions practicability of proposed tree shelter-belt
College Eye 26:21, p.2
TC school faculty member angered by a proposed tree shelter-belt that will span the Midwest prairie lands and cost tax payers lots of money.
35 SRE fund increased this fall
Alumnus 18:4, p.7
Student Relief Employment projects furnish work for 165 students; about $22,000 available for campus jobs.
36 Recovery obstacles cited by Thompson at Sunday forum
College Eye 26:5, p.1
Professor Thompson offers his observations on the Depression.
37 Excerpts from Commencement address by Dr. Latham
Alumnus 18:3, p.8
Speech selections.
38 Increase in marriages creating more vacancies, says Dr. Goetch; placement bureau records over three hundred jobs in April
College Eye 25:43, p.1
E. W. Goetch talks about factors that might enhance teacher placement.
39 Nation is calling for students to solve problems, says speaker; "There is food enough for everyone, yet people are starving"
College Eye 25:34, p.1
Excerpts from Commencement address by Homer W. Anderson.
40 Official approval awarded for S. R. E.; pay to average $15
College Eye 25:32, p.1
Thirty-four men and thirty-four women assigned work; will work in library, clerical positions, janitorial positions, and in buildings and grounds.
41 Student C. W. A. jobs draw 125 men, 100 women
College Eye 25:31, p.1
Jobs will be available for one hundred women and forty-six men; will offer work in a variety of campus positions.
42 President Latham makes application for student employment relief funds; support is to come from emergency relief program
College Eye 25:30, p.1
Seeks funding for 146 student jobs.
43 Looking back
College Eye 25:27, p.2
We learned something from the Depression.
44 The new year
Alumnus 18:1, p.24
Outlines role of teachers in dealing with economic depression and leaders' reactions to it.
45 Four-year grads on increase; study by Dr. M. R. Thompson shows distribution of graduates in last ten years
College Eye 25:25, p.4
Professor Thompson assembled a chart showing numbers of four year graduates broken down by major course of study.
46 Civil Works plan will be offered by O. R. Latham
College Eye 25:25, p.1
Will offer employment for at least fifty on a variety of projects.
47 In reverse?
College Eye 25:23, p.2
Job market for teachers declines; 6.5% of Iowa teachers have lost their jobs.
48 First fall play is gay comedy of Depression; tickets go on sale Monday at Cross Roads booth
College Eye 25:18, p.1
Preview of "Three-Cornered Moon"; roster of cast members.
49 I. H. Hart issues challenge
Alumnus 17:4, p.20
As president of ISTA, Professor Hart encourages teachers to organize to present their viewpoint.
50 Who said that it took a big bank account to attend college? Four students prove they can live on $2.00 per week
College Eye 25:11, p.1
Four men students find a way to live very cheaply.