Dosland--Carole A. (Class of 1960)
Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Orientation Guides Old Gold 0:0, p.140 |
Orientation Guides; Photo. Women's Counselors and Guides; Photo. | |
2 | First tryouts for Marlins, Minnows soon College Eye 51:3, p.2 |
Procedures for tryouts. | |
3 | Women's Counselors Guide Freshman Girls Old Gold 0:0, p.125 |
The women counselors are chosen in the spring for the following year, and they take part in spring seminars to prepare them for work with the freshmen women; photo. |
4 | Marlins Present Mother's Day Swim Show Old Gold 0:0, p.181 |
At the Swim Show on Mother's Day, the Marlins performed alone or in a group; in order to become a member, the girls must hold a life saving certificate and demonstrate their swimming ability; they wore pendants or necklaces to symbolize membership; photo. | |
5 | WRA, Orchesis Take Active Part in Campus Affairs Old Gold 0:0, p.182 |
The Women's Recreational Association intramural program includes, basketball, volleyball, softball, tennis, golf, hockey, and numerous other sports; the Modern Dance Club, Orchesis took part in many events including the WRA Orientation Program; photo. | |
6 | Physical Education Club in Charge of Student Convention Old Gold 0:0, p.183 |
At the convention, the local Physical Education Club had charge of the student section; they also purchased crests which were designed by a member; the Physical Education Club for Women is open to all majors and minors in physical education; photo. | |
7 | Pi Theta Pi Holds Varied Activities to Promote Sisterhood Old Gold 0:0, p.211 |
Pi Theta Pi had a Mother's Day Brunch, and a Christmas Party with Sigma Tau Gamma; a pledge with the highest gpa is given a necklace to be worn for one year; a pledge with the second highest gpa is given a bracelet for the remainder of the year; photo. | |
8 | Marlins Emphasize Skills Old Gold 0:0, p.237 |
Brief description of Marlins, a group that is primarily interested in sychronized swimming, although it has its roots in life saving; photo. |
9 | PE Club Conducts "Play Nites" Old Gold 0:0, p.242 |
Monthly meetings, play nites, a fall picnic, a Christmas party, and a graduation dinner highlight the activities for the PE Club's year; photo. | |
10 | Class of 1960 Old Gold 0:0, p.297 |
Sophomore class of 1958; photo. |