
Displaying 1 - 50 of 305 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Do you have access?
Northern Iowan 119:13, p.3
Nkasa Bolumbu writes an opinion piece featuring UNI students Caleb Gahle and Nick Johnson. Gahle, who has cerebral palsy, is creating a new student organization called Awareness, Community, Collaboration, Empowerment, Support, and Success (ACCESS) which will allow students with disabilities to share their experiences and raise awareness; photo.
2 The forgotten Kennedy: the story of Rosemary
Northern Iowan 116:24, p.3
In the author's opinion, Rosemary Kennedy's story exemplifies a reminder of fatal flaws in society in regards to the treatment of people with intellectual disabilities. Slomka discusses how Rosemary (daughter of Joseph and Rose Kennedy) was shunned by her famous family, underwent a failed experimental lobotomy at 23, and was institutionalized until she died of natural causes at the age of 86 in 2005. Her sister Eunice Kennedy Shriver created the Special Olympics in her memory. Slomka advocates for confronting atrocities, more awareness, and better treatment.
3 Play portrays romance on the spectrum
Northern Iowan 115:15, p.4
Student Nathan Selove's "Aut is Love," a play based on his experience of romance as an autistic person, was performed in the Interpreter's Theatre in Lang Hall; photos.
4 Disabilities discussed by campus community
Northern Iowan 114:39, p.5

A talk was held in the Scholar Space at Rod Library about how UNI as a community could change in order to be more inclusive. Faculty members from the Special Education department led the discussions; photo.

5 Therapy dogs visit UNI Campus
Northern Iowan 114:9, p.4
Susan Vallem, from Retrieving Freedom, gave a presentation about why service dogs are important. She discussed how service dogs help veterans, people with autism, disabilities, and mental health, such as depression and loneliness; photo.
6 People with disabilities are not broken
Northern Iowan 110:54, p.4
Author feels Autism Speaks views autism as a tragedy. She says that when we tell people with disabilities they need to be cured, we are telling them they are not good enough the way they are; photo.
7 Deaf history month aims to inform
Northern Iowan 110:47, p.1
The American Sign Language Club is bringing awareness to the UNI campus on the importance of Deaf History Month. Deaf History Month begins on March 13 and ends on April 15.
8 Sparkles shimmer in the cheer spotlight
Northern Iowan 110:45, p.1
The UNI Sparkle Squad is a new cheer squad made up of eleven mentors and eleven students with disabilities. It is the first of its kind among Division 1 schools.
9 Disability Services caters to learning disabilities
Northern Iowan 110:44, p.1
UNI Student Disability Services provides accommodations for students so they can succeed in college. Accommodations can be made for students with any sort of disability.
10 A need is a need, and it should be accommodated
Northern Iowan 110:38, p.2
The author points out flaws in the way UNI accommodates disabled students. She urges everyone to make more of an effort to be accommodating to disabled students. It is also important to be more aware of disabilities that are not visible.
11 Seeing through the eyes of the blind
Northern Iowan 108:16, p.6
Simulated blindness took place in the College Eye Room. Students were blindfolded and then coached by Haley Minear. Brianna Gowen, legally blind since age 15, led discussion following the demonstration; photo.
12 Encouraging putting students first
Northern Iowan 107:34, p.14
Putting students first is seeing the campus and the learning experience through the eyes of students. Snow removal is vital for those in wheelchairs on campus.
13 Office hours
Northern Iowan 107:9, p.4
Karlene Kischer-Browne learned sign language before she could speak, because her parents were deaf. She is now an instructor of American Sign Language; photo.
14 NISG president recalls his experience at last NISG meeting
Northern Iowan 106:51, p.1
Adam Haselhuhn talks about the achievements of his administration including accessibility, diversity, and special events.
15 Price Laboratory acquires Center for Disability Studies
Northern Iowan 2008:28, p.1
An interdisciplinary effort will draw on the skills of people in several fields. Students with disabilities will benefit from the newly formed Center; photo.
16 A type of discrimination overlooked
Northern Iowan 106:23, p.7
People with disabilities have been discriminated against for years. They have been institutionalized and sterilized. Their abilities have been questioned.
17 Winter safety
Northern Iowan 105:29, p.5
Believes that cleaning sidewalks of snow and ice by the University needs to improve. Merely spreading sand and salt is not enough. Safety for those using walkers, canes, crutches, and wheel chairs is imperative.
18 "Wheelchair Sports Camp" continuing through Saturday at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2007:21, p.1
Nancy Hamilton will be the director for the "Wheelchair Sports Camp."
19 A fond farewell to a half-decade of readership
Northern Iowan 103:55, p.8
Thoughts of Tim McCue as he prepares to graduate and writes his final column for the NI.
20 Panel focuses on disability awareness
Northern Iowan 103:19, p.11
UNI is doing well in putting financial resources to work to aid students with disabilities. Awareness among the campus community continues to be a priority; photo.
