Dimitrova--Anelia K. (Communication Studies Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Koehler bids farewell as Managing Editor
Northern Iowan 119:54, p.3
Northern Iowan (NI) Managing Editor Emma Koehler writes a farewell piece talking about her experience working at NI and gives thanks to faculty and colleagues; photo.
2 End of an Era: Benítez departs from the NI
Northern Iowan 119:54, p.3
Northern Iowan (NI) Executive Editor Nixson Benítez writes of his journey throughout his time at UNI and working at NI. He gives shout outs and thank you's to all UNI staff and faculty and his colleagues at Northern Iowan; photo.
3 Northern Iowan wins five awards at Iowa College Media Association
Northern Iowan 119:34, p.4
The Norther Iowan staff received five awards at the annual Iowa College Media Association awards which took place in Des Moines, Iowa. The entire staff won the First Amendment Award which is a big honor; photo.
4 The great legacy of Christian Ogbondah
Northern Iowan 119:33, p.1

Christian Ogbondah, professor of journalism and communication, retired from UNI in Spring of 2022. He received the Distinguished Scholar Award last April for the work and legacy he left at UNI. Nixson Benitez writes the history and impact of Christian Ogbondah; photo.

5 Tales of the Bulgarian Rose
Northern Iowan 119:22, p.5
Journalism professors Rick Truax and Anelia Dimitrova share their photo story of their trip to Bulgaria after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1997. They documented the rose industry after the rise of democracy in their country. The exhibit will be on display in Rod Library until January when they will be moved to the Hearst Center For the Arts; photo.
6 A toast to another 130 years
Northern Iowan 119:21, p.2
Northern Iowan's Executive Editor Nixson Benitez writes an article about the events that will be held for the anniversary. He also explains and interviews fellow colleagues to answer the question of why journalism and newspapers are important in todays society; photo.
7 Sports editor bids farewell
Northern Iowan 118:55, p.7
Colin Horning shares his experience as a sports writer/editor for Northern Iowan since 2018. He also gives thanks to the people who have helped him achieve his accomplishments.
8 Northern Iowa wins 11 awards at Iowa College Media Association
Northern Iowan 118:36, p.2
Staff from the Northern Iowan won 11 awards from the Iowa College Media Association. Executive editor Nixson Benitez was a top three finalist for the Pat Pisarik Student Journalist of the Year award. First place awards included Best Headline Writing (Colin Horning and Caroline Christensen) and Best Magazine Cover or Special Section Cover (Karla DeBruin). Second place awards included Best Print Newspaper Front Page (Caroline Christensen), Best Media Website (Karla DeBruin), Best Print/Online Profile (Nixson Benitez), and Best Print/Online News Photo (Karla DeBruin). Third place awards included Best Written Feature Reporting (Emma'le Maas) and Best Graphic or Illustration (Karla DeBruin). Honorable mentions included Best Print/Online News Reporting (Elizabeth Kelsey), Best Print/Online Investigative News Reporting (Emma'le Maas), and Best Print/Online Profile (Karla DeBruin, Caroline Christensen); photos.
9 Celebrating daily togetherness: Rick Truax & Amelia Dimitrova
Northern Iowan 115:35, p.4
UNI communication professors Rick Truax and Anelia Dimitrova have been married for almost 23 years and view each day as Valentine's day; photos.
10 Candidates for Cedar Falls mayor have kitchen conversation
Northern Iowan 106:17, p.5
Jon Crews, Dave Sires, and Gage Rewerts were hosted by Anelia Dimitrova at a kitchen conversation following church services.
11 Student Palin impersonator garners national attention
Northern Iowan 105:20, p.1
Eva Andersen gained national attention by dressing like Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin at a John McCain rally on campus; photo.
12 UNI's Leaders on Leadership Series continues with media leadership, March 27
Public Relations News Release 2007:513, p.1
Four speakers will lead the seventh "Leaders on Leadership" series lecture March 27.
13 Controversial cartoons test freedom of speech
Northern Iowan 102:42, p.1
Several students and faculty members offer their views on the publication of cartoons which Muslims find offensive; photo.
14 Iowa newsmakers
Public Relations News Release 2002:262, p.1
Top Iowa news stories from 2002 will be discussed.
15 National newsmakers
Public Relations News Release 2002:262, p.1
Anelia Dimitrova will discuss the top national news stories of 2002.
16 World journalist rescheduled for visit to UNI; interviewer of Osama bin Laden and renowned journalist to speak about September 11 attacks
Northern Iowan 98:47, p.1
Robert Fisk, a journalist for the 'London Independent,' will speak on the events of September 11, 2001.
17 UNI prof profiled in national journal; Anelia Dimitrova highlighted for work in broadcasting
Northern Iowan 98:37, p.1
The American Journalism Review praised Anelia Dimitrova for her 1-hour cable program, "Here and There: Local Perspectives on Global Events and Issues."
18 World reporter to speak at UNI
Northern Iowan 98:8, p.1
Robert Fisk will share experiences in the Middle East.
19 Waning Web magazines
Public Relations News Release 2000:307, p.1
Anelia Dimitrova will discuss Internet magazines and what the future will hold for them.
20 President????; voters, media ask: 'what happened in Florida'
Northern Iowan 97:22, p.1
The election result between George W. Bush and Al Gore is unresolved; photo.
21 Journalism professor offers professional experience
Northern Iowan 96:3, p.10
Professor Dimitrova has developed local television program on Cedar Falls cable to give students broadcast journalism experience; photo.
22 WebDorm brings college experience home
Northern Iowan 95:35, p.15
Students can view everyday lives of several college students and interact through web page.
23 Technology takes classes, teachers into next millenium
Northern Iowan 95:33, p.5
More instructors are placing course materials on the Internet; photo.
24 People to know: Floyd Bumpers; spreading the good news
Northern Iowan 95:15, p.8
Non-traditional student Floyd Bumpers publishes the "Waterloo United Communicator" newspaper; photo.
25 Clinton tape hot topic around campus
Northern Iowan 95:7, p.1
Video of President Clinton's grand jury testimony was played over national television stations yesterday; photo.
26 Anelia Dimitrova; "I have the best job in the world."
Northern Iowan 95:3, p.11
Profile of communications professor Anelia Dimitrova; photo.
27 Global diversity: issues of discovering each other
Northern Iowan 93:45, p.1
Students from the Midwest learn about diversity through higher education.
28 Campus station to start trivia contest next week
Northern Iowan 92:59, p.2
KGRK will run trivia contest.
29 O. J. verdict hits campus
Northern Iowan 92:12, p.1
Students react to verdict in O. J. Simpson murder trial.