Dickinson--Russell E. (Class of 1922)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 61 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Russell E. Dickinson
Alumnus 28:1, p.22
Assistant professor on the athletic staff at Iowa State College.
2 E. L. Dickinson
Alumnus 27:4, p.32
Died on April 30, 1943; survived by many family members.
3 Alumni win in tourney . . . .
Alumnus 23:2, p.15
Teachers college alumni are coaches on winning high school basketball teams.
4 Called Shots
College Eye 28:24, p.4
Thoughts about the high school basketball tournament; several teams are coached by ISTC alumni.
5 Xanho
College Eye 19:9, p.8
Fraternity happenings.
6 Mr. and Mrs. Russel Dickinson
College Eye 15:17, p.8
Visited friends on the Hill.
7 Miss Elizabeth Mastain
College Eye 15:2, p.8
Married Russell Dickinson.
8 According to reports
College Eye 14:55, p.3
Elizabeth Mastain will marry Russell Dickinson.
9 T. C. ex-service men
Old Gold 0:0, p.161
Officers, members; photo.
10 Basketball
Old Gold 0:0, p.143
Scores, staff, members, overview of last season; photo.
11 The football squad
Old Gold 0:0, p.134

Game scores, players, staff, overview of last season; photo.

12 Photos of graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.46
1922 graduates; photo.
13 T. C. Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.167
Officers, members; photo.
14 Teacher's able punter
College Eye 13:10, p.1
Russell Dickinson plays for T. C.; photo.
15 Russell Dickinson
College Eye 13:3, p.8
Returns to school.
16 Football squad in dead earnest for record season; the squad feels the loss of eight of last year's players
College Eye 13:3, p.1
Team will miss their graduated teammates.
17 Russell Dickinson
College Eye 13:1, p.8
Visited friends.
18 Russell Dickinson
College Eye 12:28, p.8
Attended Xanho dance.
19 Fifteen men earn football letters
College Eye 12:17, p.2
Roster of men inducted into the T. C. Club.
20 Among former students
College Eye 12:14, p.8
Many ISTC alumni visited campus at Thanksgiving.
21 Russell Dickinson
College Eye 12:13, p.8
Visited Cedar Falls.
22 Senior B. A.s
College Eye 12:3, p.8
Plan to be full of school spirit; several members of the class have left school.
23 Photo
Old Gold 0:0, p.140
Football team members; photo.
24 Basketball
Old Gold 0:0, p.144
Review of the 1920 season; brackets and results of ISTC high school tournament; photo.
25 I.S.T.C. football squad--1919
Old Gold 0:0, p.139
Team photo; biographical sketch of Coach Doseff; photo.
26 Football season is a success
Old Gold 0:0, p.137
Written summary of games during 1919 season.
27 Junior B.A.
Old Gold 0:0, p.90
Members of the junior class, class predictions, and did you know section.
28 Clio-Orio
Old Gold 0:0, p.182
Honor roll, jokes, and candid photos; photo.
29 T. C. wins practice game
College Eye 11:31, p.3
I. S. T. C. baseball team defeated Waterloo Gas Engine Company, 6-2.
30 Baseball prospects bright; several good hitters out
College Eye 11:27, p.1
Review of players' abilities.
31 Letters awarded athletes
College Eye 11:26, p.2
Basketball and football letter winners announced; Russell Dickinson, Glenn Cowan, and Albert McKinstry received all-state honors.
32 Basketball captain chosen; James new leader
College Eye 11:26, p.1
Abram James will be next year's captain; letter winners are announced.
33 T. C. stars on honor roll
College Eye 11:25, p.1
Russell Dickinson and Jay McKinstry were chosen for honorable mention in the Des Moines Register's all-state basketball team.
34 Russell Dickinson and Abram James
College Eye 11:17, p.8
Not able to officiate basketball games because the games were called off.
35 Who's who on Iowa State Teachers College gridiron--1919
College Eye 11:12, p.6
Individual photo and brief comment for each man on the football team; photo.
36 Basketball prospect bright
College Eye 11:12, p.5
A roster of talented and capable players will make this season successful; photo.
37 I. S. T. C. football squad--1919
College Eye 11:12, p.1
Team photo.
38 Art Dickinson
College Eye 11:9, p.4
Art Dickinson visited his brother Russell.
39 Winners of the Teachers College letter '18-'19
Old Gold 0:0, p.190
Letter winners from various sports.
40 Baseball
Old Gold 0:0, p.191
Review of the year; results for the spring season; photo.
41 Ancient rivals pitted versus new Teachers College nine; Coe College nine opens season on local diamond with Dickinson's men
College Eye 10:24, p.1
Who's playing where in the baseball game against Coe College; should be a good battle.
42 Basketball
Old Gold 0:0, p.191
Illustration of two basketball players; team "poem"; roster for the 1917-1918 season; photos.
43 Orio 1893-1918
Old Gold 0:0, p.213
Roster of officers and members; photos.
44 1920 Sophs
Old Gold 0:0, p.110
Class roster; faculty sponsor; photos.
45 T. C. baseball prospects good; Prof. Van Oot in charge
College Eye 9:25, p.2
Practice has started.
46 Teachers College basketball men on honor roll; James and Dickinson get mention on All-State Team
College Eye 9:23, p.1
Abram James and Russell Dickinson led scoring throughout the season.
47 Five members
College Eye 9:22, p.7
Five basketball team members will receive Old Gold V-neck sweaters and letters.
48 T. C. has big basketball season; four men placed on All Conference Team
College Eye 9:22, p.6
Hawkeye Conference champions; season review; photo.
49 Teachers win conference championship; Teachers 21 Upper Iowa 13; Dickinson and Thompson star. Ruf game. Many fouls.
College Eye 9:20, p.1
50 Teachers 28--Upper Iowa 30; dope spilled for Teachers; hope for victory Thursday night
College Eye 9:19, p.1
Teachers caught up from behind, but Russell Dickinson was injured.