21 Best Buddies at UNI: a chance to connect
Northern Iowan 103:5, p.6
Best Buddies program pairs college students with students with mental or physical disabilities. The program has been at UNI for five years.
22 Help is a hop, skip, and a jump away
Northern Iowan 103:1, p.7
Columnist talks about his experiences with the office of student disabilities.
23 Wheelchair sport camp at UNI; Campers live college lifestyle while participating
Northern Iowan 102:54, p.1
First annual wheelchair sports camp will be held this summer. Attendees will participate in a variety of sports activities.
24 Blind students utilize senses to get around campus
Northern Iowan 102:35, p.11
Students with visual impairments use other senses to get around and lobby to get books in Braille and audio form; photo.
25 Assistive technologies level the field
Northern Iowa Today 90:1, p.8
Surveys of ways in which the university responds to students and faculty with disabilities; photo.
26 Shull Hall renovations spark controversy; student say he has been denied equal housing
Northern Iowan 101:55, p.1
UNI student Tim McCue feels he is at a disadvantage because Shull Hall will not be installing an elevator; photo.
27 Athlete takes advantage of all opportunities
Northern Iowan 101:50, p.17
Profile of Tim McCue, a member of UNI's wheelchair track program.
28 UNI-Dome remains inaccessible to those with disabilities
Northern Iowan 100:52, p.9
Points out problems of the UNI-Dome with handicapped seating, parking, and entrances.
29 What is reasonable access for disabled people?
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.2
Jane Slykhuis, disabled services coordinator, is a resource for UNI's policies for meeting the needs of disabled students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
30 Parking particularly problematic for disabled
Northern Iowan 100:26, p.10
Frustrated because parking spaces for persons with disabilities have been cut.
31 New Union to better address accessibility concerns
Northern Iowan 100:7, p.1
Union renovations include making lower level more accessible to students with limited mobility.
32 Parking spots impede handicapped
Northern Iowan 98:27, p.1
Public Safety says they will tow any cars parked on a crosswalk; photo.
33 Special Recreation Week
Public Relations News Release 2000:477, p.1
Participation in recreation by those persons with disabilities will be discussed by Joseph Wilson.
34 Josh Beck focuses on the positive
Northern Iowan 97:27, p.12
Profile of junior Josh Beck; photo.
35 Van Veldhuizen overcomes and moves ahead
Northern Iowan 97:22, p.9
Profile of senior Kelly Van Veldhuizen; photo.
36 Sorority's request results in heated NISG debate
Northern Iowan 97:19, p.1
Alpha Xi Delta seeks funds to construct a wheelchair ramp at their house; photo.
37 Professor urges rethinking of chemical sprays
Northern Iowan 97:4, p.8
Believes the university should accommodate those who have difficulty with pesticides similar to accommodations made for those with special needs within classrooms.
38 Gallagher-Bluedorn performing arts center receives ADA award
Campus News Network 11:2, p.1
The Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center received an award for its efforts in supporting the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); photo.
39 The 10th Anniversary of the American's With Disabilities Act
Public Relations News Release 2000:13, p.1
A discussion will be held on the benefits of the American's with Disabilities Act as it approaches its tenth anniversary.
40 World of Vision gives jobs to area's blind
Northern Iowan 96:58, p.1
Blind high school students are taking a six-week long program and living on campus to help them develop work and everyday living skills.
41 High school students from IBSSS receive training at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1999:143, p.1
Two students from the Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School will begin training to work in Redeker Dining Center.
42 Removing barriers to teaching science to students with disabilities
Public Relations News Release 1999:1, p.1
Greg Stefanich has been working to get disabled students involved in science lab activities.
43 Access to higher education important to people with disabilities
Public Relations News Release 1998:165, p.1
Jane Slykhuis, UNI disability services coordinator, discusses college education and people with disabilities.
44 Trekking around campus is easy; but not so for Dan Reed
Northern Iowan 93:20, p.10
Profile of student Dan Reed; photo.
45 Handicap parking does have purpose
Northern Iowan 92:43, p.2
Problems occur when others park in handicapped designated spots; photo.
46 Maucker Union not accessible to handicapped UNI students
Northern Iowan 91:65, p.4
Handicapped students face difficulties.
47 Speaker examines college student with learning disabilities; how much is enough for colleges to accommodate students?
Northern Iowan 91:42, p.1
Sally Scott talks about accommodating students with disabilities.
48 Conference addressing disabilities this week
Northern Edition 2:24, p.5
Satellite conference scheduled.
49 UNI student and State Representative earn honors
Northern Edition 1:5, p.8
Cristine Mathis and Bill Witt recognized by Black Hawk Partnership for Disability; photo.
50 Commons renovations underway
Northern Edition 1:3, p.8
Remodeling work to improve accessibility and fire safety began in June; Alumni Services and Development will be housed in Commons.