Division of Academic Affairs

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 NISG September updates
Northern Iowan 119:12, p.1
Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) has had a busy month from including 20 new members, launching the Green Dot initiative, and hosting a Board of Regents meeting on UNI's campus. NISG posted highlights from the Board of Regents meeting; photo.
2 Panel spotlights health care careers
Northern Iowan 117:6, p.1
The Department of Academic Affairs hosted a panel about healthcare careers in the wake of COVID-19; photos.
3 UNI retirees honored at special breakfast
Public Relations News Release 2008:543, p.1

The 51st annual recognition breakfast was held at the end of the academic year honoring 31 employees retiring within the 2008-2009 fiscal year. Retirees listed

4 Sue Koch named Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Campus News Network 9:21, p.1
Sue Koch's new position began July 1, 1999; photo.
5 Koch appointed for 'hard work, integrity'; associate vice president for academic affairs named
Northern Iowan 95:58, p.1
Susan Koch named Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs.
6 Susan Koch named Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1998:422, p.1
Susan Koch named Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs after serving as the acting assistant vice president since January 1998.
7 University of Northern Iowa names Podolefsky provost/VPAA
Public Relations News Release 1998:341, p.1
Aaron Podolefsky has been named UNI provost and vice president of academic affairs.
8 Search for Provost under way
Campus News Network 9:7, p.1
Committee named for search for new Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost to replace Nancy Marlin; interim provost is Aaron Podolefsky.
9 Koch appointed acting assistant VP for Academic Affairs
Campus News Network 8:8, p.2
Susan Koch named acting assistant vice-president for Academic Affairs; photo.
10 Richter named assistant VP
Campus News Network 4:2, p.1
Erwin Richter named Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs; photo.