Dickey--Edward P. (Class of 1901)

Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Edward P. Dickey
Alumnus 33:2, p.18
Owns the Railroad Equipment company in Harvey, Illinois.
2 Frances Dickey
Alumnus 23:4, p.33
Died at her home in Seattle on June 29. She is survived by five brothers and sisters: Walter, Nelle Dickey Heiser, Arthur, Ella, Edward Dickey. Frances was a member of the Department of Music at the University of Washington for more than twenty years.
3 Sarah J. Dickey
Alumnus 16:4, p.30
Died on June 23, 1932.
4 Edward Dickey
Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.7
Edward Dickey is Superintendent and Vice President of Railway Equipment Company. His wife is Carrie King.
5 Edward P. Dickey
Normal Eyte 19:19, p.302
Working in Chicago; married Caroline King.
6 E. P. Dickey
Normal Eyte 17:35, p.548
Visited Cedar Falls.
7 E. P. Dickey
Normal Eyte 17:25, p.393
Working as resident engineer for railroad.
8 E. P. Dickey
Normal Eyte 16:9, p.137
Works as railroad civil engineer.
9 Carrie King and E. P. Dickey were united in marriage
Normal Eyte 15:9, p.135
Were married at the bride's parents' home in Cedar Falls.
10 That the school board and patrons of the Rowan schools
Normal Eyte 13:18, p.279
Appreciate the work of Ed Dickey.
11 Ed P. Dickey
Normal Eyte 13:11, p.171
Working for railroad.
12 Ed Dickey . . . and Arthur Wright
Normal Eyte 12:26, p.413
Visiting parents.
13 E. P. Dickey
Normal Eyte 12:14, p.218
Home from Rowan.
14 Ed Dickey
Normal Eyte 12:11, p.169
Teaching in Rowan.
15 Commencement exercises
Normal Eyte 11:35, p.856

Description of extensive program of activities.

16 The elections for this week
Normal Eyte 11:33, p.810
More students have found jobs.
17 In general; candidates for graduation in June
Normal Eyte 11:33, p.808
Roster of candidates for graduation in June.
18 Aristo Society
Normal Eyte 11:30, p.742
Presented American Indian program.
19 Shakespearean Society
Normal Eyte 11:29, p.719
Presented series of programs, including scene from Hamlet.
20 E. Park Dickey
Normal Eyte 8:29, p.406
Back in school.