Dick--Robert Irving (Class of 1910)

Displaying 1 - 33 of 33 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Mrs. Dora Dobson Dick
Alumnus 37:4, p.23
Died on October 16, 1953.
2 George Stuart Dick
Alumnus 22:4, p.18
Celebrated his golden wedding anniversary in Madison, Wisconsin; he has three children.
3 Nine of Class of '10 served in World War, records show
Alumnus 19:4, p.11
Roster of those who were in military service.
4 Robert I. Dick
Alumnus 15:1, p.25
Robert I. Dick is now employed as assistant chief engineer with the Wisconsin Motor Company at Milwaukee.
5 Robert I. Dick
Alumnus 14:1, p.29
Engineer for the Buhl Company, "Air Compressors," Chicago, Illinois, called on friends at Cedar Falls in November.
6 Dick
Alumni News Letter 6:1, p.8
Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Dick give birth to Mary Ann in Charles City.
7 Robert I. Dick
Alumni News Letter 4:2, p.6
Robert Dick married Gerdine Dornbush December 25, 1919.
8 Robert I. Dick
Alumni News Letter 4:1, p.4
Robert I. Dick is employed as an engineer for Hartt-Parr Company.
9 Margaret Dick Steadman
Alumni News Letter 3:3, p.4
Margaret Dick Steadman in reconstruction aid work in Kansas. Her husband, Lieutenant Steadman and brother Robert Dick are in Army.
10 Army and Navy news 6
Alumni News Letter 2:3, p.2
Robert Dick being sent to France; Lieutenant R. Angus Steadman, husband of Margaret Dick-Steadman, is with American Expeditionary Forces in France.
11 Military
Old Gold 0:0, p.165
Illustration of soldier in front of flag; poem; flag; roster of men in military service; students with location unknown or not officially reported and those awaiting call; photos.
12 Prof. and Mrs. J. O. Perrine
College Eye 4:14, p.6
Hosted a party.
13 Robert Dick
College Eye 2:4, p.6
Will begin work in Iowa City at the University.
14 Alumni business meeting
College Eye 2:1, p.4
Conduct routine business; elect officers; hope to induce alumni to return for Commencement.
15 Knoepfler-Lerche nuptials; daughter of Cedar Falls professor and Ft. Madison young man united in marriage
College Eye 1:26, p.3
Katherine C. Knoepfler married Henry C. Lerche.
16 Our alumni students at Iowa City
College Eye 1:24, p.3
Some spent their Easter vacation in Cedar Falls.
17 Untitled
College Eye 1:2, p.2
Student, alumni, and other news notes.
18 "Professors" Karl Knoepfler, Walter Bender, and Robert Dick
College Eye 1:3, p.51
Are all enjoying their vacations at there home on College Hill.
19 Messrs. Walter Bender, Karl Knoepfler and Robert Dick
Normal Eyte 21:12, p.209
Spent Thanksgiving on College Hill.
20 Robert Dick
Normal Eyte 21:11, p.188
Science teacher in Ft. Madison.
21 Where the seniors will be the coming year
Normal Eyte 21:0, p.19
Notes where the Class of 1910 will be teaching after graduation.
22 The Teachers Almanac
Old Gold 0:0, p.317
Creative works and photos of the happenings of Iowa State Teachers College
23 Photographs of graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.66
24 Robert I. Dick
Normal Eyte 20:26, p.438
Has returned from working in Webster City.
25 Robert I. Dick
Normal Eyte 20:24, p.404
Has gone to Webster City to substitute teach.
26 Robert Dick
Normal Eyte 20:14, p.242
Is back to school after an illness.
27 Annual staff elected; "Old Gold" to be edited by Abram, managed by Lee; seniors hold interesting meeting; class colors are adopted.
Normal Eyte 20:6, p.105
Account of first meeting and election of Old Gold staff; photo.
28 Philomathean
Old Gold 0:0, p.257
Brief history, banquet program, and roster of members; photo.
29 Saturday evening
Normal Eyte 19:21, p.335
May Lydia Wright married William Connor Ratliff at the home of Professor and Mrs. David Sands Wright.
30 Society
Normal Eyte 19:5, p.75
News from the literary societies; Philos and Alphas hold joint session
31 Philomathean Literary Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.216
32 The Philo roll
Old Gold 0:0, p.170
Rosters of Philomathean members, officers, and groups such as the debate team; photo.
33 Society
Normal Eyte 17:20, p.311

Ossolis organized medical program; Zetas installed officers; Chrestos gave art program; Aristos hold miscellaneous program; Shakes present Russo-Japanese program; Philos hold combination program.