DeSpain--James L. (Class of 1936)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 67 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 James De Spain
Alumnus 23:4, p.30
Is beginning his first year as assistant coach at Red Oak this fall. He has been coaching at Oakland for the past two years. New head coach at Red Oak is Chauncey Welch.
2 James De Spain
Alumnus 23:4, p.29
New assistant coach at Red Oak; staff is all from ISTC.
3 Gloomy outlook for wrestlers
Alumnus 21:1, p.19
1937 wrestling season preview.
4 White, Blanchard named most valuable by board, coaches
Alumnus 20:4, p.20
Roster of letter-winners, including first major letters in tennis.
5 Many veterans to report for wrestling, basketball
Alumnus 20:4, p.20
Season previews.
6 DeSpain wins; Andrews, Rollins collect homers
College Eye 27:10, p.4
Results are announced from baseball competitions.
7 Spring sport letter winners are announced; awards given 36 sportsmen; Champlin, De Spain earn special merit
College Eye 27:6, p.4
Letters were awarded to tennis men for the first time in ISTC history; photo.
8 Tracksters win second straight loop crown
Alumnus 20:3, p.19
1936 season wrap-up.
9 "I" Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.222
Description, officers, and members; photo.
10 Lambda Gamma Nu
Old Gold 0:0, p.62
Description of activities, officers, and members; photos.
11 Football
Old Gold 0:0, p.55
Season schedule and highlights; photos.
12 The Teachers College will close the dual meet season here Friday
Public Relations News Release 1935:651, p.1
Probable lineups.
13 Teachers College wrestlers will close the dual meet season here Wednesday night
Public Relations News Release 1935:636, p.1
Probable lineups for the meet against the University of Iowa.
14 Teachers College wrestlers will attempts to thwart the Indiana University grapplers
Public Relations News Release 1935:617, p.1
Coach McCuskey will use the same team that has represented the Panthers all season.
15 The Teachers College wrestling team will pin its hopes on three undefeated men at Ames
Public Relations News Release 1935:576, p.1
Probable lineups.
16 Teachers College wrestlers will grapple with the strong team from the University of Minnesota
Public Relations News Release 1935:558, p.1
Starting lineups.
17 James DeSpain played a leading role in the Lambda Gamma Nu triumph over Spear House
Public Relations News Release 1935:546, p.1
Despain scored six points.
18 Purple Panthers close season in burst of speed
Alumnus 20:1, p.13
Finish 4-2-2; season wrap-up; photo.
19 Major awards were granted to twenty one Teachers College football players
Public Relations News Release 1935:313, p.1
John Champlin was named as the player of the greatest value to the team.
20 In final appearance tomorrow
College Eye 27:22, p.4
Ten senior football players will play their final game; photo.
21 The Teachers College opens its North Central conference football wars against South Dakota
Public Relations News Release 1935:278, p.2
Eight men in the starting lineup will be playing their last game for the Teachers College.
22 The Teachers College football team started its last week of practice today
Public Relations News Release 1935:243, p.1
Saturdays contest will be the final performance for ten letter winners.
23 James DeSpain completes his college football career Saturday
Public Relations News Release 1935:258, p.1
24 The Teachers College football team travels to Sioux City for its tenth meeting with Morningside
Public Relations News Release 1935:239, p.1
The starting lineup will include either six or seven graduating lettermen.
25 The football team faces its last opportunity to break the jinx this season against Morningside
Public Relations News Release 1935:236, p.1
The Teachers College football team hasn't won a game away from home in nearly three years.
26 Since the third game, the football team has not been able to win on a foreign field
Public Relations News Release 1935:222, p.1
Starting lineup for the game against Grinnell.
27 The Teachers College football team that can "tackle" will take the field tomorrow
Public Relations News Release 1935:192, p.2
Probable starting lineups.
28 Coach Tom Johnson and twenty-two Panther gridders left for Cedar Rapids
Public Relations News Release 1935:169, p.1
Starting lineup.
29 The Teachers College eleven leaves tomorrow for Cedar Rapids
Public Relations News Release 1935:168, p.1
Starting lineup.
30 The Teachers College football team concluded its practice session and will entrain for Ypsilanti tonight
Public Relations News Release 1935:100, p.1
Traveling squad members.
31 With the general public barred, the Teachers College gridders learn intricate offensive positions
Public Relations News Release 1935:49, p.2
Coach Johnson is still having trouble finding the perfect first string combination.
32 Only ten days of practice remain for the Panthers to get ready for the invasion of Cornell
Public Relations News Release 1935:31, p.1
There are no set positions yet, as changes are still being made in the entire make up of the team.
33 The Teachers College football squad will settle down to a steady diet of scrimmage
Public Relations News Release 1935:9, p.1
Forty one men are currently available for the team.
34 Paul Jones is expected to be the most serious threat for three veteran ends
Public Relations News Release 1934:1144, p.1
35 James DeSpain is counted on to fill one of the end positions
Public Relations News Release 1934:1140, p.1
DeSpain is also a member of the track squad.
36 Nineteen lettermen will be on hand this fall
Public Relations News Release 1934:1130, p.3
Season preview and schedule.
37 Tutor football outlook seems fair for 1935; eighteen lettermen are expected to return this fall
College Eye 27:50, p.4
Assessing Panther football team for coming year; photos.
38 Football
Old Gold 0:0, p.234
1934 schedule and season highlights; photos.
39 Lambda Gamma Nu
Old Gold 0:0, p.214
Organized in 1923; aims, advisors, officers, and members; photos.
40 Track
Old Gold 0:0, p.244
1935 schedule and season highlights; photos.
41 The Teachers College track and field men will be entered in the state intercollegiate track meet
Public Relations News Release 1934:1095, p.1
Nichols will compete in the 440 and White in the pole vault; photo.
42 Baseball season opens April 11
Alumnus 19:2, p.18
1935 season preview.
43 James DeSpain ended his second year of varsity football on Saturday
Public Relations News Release 1934:719, p.1
DeSpain is expected to start at right end next year.
44 Five football men will be playing their last game for the Teachers College on Saturday
Public Relations News Release 1934:707, p.1
Possible athletes to fill the graduate's positions next year.
45 Juniors and seniors nominate class officers
Public Relations News Release 1934:644, p.1
Three students were chosen for each office.
46 Forty-five likely gridders answer first call
Alumnus 18:4, p.15
1934 season preview; photo.
47 Vernon Stribley's shoulder forces him to leave football competition this year
Public Relations News Release 1934:604, p.1
48 45 men turned out as candidates for the college football team
Public Relations News Release 1934:595, p.1
Season preview
49 Vernon Stribley is forced to drop out of competition
Public Relations News Release 1934:597, p.2
Football season preview.
50 1934 "I" Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.151
The "TC" Club was formed in 1927; purpose and officers; photo.